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121. Ecoplants USA Inc. Wholesale Flowers, Tropical Flowers And Plants A wholesaler of tropical plants, foliage and flowers direct from the rainforests. Special pricing on full and half cases of flowers. http://www.ecoplants-usa.com | |
122. Rainforest Preservation Partnership An organization promoting rainforest conservation by placing tropical rainforest into private ownership. Information about rainforests an membership. http://www.rainforest-conservation.com |
123. Rainforest Facts The Disappearing rainforests. We are losing Earth s greatest biological of natural resources. rainforests, Pharmacy to the World. It is estimated http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htm | |
124. VirtualRainForest-an Online Tour Learn about rainforests by taking a virtual tour or watching an online slide show. http://www.msu.edu/~urquhar5/tour/ | |
125. Rainforest: About ABOUT rainforests Is the Amazon a jungle or a rainforest? Where are the rainforests of the world? Where are the rainforests in South Central America? http://www.ladatco.com/rf-abt.htm | |
126. News rainforests of the sea ravaged overfishing and pollution kill 80% of coral on Caribbean reefs. By Michael McCarthy Environment Editor. 18 July 2003. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/environment/story.jsp?story=425342 |
127. Zamia%20skinneri Is primarily found in rainforests from northern to central Atlantic Panama at elevations from 50 to 750 meters and contains a massive trunk, leaves, and strobili. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.gov.au/cgi-bin/taxon.pl?name=Zamia skinneri |
128. News is sinking. Entire rainforests set to disappear in next decade. By Marie Woolf, Chief Political Correspondent. 05 July 2003. More than http://news.independent.co.uk/world/environment/story.jsp?story=421842 |
129. Cycas%20macrocarpa Lives mainly in rainforests, which puts it at risk for extinction by habitat reduction. Illustrations, etymology, structural details, and extensive historical notes. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.gov.au/cgi-bin/taxon.pl?name=Cycas macrocarpa |
130. Rainforests - EPA/QPWS rainforests. As Australia drifted towards the tropics and conditions became drier, the Gondwanan rainforests almost disappeared. http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/nature_conservation/habitats/rainforests/ | |
131. Possum - Spotted Cuscus Spotted Cuscus is a member along with its more common brother the Grey Cuscus of the phalanger, a possum type, family found in Northern Australian rainforests. With links to other species. http://home.mira.net/~areadman/cuscus.htm | |
132. Rainforest Field Trip rainforests have been around for millions of years, and yet in the very brief span of half a century, mankind has destoyed a huge portion of the world s http://www.field-trips.org/sci/rainforest/ | |
133. Family Scarabaeidae - Introduction Photos and information on various kinds of scarab beetles, especially those from tropical rainforests. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/9191/Scarabaeidae.htm | |
134. New Scientist The World s No.1 Science Technology News Service. Destruction of Amazon rainforests accelerating. 1701 27 June 03. NewScientist.com news service. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993883 |
135. Bryomonitor Information about, and software for, a computer program for biomonitoring disturbance and regeneration of neotropical rainforests using bryophytes as indicators. http://home.t-online.de/home/drehwald/bryomon1.htm | |
136. New Scientist Pristine Amazonian rainforests are changing. Changes to apparently pristine parts of the Amazonian rainforests have been revealed by a survey of trees. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994766 |
137. Domain Of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald Und Artenschutz (ARA) E.V./ Germany Consultant in tropical ecology, with applications to development projects. Offers knowledge in agroforestry and ecophysiology of rainforests, pressures on ecosystems, indigenous people and forests. Based in Hamburg, Germany. http://hometown.aol.com/araoffice | |
138. SciCentral: Selected Rainforests Resources K12 Science Main Page . rainforests. Rainforest Action Network; Rainforest Alliance; RainForestWeb; The Rain Forest; All About rainforests; http://www.sciquest.com/k12/K-rainfo.html | |
139. Cape Tribulation Research Station In Queensland, Australia, this is the only research facility in the coastal lowland seasonallywet tropical rainforests of Australia. The dominant forest type is complex mesophyll vine forest. Opportunities exist for research, volunteers and study. http://www.austrop.org.au | |
140. Research Starters: Rainforests spruces. Wildlife includes hawks, owls, wolves, and martens. Here are some topics to explore that relate to rainforests. Looking http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/researchstarters/rainforests/ | |
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