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121. USQUE AD MARE - A History Of The Canadian Coast Guard And Marine Services of the humming telegraph wires which lined the railway tracks from the formation of the greatest Department in the history of Canadian civil administration. http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/usque-ad-mare/chapter03-03_e.htm | |
122. BC History Internet/Web Site: Historical Disciplines And Subjects CPR Archives. Canadian railway history (TrainsCan) is a guide to relevant Web sites. Canadian railway Telegraph history (Compiled http://victoria.tc.ca/Resources/bchistory-disciplines.html | |
123. CN Lines SIG -- CNcyclopedia history; diesel locomotive roster and history; box cars. Thousand Island railway Company. See also TrainsCan Canadian railway history; Books CNR. http://www.cnlines.com/cycl/ | |
124. Canadian History On The Web : : Content-Based Sites other historical websites. Canadian Landscapes; Canadian Navy of Yesterday and Today; Canadian railway Telegraph history. As part http://members.rogers.com/dneylan/cont.html | |
125. North Bay - History Summary Students of Canadian history will remember the descriptions The Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and Temiskaming and Northern railway (today s Ontario http://www.city.north-bay.on.ca/history/history_summary.htm | |
126. Archaeological And Historical Landmarks Of Ottawa love. Dates in Ottawa railway history See also his Dates in Canadian railway history and his Thurso and Nation Valley railway Page. http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~weinberg/ottawa.html | |
127. The Railways Of Canada Archives Articles about Canadian railways. Mainly historical in nature. http://www.trainweb.org/canadianrailways/index.html | |
128. Retracing The Route To Freedom To draw attention to the Park Service's efforts to commemorate the Underground Railroad, Anthony Cohen traveled 1 500 miles from Maryland to canada, following in the footsteps of escaping slaves. http://www.npca.org/walk.html | |
129. Canada Science And Technology Museum - Home Page Link to Agriculture Link to Aviation Link to Railways Link to Marine Services. canada Science and Technology Museum Comments to webmaster@technomuses.ca, http://imagescn.technomuses.ca/ | |
130. The Railways Of Canada Archives Main Index If you would like to contribute to this site, become a member (please see here for a listing of our current members), or just want to say hello, please contact http://www.trainweb.org/canadianrailways/ | |
131. :: Skelton Metals (Canada) Ltd. - Serving The Railway & Engineering Industries Supplier of track and permanent way products to railways and transits operators. http://www.skelton-metals.com | |
132. ROUND THE WORLD IN 50 DAYS A trip round the world in 50 days by travelling on mostly railways using the Transiberian train across Russia and the Transcontinental train across canada. http://www.angelfire.com/bc2/conbach/ | |
133. Waterfront & Marina Development - Home Page Specializes in building docks, marine railways and shorewalls. Includes description of available services and contact information. Located in Belleville, Ontario, canada. http://www.crowedock.com | |
134. Please Wait Represents the interests of shortline and regional railways in canada. Includes founding press releases, response to the Report of the Canadian Transportation Act Review, links to member sites and contact information. http://www.arrc.ca/ |
135. Steam & Diesel Railroad Videos - Greg Scholl Video Productions Railways of the United States, canada and other countries. http://www.gregschollvideo.com | |
136. The Canadian Pacific Railway Page. The Canadian Pacific railway (CPR). In 1881, the Canadian Pacific railway finally began building the transcontinental railway. http://www.eidnet.org/local/aqueduct/cprcpr.htm | |
137. African Canadian History http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/~shirley/african/rails.html | |
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