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61. Heritage & History - Banff Lake Louise Banff and Lake Louise possess a rich history going back to the creation of canada as a nation. The Canadian Pacific railway immediately recognized the http://www.banfflakelouise.com/generalinfo/history.html | |
62. CRRF - Links - HISTORY events  The American Revolution and the War of 1812  as well as the Underground railway movement  form the roots of Black history in canada. http://www.crr.ca/EN/General/Links/eLinks_His.htm | |
63. Canada History - World66 area. In Western canada, much of the history of this region revolves around the building of the railway westwards. While building http://www.world66.com/northamerica/canada/history | |
64. Cambridge, Ontario, Canada - About Cambridge History: The First Railway promoters the railroad was the means by which the economy of Upper canada would be the late 1840 s it appeared that the mainline of the Great Western railway Co http://cambridgeweb.net/historical/railway.html | |
65. A Vision For Canada's Railways -- Encyclopædia Britannica of its large size, the geography of canada is widely Wales The Fastening railway (142) This railway in North has stood for many things over its rich history. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=422220 |
66. Legislative History Of The TH&B Railway company Statutes of Ontario 1890, c.126 Authorizes the TH B to lease its line to the Michigan Central Railroad Company or to the canada Southern railway company http://www.thbrailway.com/general/legislation.htm | |
67. The BC History Internet/Web Site: Organizations And Conferences Interpretation canada, an association for heritage interpretation Kamloops Family history Society; Kelowna Kettle Valley railway Society (Summerland) operates http://victoria.tc.ca/Resources/bchistory-orgs.html | |
68. Pierre Berton, CC (The Canadian Railway Hall Of Fame) This significant contribution to documentation of canadaÂs railway history has earned Mr. Berton the Canadian railway Hall of FameÂs ÂAnnual Award of http://railfame.ca/2002/honour/Berton-Pierre | |
69. Canadian History On The Web : : Historical Documents Collection of Documents pertaining to the Maritime history of the Great Testimony of the Canadian Fugitives who came to canada via the Underground railway. http://members.rogers.com/dneylan/hisdoc.html | |
70. Railway Travel, Railway Tour Tundra buggy exploration, wildlife viewing, dogsled ride, Canadian/Indian history. Destination canada. Activity Wildlife Viewing, Ecotourism, railway Trips. 5. http://www.infohub.com/TRAVEL/SIT/sit_pages/Railway_Trips.html | |
71. The History Of Racism In Canada Our community s history is entwined with Canadian history in more ways than one. We all know about the Chinese railway workers. http://www.hopesite.ca/remember/history/racism_canada_1.html | |
72. Canada Kicks Ass - Sections - Canadian History, Canadian Girls Kick Ass, Famous A Brief Canadian history. 7, 1982 The last spike of the Canadian Pacific railway main line is Alberta, and the rest of Manitoba joins the Dominion of canada. http://www.canadaka.net/cka/modules.php?name=Sections&sop=viewarticle&artid=9 |
73. Elgin County Railway Museum Dedicated to the preservation of the rich railroad heritage of Elgin County, ON, canada. http://www.ecrm5700.org/ |
74. General Info America info; Country Grain Elevator Photos MB SK AB info; Culture.ca info; Dates in Canadian railway history info; Grain Elevator Gallery http://www.trainscan.com/hist/gen.html | |
75. Canadian National | CN | Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer Nationaux Canadian National railway, canada's largest freight railroad, provides seamless transportation and intermodal service throughout North America. http://www.cn.ca/ |
76. Trans Canada Group Manufacturer of acoustic and residential fencing products, wooden bridges, and railway tie plugs. http://www.transcanadagroup.on.ca | |
77. Site Entry Operates railway system throughout North America. Based in Calgary, Alberta T2P 4Z4, canada. (TSXCP; NYSECP) http://www.cprailway.com/ | |
78. Canadian Railway Modeller Magazine Provides building projects related to Canadian trains and structures along with prototype and heritage information associated with canada's railways. Also includes product announcements, prototype photographs, modeller's photos, Canadian book reviews, and video reviews. http://www.cdnrwymod.com/body.htm | |
79. Railway History In Kensington Prince Edward Island TrainCanadian history is inseparable from the history of the railway. The CNR is seen as the most fundamental http://collections.ic.gc.ca/chip/english/railway.htm | |
80. KIDS railway safety game, puzzles, and activities to teach kids safety tips about trains and railroad tracks. http://www.ol-og-canada.org/sample/kids.htm | |
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