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41. Episode Summaries - Canada A People History soldiers and sailors in the greatest naval invasion in North America s history. people who make up the new Dominion of canada the railway magnates, the http://history.cbc.ca/history/webdriver?MIval=EpisodeSum2.html&lang=E |
42. Spike2000.com Cool School Page the history of Iqaluit now known as Frobisher Bay. Old Time Trains A web site dedicated to preserving Canadian railway heritage. Pioneer Life In Upper canada http://www.spike2000.com/coolschool/history/canadianhistory/ | |
43. Sir John A. Macdonald - Canadian Confederation role in creating canada, and the realization of his dream to build a transcontinental railway, have fixed his place as a nationbuilder in Canadian history. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/2/18/h18-2360-e.html | |
44. History In The Canadian Rockies Craigellachie, BC, just west of Revelstoke, and is the location of a very important part of the history of canada. The completion of the railway signified the http://www.discoveralberta.com/FeaturesReviews/Historical/8-647.html | |
45. Jasper National Park - History - The Railway Survey Era Robson history the new colonies in British Columbia with the rest of canada. The possibility of a railway through the Yellowhead spurred further interest http://www.jaspernationalpark.com/railway.html | |
46. History Of Light Railway Transit by other users related to history of light railway transit history of Blimp history of Bournville history of Caffine history of canada in the 1900s http://www.supercrawler.com/pages/history_of_light_railway_transit.html | |
47. Links To Canadian Railway History Sites Cars by Ian Cranstone is a resource page for the Canadian freight car enthusiast including railway freight car fleets and a history of manufacturers in canada. http://www.railwaybob.com/Links/Links_Railway_History.html | |
48. Canadian Railway History Books It s an Atlas of railway and Waterway history in canada that fits nicely on your coffee table. Maps, maps, maps. An incredible masterpiece! http://www.railwaybob.com/Links/Links_Books.html | |
49. O'Leary Community, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada - History In 1874 when the railroad was completed and intersected the OÂLeary Road, a railway station was built, which was the first building in OÂLeary Station . http://www.community.oleary.pe.ca/history.htm | |
50. Canadian Railway Travel Guide, Panoramic Photomurals, Wall Paper Borders, Photo Photo Murals; Photos/links to photo pages Railways/Steam locos/ canada + the world! event that the greatest % of Canadians have gone to see in Canadian history. http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/GKMTCHALL/ | |
51. City Of Toronto: Union Station History Waterfront rail history The first passenger train departure in Upper canada originated from a wooden The Northern railway of canada then moved its rail shed to http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/union_station/history.htm | |
52. Books And Films About Canadian History The Train Doesn t Stop Here Anymore An Illustrated history of railway Stations in canada Ron Brown This book is a celebration of the marvelous heritage of http://www.lynximages.com/canadianhistory.htm | |
53. UofC Press Titles In Canadian History the Alberta government, including the railway scandal, the growing body of work on Canadian environmental history. settler societies of Upper canada and North http://www.uofcpress.com/CourseAdoptions/CDNHist.html | |
54. Mining And The Construction Of The Canadian Pacific Railway Play A Large Part In history ~ railway Mining, Three kilometres east of Field, along the Trans canada Highway, are Mt. Field (2638 m) to the north and Mt. http://www.cathedralmountain.com/history.html | |
55. Stanley Park Vancouver Bc Canada History Heritage Facts Information history. Dedication of Stanley Park by Lord Stanley, Governor General of canada. June 28, 1890. The Vancouver Electric railway and Lighting Company officially http://www.seestanleypark.com/page2history.htm | |
56. 19th Century Canadian History :: OCanada.ca :: Canada's Portal Canadian history 19th Century 1876 Intercolonial railway linking central canada and the Maritime provinces is completed. http://www.ocanada.ca/history/history_19.php | |
57. The KICKING HORSE RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers" one of the most popular stops on the Trans canada Highway, has of the tunnels, the building of the transcontinental railway, and the history and natural http://www.greatcanadianrivers.com/rivers/kicking/history-home.html | |
58. Transit History Of Hamilton, Ontario Blaine, William E., Ride Through the Garden of canada A Short history of the Hamilton, Grimsby Beamsville railway Company, 18941931 , William E. Blaine http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~wyatt/alltime/hamilton-on.html | |
59. Transportation Museum And Heritage Sites Directory Museum SOO Line Historical and Technical Society Smith Falls railway Museum, ON, canada Smithsonian s National Museum of American history Southeastern railway http://routesinternational.com/museum.htm | |
60. To Revelstoke On Highway 1 The building of the Canadian Pacific railway through these mountains is one of the epic events in the history of canada and we experienced more than a little http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/~jphb/canada/Revelstoke.html | |
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