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1. Dates In Canadian Railway History The Railways of canada Archives contain detailed information about the railways particularly of addition, a detailed chronology of the history of the http://www.railways.incanada.net/candate/candate.htm |
2. Colin Churcher's Railway Pages and Nation Valley railway was the last logging railway in eastern canada. It ran north from Significant Dates in Canadian railway history. Significant Dates in Ottawa railway history http://www.railways.incanada.net/ | |
3. WWW-VL History Index - Canada history of canada's Capital Region history of Saskatchewan Waterways. Significant Dates in Canadian railway history. Canadian National railway Historic Photograph Collection. canada http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/CANADA/canada3.html | |
4. Lines Of Country By Christopher Andreae Historical railway and canal atlas of canada showing location and dates of construction and abandonment; includes maps, text, photographs Lines of Country An Atlas of railway and Waterway history in canada. shows canada's vast and diverse rail and water history. This atlas of railway tracks and navigable waterways http://home.golden.net/~history | |
5. History The history section of TrainsCan lists railway museums and links to historical information about railways in canada. http://www.trainscan.com/hist/ | |
6. Canadian Pacific Railway Archives: Canadian Pacific Railroad Image gallery of Canadian Pacific railway photos and graphic art covering the history of canada and the railroad. http://www.cprheritage.com |
7. Canada Atlantic Railway The canada Atlantic railway. The canada Atlantic railway was formed out of a combination of railway lines constructed between the Vermont and Quebec border, west to the shores of Georgian Bay at Depot Harbour. history The origins of the canada Atlantic railway (CAL) date back to http://www.globalserve.net/~robkath/railcan.htm | |
8. Overview Of Chinese Canadian History Back Home Moments of Chinese Canadian history. 1885 The Canadian Pacific railway is completed. and Regulate Chinese Immigration into canada, which requires that http://www.ccnc.ca/toronto/history/timeline.html |
9. Rogers Pass A History Of The Canadian Pacific Railway And Trans-Canada Highway C The history of the Rogers Pass crossing of the Selkirk Mountains of B.C. canada by the Canadian Pacific railway and later by the Transcanada Highway. http://cdnrail.railfan.net/RogersPass/RogersPasstext.htm | |
10. Canadian National Railway can trace their history through more than 200 separate companies and as far back as 1836 with the opening of the first public railway in canada, the Champlain http://collections.ic.gc.ca/cnphoto/english/cnr3_ang.html | |
11. A Directory History Of Railway Stations Of Ontario Canada regions of canada today, each with its own history, its own identity and its own architectural significance. In our publication Directory of railway Stations http://www.eagle.ca/crsn/ | |
12. Canadian Railway Telegraph History Site dedicated to canada's railway telegraph, agents, operators, and railway. http://www.trainweb.org/railwayop/ | |
13. Canada Southern Website fact, TWO separate canada Southern railway sites on the web, both with the same goal To preserve the history and memories of the canada Southern railway. http://www.canadasouthern.com/ |
14. CANADA - Canadian History Complete information and facts on canada's history. The complete history of neither canada nor the United States can be studied without reference to the history Until the coming of the railway, the principal method of moving heavy http://www.cyber-north.com/canada/history.html | |
15. The Railways Of Canada Archives Canadian Railway Links will find a detailed history of all railways constructed within the Province of Ontario, canada in addition to a complete listing of remaining railway stations http://www.trainweb.org/canadianrailways/CanadianRailLinks.html | |
16. Canadian History Pictures And Photos Canada CN Images of canada CN s magnificent Canadian history photo collection goes back to the 1850s, long before the formation of the CN railway. http://canadaonline.about.com/od/historyphotos/ | |
17. Ontario Railway History Page you will find a detailed history of railways constructed within the Province of Ontario, canada in addition to a complete listing of remaining railway stations http://www.globalserve.net/~robkath/ | |
18. Canadian Pacific Electric Lines history Being one of the last interurban electric lines in the Province to build a railway between that city and the canada Southern railway and Lake http://www.globalserve.net/~robkath/railelec.htm | |
19. TrainsCan: The Main Line Serving the railway industry in canada with news, data, jobs, company listings, history and information. http://www.trainscan.com | |
20. Grade 12 (Canadian) History Internet Resources For High School Teachers In Saska Macdonald Moves the National Policy (canada history EMagazine) Return to Table of Contents. Transcontinental railways. Intercolonial railway (National Library http://duke.usask.ca/~debrou/grade12.htm | |
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