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81. Tusa Consulting Services radio communications consultant and mfr of the Comtronics AM100 Link Transmitter for antique radio enthusiasts, Central Electronics 100V, 200V, 600L parts, service, and rebuilding. http://www.tusaconsulting.com/ | |
82. Tektronix MBD Products Universal Radio Communication Tester Universal radio communication Tester. CMU200. Features And Benefits. High Measurement Speed The CMU200 Your Best Tool for Reducing http://www.tek.com/Measurement/Products/catalog/cmu/ |
83. German WWII Radio Communication Equipment (e). German WW2 radio communication equipment. German Radar equipment ea. more information about WWII radio communication and other. http://home.online.no/~la8ak/e.htm | |
84. Radio Communication Equipment And Service - Papua New Guinea Business Directory Business Directory Listings. Main Directory » IT Electronics and Telecommunications » Telecommunications » radio communication Equipment and Service. http://www.pngbd.com/directory/category/Radio_Communication_Equipment_and_Servic | |
85. Active Robots - Wireless RF - Radio Telemetry Modules - RF Link - UK Wireless radio communication. The Charisma RF board kit is designed for serial communication using a 433MHz EU approved transceiver module . http://www.active-robots.com/products/accessories/radio-communication.shtml | |
Wireless Serial Link - USB Radio Telemetry ModuleClick for larger imageUSB RF Telemetry ModuleOur easy to use USB Radio Telemetry module provides the means to implement a versatile RF link for use with a wide variety of robotics, embedded control and data-logging applications. The Module is self powered via the USB Computer Port, therefore no external power supply or batteries are required.FeaturesWireless Serial Link - RS232 Radio Telemetry ModuleClick for larger imageRS232 RF Telemetry ModuleOur transceiver board is a simple to use bi-directional wireless RF serial link suitable for use in a wide variety of robotics, embedded control and data-logging applications.User Selectable (UK/EU)Wireless Micro BoardClick for larger imageAdvanced Radio Controller | |
86. Wireless For The Warrior. The History Of British Army Radio The history, and technical development of British Army radio communication equipment up to the 1950s. By Louis Meulstee, PA0PCR. http://home.wxs.nl/~meuls003/home.html | |
87. WiNRADiO Communications - The Future Of Radio. short wave radio signal decoding spectrum analyzer panoramic receiver spectrumscope spectrum scope visitune electronic warfare ew communication intelligence http://www.winradio.com/ | |
88. ECE 353 - Radio Communication Circuits ECE 453 radio communication Circuits. Old ECE 353 - radio communication Circuits. Course Director Steven J. Franke. Instructor Steven J. Franke. http://www.ece.uiuc.edu/courses/coursedes.asp?453 |
89. ATDI Radio Network Planning Solutions - Radio Planning Software - Radio Planning Offers services and products which include radio communication, digital cartography, electronic warfare and spectrum monitoring. http://www.atdi.com | |
90. CIPO - Trade-marks Practice Notices - Telephone & Radio Communication Compliance Practice Notice. Telephone radio communication Compliance with Paragraph 30(a). Publication Date 199904-14. The services telephone http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrksv/cipo/tm/tm_notice/tmn1999-04-14c-e.html | |
91. A Flexible And Reliable Radio Communication Stack On Motes A Flexible and Reliable radio communication Stack on Motes. Wei A Flexible and Reliable radio communication Stack on Motes. Technical http://www.isi.edu/~johnh/PAPERS/Ye02b.html | |
92. SCADDS: Radio Communication Stack On Mica Motes radio communication Stack on Mica Motes. We have developed a radio communication stack on the Mica Motes running TinyOS . It is an http://www.isi.edu/scadds/projects/commstack/ | |
93. Radio Communications Company Suppliers of audio and video equipment and provide professional and timely installations. http://www.radiocommunications.org | |
94. MTUCI - Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting And Television Faculty (RCRBTF) radio communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television Faculty (RCRBTF). Departments Department of Television; Department of radio communication systems. http://www.mtuci.ru/english/faculties/4.htm | |
95. NCDOT, Equipment Unit - Radio Communication Frame radio communication The Division of Highways Low Band Repeater System gives the operators the capability of talking 60 to 150 miles car to car. http://www.doh.dot.state.nc.us/operations/dp_chief_eng/EquipInvent/RADCOMM/ | |
96. Ten-Ten International Net Organization of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on the 10meter amateur band http://listserv.lehigh.edu/lists/tenten-l/ | |
97. CanTech - Systémy Elektrického Napájenà / DC Power Systems / Snap-on Manufacturer of DC power systems for telecommunication and radio communication technologies. http://www.cantech.cz | |
98. Icom America - Home Page This lightweight radio allows users to take full advantage of the options of PMR or SMR systems and provides simple effective communication at a fraction of http://www.icomamerica.com/ | |
99. ITU Radiocommunication Sector ITUR plays a vital role in the management of the radio-frequency spectrum environmental monitoring and, last but not least, those communication services that http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/ | |
100. ARRLWeb: Backgrounder: Amateur Radio Emergency Communication Backgrounder Amateur radio Emergency communication. For More Information and Amateur radio operators step in to coordinate communication when radio towers and other elements in http://www.arrl.org/pio/emergen1.html | |
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