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21. Personal Radio Communication Services Personal radio communication Services. These two walkietalkie type radio handsets offer 22 combined GMRS and FRS channels and list for only $39.99. http://www.thetravelinsider.info/2003/0627.htm | |
22. Search Directory Page Antenna radio communications Group http://www.crbbooks.com/ | |
23. Antenna & Radio Communications Group http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~wireless/ |
24. Radio Communication This page on the GGPILOT web site provides you with information on radio communication, radio license and the phonetic alphabet. radio communication. Overview. http://www.gg-pilot.com/radiocommunication.htm | |
25. Hobbies, Radio Communications, CB And Amateur, Antennas, Equipment http//www.inrange.force9.co.uk. Welcome to Inrange Online. Backed by our wholesale network we have the most comprehensive product list for radio communication. http://www.come-shopping.co.uk/directory_pages/hobbies/2_radio_communication.htm | |
26. Night Rangers Radio Communications Web Page Night Ranger s radio communication Page (This web page is a work in progress). CB Radio Handle Database for Rock Hill, South Carolina; http://www.shadowstorm.com/cb/ | |
27. Radio Animation How radio communication Works. START ANIMATION A sound wave is produced with a frequency of 5 Hz 20 kHz. NEXT, The sound wave is http://www.nrao.edu/whatisra/radio-anim.shtml | |
28. Provincial Emergency Radio Communications Service Home Page Looking for information on radio communications and emergency preparedness . . . both close to home and around the world? Our percs links have you covered! http://www.percs.bc.ca/ | |
29. Datron Systems Incorporated Designs, manufactures and distributes high frequency radios and accessories for overthe-horizon radio communication as well as line-of-sight-communication. (Nasdaq DTSI). http://www.dtsi.com/ |
30. Radio Communication With Extraterrestrials radio communication with Extraterrestrials. Radio messages travel at the speed of light and are relatively cheap to send. Round trip http://pegasus.phast.umass.edu/a100/handouts/radiocom.html | |
31. Navigation Safety & Radio Communications - Radio Communications Links Transport Canada Marine Safety Ships and Operations Standards Navigation Safety radio communications. radio communication Links. Back. http://www.tc.gc.ca/MarineSafety/Ships-and-operations-standards/nav-saf-rad-com/ | |
32. Railway Employee Radio Communication Rule (September, 1994) 2.3 employee means an employee of a railway company who is required to use radio communication devices in connection with railway activities;. http://www.tc.gc.ca/railway/Rules/TC_0-09.htm | |
33. August 13, 1912 Act To Regulate Radio Communication Text of the August 13, 1912 An Act to regulate radio communication . S. 6412.. An Act To regulate radio communication, approved August 13, 1912. Radio act. http://earlyradiohistory.us/1912act.htm | |
34. Transoceanic Radio Communication--extract (1920) transmitters, starting in 1906. General Electric Review, October, 1920, pages 794797 Transoceanic radio communication. By E. F. W http://earlyradiohistory.us/1920alt.htm | |
35. Softwareradio.info Communications theory, digital signal processing, computer architecture and silicon engineering to create novel signalprocessing solutions for wireless applications. http://www.softwareradio.info |
36. TITLE 47 , CHAPTER 5 TITLE 47 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5 WIRE OR radio communication. SUBCHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS; SUBCHAPTER II COMMON CARRIERS; SUBCHAPTER http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/47/ch5.html | |
37. Point Electronics - Radio Communication Equipment Translate this page Point electronics radio communication Equipment, Stumpergasse 41- 43 A- 1060 Wien eMail mail@point.at. http://www.point.at/ | |
38. S-72.232 Radio Communication Systems HUT / Communications Laboratory / Courses / S72.232 radio communication Systems. S-72.232 radio communication Systems 2 cr. Spring http://www.comlab.hut.fi/opetus/232/ | |
39. Emergency Management Division radio communication Services. The radio communications Services (RCS) section of the King County Emergency Management Division is http://www.metrokc.gov/emd/radio.htm | |
40. Wireless For The Warrior. The History Of British Army Radio This web site is primarily devoted to the history and technical development of British Army radio communication equipment up to the 1950s. http://home.wxs.nl/~meuls003/ | |
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