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121. Index.jpg Scouter Elmer's JOTA and HAM radio resources. http://www.qsl.net/scoutradio/ |
122. XE1BEF WEB - ¡MORE THAN 20,200 LINKS AMATEUR RADIO INTERESTING. Thanks for your visit. ¡¡ MORE 20,000 LINKS radio !! DX BULLETIN OF XE1BEF No. 140. Active now 3 NEW IOTA. 7Q7MM is very active. FT9058 new radio. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/4205/xe1bef.htm | |
123. "Dragon Amateur Radio Club" Calendar of events, details of available equipment and a regular newsletter. http://www.gw3vvc.freeserve.co.uk/dragon.htm | |
124. 12. IARU Region I ARDF Championships International amateur radio Event. Held September 7th through 12th, 1999. http://www.ludbreg.hr/ardf/ |
125. Amateur Radio World-Wide - NW7US HF radio propagation, operation, equipment, as well as amateur (HAM) radio in general, and also a large collection of SWL, Shortwave and DXing resources. http://www.hfradio.org/ | |
126. L'Examen Technique De Radio-Amateur - HB9CEM - Amateur-Radio Technical Exam radio-amateur. http://www.pilloud.net/op_web/ | |
127. INDEX PAGE Includes events calendar and links to the personal pages of individual DXers. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/campbell.archibald/ | |
128. K9GDT Amateur Radio Page(Ham Radio) Hammarlund, Collins and vintage AM gear. Also, a homebrew 75m AM transceiver. http://www.qsl.net/k9gdt/radio/radio.htm | |
129. Amateur Radio KX2S And Family Web Site Ed Deringer.Pictures of antique amateur radio, and military gear. Ham links. http://www.qsl.net/kx2s/index.html | |
130. Amateur Radio RF Safety Calculator amateur radio RF Safety Calculator. University of Texas amateur radio Club N5XU Send comments to utarc@www.utexas.edu Last updated 19 May 2004. http://n5xu.ae.utexas.edu/rfsafety/ | |
131. TornadoCBradio.com.mx-index Informaci³n ºtil para los usuarios de radios de banda civil. Lista de repetidoras amateur, conceptos t©cnicos y listado de claves y bandas de frecuencia. http://www.tornadocbradio.com.mx/ | |
132. CARC - CERN Amateur Radio Club Translate this page CERN amateur radio Club. http://club-carc.web.cern.ch/club-carc/ | |
133. The WA1KPD Boatanchor Collection pictures of antique radios and some from WA1KPD's collection http://home.comcast.net/~chnord/wa1kpd.html | |
134. Ham Radio / Amateur Radio, Shortwave, CB, DSP Software Ham radio / amateur radio, CB shortwave software. eSoftAnywhere DSP more. from eSoftAnywhere LLC. Among other things, eSoftAnywhere http://www.esoftanywhere.com/eSoftAnywhere-Ham-Radio-DSP.html | |
135. BoatAnchors Extensive list of boatanchor links. http://www.wtsn.binghamton.edu/bara/resource/boatanchors.htm | |
136. NU9N SSB ESSB Hi-Fi Mid-Fi Lo-Fi Audio Setup Information for SSB and ESSB audio transmitter, receiver and Recording/Playback for amateur radio. http://www.icycolors.com/nu9n/ | |
137. Antique Radio Classified Link to the world of antique radio collecting, its activities, and the publication and products of Antique radio Classified. Covers old radio, TV, telegraph, amateur/ham radio, high fidelity/hifi audio. http://www.antiqueradio.com/index.html | |
138. K1DWU Dot Net This site also is a great amateur radio / Ham radio reference site. Check out the Ham News. Part 97 Source FCC. What is amateur radio? - Source ARRL. http://www.k1dwu.net/ | |
139. Texas Amateur Radio Regional resource for Texas amateurs includes club information, announcements, online exams and amateur radio news. http://www.txradio.org |
140. Ham And CB Radio WebRing Ring registration for amateur, 11meter, and CB webmasters. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/6668/join.html |
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