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1. IARUWeb: The worldwide voice and source of information for radio amateurs since 1925. http://www.iaru.org/ | |
2. Radio Amateurs Of Canada Canada s National Amateur Radio Society We re ALL about Amateur Radio! Home Français Latest News Youth Ed Prog The Canadian Amateur Site Index Info Centre http://www.rac.ca/ | |
3. AMSAT-NA The radio amateur Satellite Corporation AMSAT and the AMSAT logo are registered trademarks of the radio amateur Satellite Corporation. http://www.amsat.org/ | |
4. Home The radio amateur Callbook. THE STORY CONTINUES Yes, the radio amateur Callbook continues Feature Packed Winter 2004 edition Now in Stock. http://www.callbook.com/ | |
5. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) radio amateur Civil Emergency Service. RACES. radio amateur Civil Emergency Service, This RACES Webring site is owned by RACES. Prev http://www.races.net/ | |
6. AMSAT-NA The radio amateur Satellite Corporation. Echo Launch Campaign, AMSAT and the AMSAT logo are registered trademarks of the radio amateur Satellite Corporation. http://www.amsat.org/amsat/AmsatHome.html | |
7. Dutch Radio Amateurs All Over The World Web Ring Dutch ham sites from all round the world, with their roots in the Netherlands. http://www.pa3esf.tmfweb.nl/index.htm |
8. Radio Amateur Ring radio amateur Ring Add your amateur radio web site site to the radio amateur Ring and Increase traffic to your web site. Radio http://www.radio-amateur-ring.com/ | |
9. Radio Amateur Ring Links Page radio amateur Ring Links Page Add your amateur radio web site site to the radio amateur Ring and Increase traffic to your web site. http://www.radio-amateur-ring.com/links.html | |
10. RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) radio amateur Civil Emergency Service. RACES. Traditional RACES operations involve emergency message handling on Amateur Radio Service frequencies. http://www.races.net/what.html | |
11. EME, SETI, Radio Astronomy And DSP For Radio Amateurs (W6/PA0ZN) Information on EME (Moonbounce) SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Radio Astronomy DSP and HSMS for radio amateurs by W6/PA0ZN. a small but important segment of the amateur radio world, this weak signal domain presents an exciting discovery of "Radio", a part of the radio amateur community has been attracted http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit |
12. The Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society Home Page(BRATS) BRATS. Baltimore radio amateur Television Society. Home of the world famous BRATS Maryland Hamfest and Computer Fest. PO Box 5915 http://www.smart.net/~brats/ | |
13. Les Bons Plans Radioamateurs Revue et librairie en ligne. http://ne.magazine.free.fr/ | |
14. Radio Amateur Educational Society Provide instruction to obtain certification, a forum for technical exchange and advancement of Amateur Radio, a mentor program to actively encourage our http://www.raes.ab.ca/ |
15. The Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society Home Page(BRATS) Email us. Copyright 2001,02,03 by the Baltimore radio amateur Television Society (BRATS). All rights reserved. BRATS. Baltimore radio amateur Television Society. http://www.bratsatv.org/ | |
16. Club Radio Amateur De Québec Inc. (CRAQ) Translate this page http://www.craq.qc.ca/ |
17. RADIO AMATEURS OF LEBANON http://www.ral.org.lb/ | |
18. RADIOAMATEURONLINE More Hamfest Radio Sales . other radio amateur Portals. Belgian HAM Forum Portail technique radio amateur Ham Radio India. Internet Linking. Michigan echolinks. http://www.radioamateuronline.com/ | |
19. Radio Amateur Du Quebec Translate this page Bienvenue à RAQI. Welcome to RAQI. http://www.raqi.qc.ca/ | |
20. Página Principal De CQ Radio Amateur Translate this page CQ radio amateur ha tenido como gran objetivo, desde su fundación, estar al servicio de los radioaficionados hispanohablantes. 1999 - 2003 CQ radio amateur. http://www.cq-radio.com/ | |
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