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141. UNITED For Intercultural Action European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. http://www.united.non-profit.nl/ |
142. NOW And Racial And Ethnic Diversity Together We Will End racism. NOW s Policy on Eliminating racism. Women of Color and Allies Summit Information (10/97); Together We Will End racism (9/97); http://www.now.org/issues/diverse/ | |
143. CNN.com - U.S. Envoy: Racism Talks Hijacked - September 3, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/09/03/racism.reaction/index.html | |
144. "race" & Racism -- HSB 207b Harvard School Of Public Health racism the Internet Complied by Lauren M. Ferguson, MLS. This chapter attempts to establish a common understanding of systematic racism. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hsb207b/list2.html | |
145. Support FSTV - Get A Free Dish Network Dish Action oriented collective committed to denouncing and opposing war, racism, and imperialism. Goals, action alerts, photos and reports of previous actions, articles, and resources. http://free.freespeech.org/marquelinques/CoalitionAgainstWar&Racism.html | |
147. NCRSM Has Moved To Http://www NCRSM is a coalition of individuals and organizations fighting to eliminate the use of Native American mascots in sports and media. Site offers faqs, links, newsletter, and other information. http://ncrsm.tripod.com/index.htm | |
148. AlterNet: Colorblind Racism Colorblind racism. By Sally Lehrman, Institute for Justice and Journalism September 18, 2003. We need to think about racism in a new way. . http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16792 |
149. CNN.com - U.S. Stance On U.N. Racism Conference Debated - August 29, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/08/29/cnna.racism.cnna/index.html | |
150. 2.Open-Air Rage Against Racism Am 12.06.2004 Translate this page 2.Open-Air Rage Against racism am 12.06.2004 de nic vu (www.nic.de.vu)P. http://www.rage-against-racism.de.vu/ | |
151. ERCOMER, Utrecht, The Netherlands Research, resources on migration, racism and ethnicity. http://www.ercomer.org/ |
152. Index Of /chester moot.html 14May-2002 0943 10k new.gif 14-May-2002 0943 1k ogborne_goes_down.html 14-May-2002 0943 3k pbt_article.html 14-May-2002 0943 13k racism.html 14 http://www.penweb.org/chester/ | |
153. YWCA Of Boulder County Provides services for Boulder County families that protect children, empower women and girls, and work to eliminate racism. Has the only emergency, dropin child care center in Boulder County. http://www.ywcaboulder.org | |
154. Lets Beat Racism What is racism? racism is treating someone differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture. People http://www.childline.org.uk/Racism.asp | |
155. CNN.com - Darker Mr. Potato Head Draws Complaints Of Racism - September 29, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/09/29/potatohead.flap.ap/index.html | |
156. Creating Racism: Psychiatry's Betrayal - Citizens Commission On Human Rights Pub Creating racism Psychiatry s Betrayal shows how the walls of apartheid were built and how South Africans are being helped by CCHR to truly bring these walls http://www.cchr.org/racism/ | |
157. Nová PøÃtomnost Article by Jan F¡bry in the New Presence, July 1997, considering whether the Czech Republican Party ought to be banned. http://www.pritomnost.cz/index.php?clanek=963 |
158. YellowTimes.org - ''Racism At Heart Of POW Abuse'' Enter Email Address racism at heart of POW abuse Printed on Saturday, May 01, 2004 @ 000630 CST ( Printer Friendly Page ). http://www.yellowtimes.org/article.php?sid=1909 |
159. Bruce's World Race And Racism Proposes that race is a social fiction that can be understood best through the lens of literary criticism. http://www.princeton.edu/~bnsimon/race.html |
160. Christianity, The Messianic Jew, Racism And Racial Discrimination A Jewish appraisal of the racism involved in the concept of the Christian/messianic Jew . http://www.anti-racism.supanet.com/ | |
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