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101. Czech Government Tries To Infiltrate The International Romani Union From the Internet Center for Antiracism Europe. http://www.icare.to/archivemay2000.html#CZECH GOVERNMENT TRIES TO INFILTRATE THE | |
102. Why Zionism Is Racism Why Zionism Is racism. Israeli aggression over the past seven months has finally renewed international recognition that zionism is racism. http://www.albalagh.net/current_affairs/zionism_racism.shtml | |
103. Love Music Hate Racism - Organised By The Anti Nazi League Love Music Hate racism aims to use the positive energy of the music scene to fight back against the racism being pushed by Nazi organisations such as the http://www.lmhr.org.uk/ | |
104. Zionism Is Racism Petition A petition to the world written by Lillie Haikal and Omar Qabbani. http://www.petitiononline.com/unzio/petition.html | |
Zionism is based on the concept of ethnic superiority, of occupation, terrorism, plundering of resources and land, and racism against other religions. While we wholeheartedly respect Judaism as a monotheistic religion, we know that, for decades, the United Nations, in its famous resolution, had established a parallel between Zionism and racism; Resolution 3379, which, in 1975, determined that "Zionism (sic) is a form of racism and racial discrimination." Acknowledging that the General Assembly later rejected the resolution, we know that that was due to political reasons; the decision was not based on a conceptual position. Of all the ignored resolutions passed by the UN against Israel, Resolution 3379 is the one that rankles Israel the most, perhaps proving the saying about the hurtfulness of the truth. Indeed, Resolution 3379 referred back to the 1973 resolution condemning "the unholy alliance between South African racism and zionism, " and to the 1963 resolution which determined that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous." The Zionist Movement is a pure colonial movement that had used, and is still using, Judaism to serve its unlawful purposes. Zionism is not a representation of Judaism or a fulfillment of a Judicial prophecy. Decades of Zionist propaganda have misrepresented Zionism as a progressive, modern force bringing civilization to an arid, uninhabited wasteland; such an image is an illusion. Zionism is an apartheid philosophy. Its founder, Theodore Herzl, was dismayed by the mass anti-Semitism in France aroused by the Dreyfuss affair. He became convinced that the separation of the Jews from the Gentiles by ingathering all Jews in a separate Jewish nation was the only solution to the age old "Jewish problem." | |
105. The Ascent Of Racism Read about racism, how it has plagued humanity throughout history and how it plays a part in Darwinian evolution. THE ASCENT OF racism IMPACT No. http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-164.htm | |
106. Redirect International antifascist magazine. 25 years of fighting racism and fascism. http://www.searchlightmagazine.com |
107. CNN.com - S. Africa Trying To Revive U.N. Racism Meeting - September 4, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/09/03/racism.conference/index.html | |
108. Racism And Evolution Q&A racism Questions and Answers. Q A Topics Q A Index How has evolution contributed to racism and violence? http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/racism.asp | |
109. The National Youth & Student Peace Coalition Works to build strategic, longterm student and youth opposition to war, both abroad with bombs and bullets, and at home with racism, cuts to education, and freedom-limiting anti-terrorism policies. Upcoming actions, organizational tips and resources, listserv, and downloadable posters. http://www.nyspc.net/ |
110. Creationism Implies Racism? A number of creationists have stated that evolutionary theory leads logically to racism. Creationism Implies racism? by Richard Trott and Jim Lippard. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/racism.html | |
111. M E G - A - W O R L D Links To Environmental Racism/Environemntal JusticeEnviron Annotated collection of internet links, from MegA-World. http://www.hensonscales.com/erlinks.htm | |
112. MASCOTS - Racism In Schools By State State by state list of k12 schools using racist mascot names. http://www.aics.org/mascot/mascot.html | |
114. Castro Among 20 Leaders To Attend UN Racism Talks CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/08/24/race.un.reut/index.html |
115. Against Racism & Fascism Against racism Fascism. This is a page of resources for those struggling against racism and fascism in all its forms. The perspective http://www.geocities.com/Paris/2159/raceindx.html | |
116. CRER - Centre For Research In Ethnic Relations Program for research and teaching related to racism, migration and ethnic relations hosted by the University of Warwick. Offers an overview of current and past projects, events and contact details. http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/CRER_RC/ | |
117. Racism II. racism. UNIT II racism. 1.The student will be able to define and give examples of anti-Irish racism, and relate them to the Irish Famine experience. http://www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/irish/unit_2.html | |
118. Guardian Unlimited Jack Straw is alone in his certainty about who a Gypsy is. Guardian Unlimited http://www.newsunlimited.co.uk/racism/Story/0,2763,76343,00.html | |
119. The Torch A Danish magazine focuses on certain tendencies in Denmark in particular, that may be described as reminiscent of fascism increasing discrimination, racism, loss of civil rights, forced labour, arbitrary solitary confinement and limitations in religious freedom. http://www.faklen.dk/en/ | |
120. Welcome To The Website Of The National Assembly Against Racism Welcome to the website of the National Assembly Against racism. The NAAR is a national campaigning organisation fighting against racism in all its forms. http://www.naar.org.uk/ | |
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