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41. Racism. No Way. This website aims to tackle racism in schools in Australia, through providing teachers, school students, parents and governors with games, research and lesson http://www.racismnoway.com.au/ | |
42. GrandForks.com : Grand Forks News, Sports, Jobs, Homes, Cars The Grand Forks Herald Online http://www.gfherald.com/news/docs/1211/1211swanson.htm | |
43. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related I World Conference Against racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerence. http://www.hri.ca/racism/ | |
44. AntiRacismNet.org History Of Latino Desegregation Cases MALDEF. Michigan School District Takes Action to Stop racism After Black Student Is Attacked in ÂKKK Game ACLU.ORG. http://www.antiracismnet.org/ |
45. AntiRacismNet: Main students have voted to stop funding the Chicano group MEChA after a series of articles in the conservative Stanford Review accused the organization of racism. http://www.antiracismnet.org/main.html | |
46. Fútbol Against Racism In The Americas An international nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting antidiscrimination and cultural unification through various soccer programs, events, and services such as the International Futbol Scholarship, International Futbol Study Program, International Tours, and FARA Action Days. http://www.futbolagainstracism.org/ | |
47. YWCA Of Tucson, AZ Provides education, job training, health and counseling programs for women and is committed to fighting racism and sexism on every front. http://www.ywcatucson.org/ | |
48. ENAR - Welcome Motions ( , 17 kB) Strategic Plan ( , 35 kB). Welcome to the European Network Against racism Homepage. We hope you find our site useful and informative. http://www.enar-eu.org/en/ | |
49. Www.no-racism.net Translate this page noborder network. Kontakt Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus Schottengasse 3a/1/59 A-1010 Wien fewor@no-racism.net PGP-Key Spenden PSK Konto 71724188 BLZ 60.000. http://www.no-racism.net/ | |
50. CNN.com - University Of Georgia Sorority Suspended Amid Claim Of Racism - Septem CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/09/07/sorority.suspended.ap/index.html | |
51. NoBorder.NoNation.No Prison.PublixTheatreCaravan Translate this page der VolxTheaterKarawane Marlene Streeruwitz U2 Verband feministischer WissenschaftlerInnen Kontakt VolxTheaterKarawane noborder@no-racism.net nobordertour http://www.no-racism.net/nobordertour/ | |
52. Racism In Sports: Built By SLUH Students Jon, Jake, Jeremy, Chris, Lance Site investigates the progression of racism throughout the history of the sports of golf, baseball, and boxing. http://home.swbell.net/mn7991/Sports.htm | |
53. WCAR NGO Forum Call for enforcement of the Geneva Convention, international protection for Palestinian civilians, http://www.racism.org.za/ |
54. Globalization Caucus For The United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Xen Includes resources from various international NGOs. http://humanrights.gatech.edu/wcarglobal.html | |
55. Show Racism The Red Card: Home show racism the red card anti racist information featuring footballers against racism in football and against racism in society. http://www.srtrc.org/ | |
56. Racism In Predominantly White Gay, Lesbian And Bisexual Communities racism related resources, articles, links to articles with excerpts from USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. http://www.virtualcity.com/youthsuicide/racism-gay-lesbian/ | |
57. CNN.com - BBC Pulls Talkshow In Racism Row - Jan. 9, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/01/09/uk.kilroy.reut/index.html | |
58. CNN.com - Celebrities Join Berlin Anti-racism Rally - November 9, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/germany/11/09/racism.rally.02/index.html | |
59. Zionism = Racism. Gives four grounds to categorise Zionism as racist. A brief study in comparative nationalism. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/Paul.Treanor/zionism.html | |
60. European American Issues Forum States that diversity (continental origin, national origins, and ethnicities) is literally smothered by insensitive bureaucrats who developed the labels that are used in the USA 2000 Census forms. http://www.eaif.org/sv2.htm | |
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