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81. Auto Racing Fatalities Timeline Top. 1999, September 11 Championship Auto racing Teams (CART) driver Gonzalo Rodriguez, 27, of Uruguay, is killed during practice for the Shell 300 at the Laguna http://www.infoplease.com/spot/autotimeline1.html | |
82. GrandPrix.com > Store > The Racing Driver: The Theory And Practice Of Fast Drivi Location GrandPrix.com Store The racing driver The Theory and Practice of Fast Driving, The racing driver The Theory and Practice of Fast Driving. http://store.grandprix.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=189 |
83. Drive To Win: The Essential Guide To Race Driving Books chassis tuning, tire selection, data acquisition, and general tuning concepts. A wellwritten and informative book for the race car driver both experienced and http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/buy/online-item_id-0965160009-search_type-A | |
84. Technical Book Shop Online - Browse 114 featured cars, F1 driver biographies and charts http://www.techbooks.com.au/pg-231.htm | |
85. BTCC REVIEW 2000 DVD - Duke Video action Circuit info for every round plus qualifying data, full race results and championship standings Super Touring Class A driver biographies BTCC history http://www.dukevideo.com/products/3906.htm | |
86. Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racing: Race To Glory (Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racin the first two books. Jodell is still the optimistic young driver who can t dream of ever giving up racing. Catherine, now his wife http://www.sitescrape.com/product/249361~Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racing: Race | |
87. Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racing: Young Guns (Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racing ( The story follows a young driver through his first few races, and showcases the behind the scenes aspects of a race team. The team http://www.sitescrape.com/product/249358~Rolling Thunder Stock Car Racing: Young | |
88. Welcome To Routledge and individual autobiographies, biographies and memoirs of of sport in Britaingeneral historical surveys deer stalking; dog racing; driving; eventing; falconry http://www.routledge-ny.com/books.cfm?isbn=0714652504 |
89. 03mushbios 2003 Musher biographies (submitted as of February 18, 2003). deal of satisfaction from completing both races in good together as a team and a driver. He is http://www.iditarod.com/03mushbios.html | |
90. Ohio Biography O Oakley, Annie (sharshooter, folk figure) Oldfield, Barney (race car driver) P Parker activist) Sherman, William Tecumseh (Civil War general) Smith, Mamie http://ohiobio.org/alphabetical.htm | |
91. Comic Art & Graffix Gallery Artist Biographies - Frank Frazetta Lasting for one one half years, it was a finely drawn brilliantly conceived strip about a race car driver; his girl, the gorgeous Jean his friends, Mom http://www.comic-art.com/bios-1/fraztta1.htm | |
92. Homework Center - Biographies The Multnomah County Library Homework Center organizes over 3500 carefully reviewed K12 education and homework help resources for students, teachers, media specialists, and librarians. http://www.multcolib.org/homework/biohc.html | |
93. Catania Racing Matthew William Catania. On December 13, 1999, Matthew William Catania was born to Bill and Lynne Catania. Matthew weighed in at 4lbs, 1oz, and was 17.5 inches long. them out. Catania racing '99 http://www.angelfire.com/az/cataniaracing | |
94. Dale Earnhardt recorded a top10 finish in 428 of his 676 career starts; won 22 career poles; became third driver of the modern era to win four consecutive races (1987); won http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0884166.html | |
95. Shonen Anime - Sandland - Biographies FILL ME IN http://www.shonenanime.com/sa.php?sa=sandbios.shtml |
96. My Life In The Pits: Living And Learning On The NASCAR Winston Cup Circuit - Whi look at the racers, their fans, their cars, and their lives from a woman s point of view.My Life in the PitsRonda Rich came to Winston Cup racing as a http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/WhitePulp/isbn0060005890 | |
97. Christianbook.com - Product Detail Page With racing in his blood, harddriving Don Hawk...... http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?03671152?item_no=67239&even |
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