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1. Commission For Racial Equality: Home Page place in June, the CRE has prepared guidance for schools, local councils and racialequality councils on their rights and responsibilities under the law. http://www.cre.gov.uk/ | |
2. Equal Treatment Under The Law For ALL Citizens! Philosphy for ending racial quotas and preferences Equal Opportunity. Democracy and equality under the law demands no less in the United States of America. have a "disparate impact" upon http://www.adversity.net/philosophy.htm | |
3. Upstate Citizens For Equality Grassroots organization focusing on flaws in Federal Indian Policy, government sponsored racial preferences and rule of law issues. Learn how to join. http://www.upstate-citizens.org | |
4. Law: Race Relations Act duties on many public authorities to promote racial equality. all major public bodiesto promote equality of opportunity is not a definitive guide to the law. http://www.cre.gov.uk/legaladv/rra.html | |
5. Racial Equality One of the ACLU's highest priority issues is the fight for racial equality. 0604-02 ACLU, ADC and Relman law Firm Sue Four Major Airlines Over Discrimination Against Passengers Read about http://www.aclu.org/issues/racial/hmre.html | |
6. Detailed Record racial equality and the law the role of law in the reduction of discriminationin the United States  By Morroe Berger  Publisher Paris UNESCO http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/a835de1b114c2b54.html | |
7. American Civil Liberties Union : Racial Equality : Racial Profiling In Stops And Searches (02/03/2004) WASHINGTON Six out of every seven law enforcementagencies in racial equality racial profiling - Action Items, View All. http://www.aclu.org/RacialEquality/RacialEqualitylist.cfm?c=133 |
8. American Civil Liberties Union : Racial Equality : Ballot Access/Motor Voter Law racial equality Ballot Access/Motor Voter law Press Releases.racial equality Ballot Access/Motor Voter law - Press Releases. http://www.aclu.org/RacialEquality/RacialEqualityList.cfm?c=164&ContentStyle=1&n |
9. Submission To The Law Commission On Family Court Dispute Resolution (Preliminary Educational Foundation promoting Sexual and racial equality the Feminists in the law http://www.geocities.com/peterzohrab/fcsubmis.html | |
10. LookSmart - Directory - Racial Equality Law racial equality law Find Supreme Court cases, debates, and articlesabout civil rights, affirmative action, and racial equality. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us53716/us74414/us10022019/us7 | |
11. Issues: The Law Educational Foundation promoting Sexual and racial equality New Zealand equality Education Foundation Issues the law. Open Letter to Family law Section, New Zealand law Society. The "Male http://www.angelfire.com/pe/terzohrab/islaws.html | |
12. LookSmart - Directory - Racial Equality Laws Rights. racial equality laws Groups and associations advocating theuse of the law to promote racial equality. Directory Listings http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us65566/us266590/us237176/us26 | |
13. American Civil Liberties Union : Racial Equality : Racial Profiling Legal Documents. Legislative Documents. racial equality racial profiling called the "End racial Profiling Act" to finally achieve the goal ending racial bias in law enforcement. http://www.aclu.org/profiling | |
14. BBC - The Law Essential Guides - Racial Abuse rather than violent, and the solution can often lie in civil law rather than claimto court and help is also available from the Commission for racial equality. http://www.bbc.co.uk/crime/law/racialabuse.shtml | |
15. Pursuing Equality In A Free Society is driving the present effort to abolish racial quotas and restore affirmative action Furthermore, pursuing equality of results destroys equality under the law. As with Vonneguts http://www.pacificresearch.org/pub/sab/social/speech_gopac.html | |
16. BREC HOME This law also says that government departments and otehr public organisations musthave policies to promote racial equality. Direct and Indirect Discrimination. http://www.bathnesrec.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
17. Race For Racial Justice Charity and the law, figures and facts of the world, definitions of race terms and linksto other useful websites such as the Commission for racial equality and Race http://www.racialjustice.org.uk/ | |
18. Race And The Law : Curriculum : Academics : Vanderbilt University Law School examines the role and uses of the law to both perpetuate and eradicate racial injustice visions of racial equality that are reflected in civil rights legislation, case law, and non http://www.law.vanderbilt.edu/academics/courses/race.html | |
19. Christianity And Racial Equality against situtations where prejudice and racial discrimination exist Movement, whichcampaigned for equal treatment of for blacks (and force changes in the law). http://www.faithnet.org.uk/KS4/Social Harmony/christracialequality.htm | |
20. Congress Of Racial Equality - Encyclopedia Article About Congress Of Racial Equa struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all discriminationagainst AfricanAmericans and to end racial segregation, especially http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Congress of Racial Equality | |
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