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101. Passports For Pets UK Rabies Quarantine Changes Organisation focused on reforming the UK rabies quarantine laws for dogs and cats entering the country. http://freespace.virgin.net/passports.forpets/ | |
102. Rabies rabies, or hydrophobia , is known as a disease that makes dogs sick and mad. rabies. Written by Dr Charlie Easmon, specialist adviser in travel medicine. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/travel/diseases/rabies.htm | |
103. Amelia County Animal Shelter Provides animal control as well as animal protection for the area. Registration fees, rabies vaccination requirements, and information about available dogs. http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VA73.html | |
104. Rabies Note All links within content go to MayoClinic.com. Diseases and Conditions. rabies. From MayoClinic.com Special to CNN.com. Overview. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/DS/00484.html | |
105. CNN.com - Thousands Of Doses Of Rabies Vaccine Recalled - Apr 3, 2004 A vaccine maker is recalling thousands of doses of rabies vaccine after discovering through routine testing that one lot contained live virus that could http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/04/03/vaccine.recall/ | |
106. Common Wildlife Problems of nuisance problems created by bears, coyotes, foxes, geese, raccoons, skunks and other wildlife, along with solutions and facts about rabies....... http://dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/wildlife/problem.htm | |
107. Click Here To Visit The Rabies Reporter Click here to visit the rabies Reporter. Contacts Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, The rabies Reporter is hosted by the Queen s GIS Lab. http://www.gis.queensu.ca/RReporter/mnr.html | |
108. CDC's Rabies Web Page That's Just For Kids Signs of rabies in animals. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/kidsrabies/Warning/warning.htm | |
109. Ferret Family Services Contact information, newsletter, rabies and ferretrelated links. Located in Manhattan, Kansas. http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~sprite/ffs.html | |
110. Rabies What is rabies? The Two Faces of rabies. Rabid dogs have been feared for centuries, largely because rabies is usually fatal once clinical signs occurs. http://www.cah.com/library/rabies.html | |
111. MDFA - Bureau Of Animal Health Charged with preventing the spread of contagious diseases in domestic animals by enforcing laws relative to the inspection, quarantine and care of animals affected with or exposed to contagious disease. Information provided on rabies, reportable diseases, equine activities, pet shops and animal imports and exports. http://www.state.ma.us/dfa/animalhealth/ | |
112. Bats & Rabies Bats and rabies FAQ. Bat handlers should click here for FAQ on rabies vaccinations. Do bats carry rabies? Some bats in http://www.bats.org.uk/batinfo/rabies.htm | |
113. Texas Wildlife Damage Management Service Manages the negative impacts of wildlife. Includes links to publications and overview of programs such as rabies control http://twdms.tamu.edu/ | |
114. Rabies Series - Health Information Health information discussing rabies, which is an acute viral disease of animals that can affect man, usually as a result of a rabid animal bite. rabies Series. http://www.mckinley.uiuc.edu/health-info/dis-cond/vacimmun/rabies.html | |
115. Dragoo's Wild Skunk Information Detailed information about the biology and taxonomy of the skunk family, with a section on rabies in skunks. http://www.dragoo.org/ | |
116. Bats And Rabies Communicable Diseases and Epidemiology Bats and rabies fact sheet. What is rabies disease? What kind of contact with a bat could transmit rabies? http://www.metrokc.gov/health/prevcont/bats.htm | |
117. Raccoons From The Gable's Raccoon World Extensive information and resources on care, feeding, rehabbing baby raccoons; photographs; raccoon rabies, roundworm and distemper; pest problems; raccoon screensaver, wallpaper and coloring book; scientific, fun facts, and common myths. http://www.raccoonworld.com/ | |
118. RABIES rabies Vectors, Page Top. The principal vector and reservoir of rabies throughout the world is the dog. The rabies Viruses, Page Top. http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/rage/rage-eng.html | |
119. The Animal Emergency Fund, Inc. Provides adoption services, foster homes, affordable rabies vaccinating, lowcost spaying/neutering of domestic cats and dogs, and a Trap, Neuter, Return Program to humanely control the population of feral cat colonies. Statistics and information on their services. Ulster County. http://www.animalemergencyfund.org/ | |
120. Rabies Home Page rabies Control. rabies Fact Sheet. Printable rabies Pamphlet rabies and Animal Bites What You Should Know and What You Should Do. rabies Control Guidelines. http://www.vdh.state.va.us/epi/rabies.htm |
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