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41. Karger Publishers
after UUO and the result of alt values were tubulointerstitial fibrosis by reducing tubulointerstitial production of the in UUO models of rat and rabbit 17, 21

42. Bioscience, Biotechnology And Biochemistry
any function that increased the autoinducer production. 2,2dioxide (III), on rabbit platelet aggregation AST), alanine aminotransferase (alt), and lactate
Contents and Abstracts of Latest Issue of BBB
(Vol.63 No.2 1999) Molecular Cloning and Ethylene-Inducible Expression of Chib1 Chitinase
from Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)

Akira WATANABE,a Van HAI NONG,a,b Deyu ZHANG,a Masaomi ARAHIRA,a
Nana ASARE YEBOAH,a Kyoko UDAKA,c and Chikafusa FUKAZAWAa,–
Synthesis and Root Growth-promoting Activity of Capillarol and Its Derivatives

Katsuhide OKADA,E Rika SUZUKI, and Takao YOKOTA–
Gene Cloning and Overexpression of a Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate Synthase

of an Extremely Thermophilic Bacterium, Thermus thermophilus

Chikara OHTO,E,–,–– Chika ISHIDA,– Ayumi KOIKE-TAKESHITA,– Ken YOKOYAMA,EE,–
Masayoshi MURAMATSU,– Tokuzo NISHINO,–– and Shusei OBATA–
Water Sorption and Drying Behavior of Crosslinked Dextrans
Masatoshi RUIKE, Tomohiro INOUE, Shingo TAKADA, Katsuhiro HORIE, and Norio MURASEE Structure-Activity Relationship of Phloroglucinol Compounds from Eucalyptus as Marine Antifoulants Yukimasa TERADA,– Joichi SAITO, Takashi KAWAI, Inder Pal SINGH,E and Hideo ETOHE Isolation and Properties of an Extracellular ƒÀ-Glucosidase from a Filamentous Fungus, Cladosporium resinae, Isolated from Kerosene

activity toward human and rabbit erythrocytes exclusion ability and bacterial inhibitor production. studied were alanine aminotrasferase (alt, SGPT), aspartate
List of Products OM-X Probiotic Capsule OM-X Plant Oil Research Studies Antimicrobial Activity Against MRSA Bacteriocidal and Antimicrobial Activity Against MRSA Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Conditions as Affected by Probiotics The Safety of Capsules Containing Lactic Acid Bacilli ... Antioxidant' Effects on Gastrointestianl Tract Antimicrobial Activity Against MRSA
By Iichiroh Ohhira
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of hospital associated (nosocomial) infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus strains that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, and these strains are collectively termed methicillin resistant S_ aureus (MRSA). The incidence of MRSA outbreak is particularly high in Japan where the cases are almost four times that reported in Europe. 6 Although the threat to patient care posed by such organisms has stimulated continuing efforts to search for potent anti MRSA agents, there has been a growing concern that the pharmaceutical industry may no longer be able to develop novel antibiotics sufficiently quickly.
To exploit the potential of antimicrobial metabolite of lactic acid bacteria for the control and chemotherapy of MRSA, we carried out bioassay directly screening of microorganisms insolated from fermented foods and beverages. Several strains were found to produce anti crobial activity in their culture broth, which inhibited the in vitro growth of MRSA on agar medium. Enterococcusfaecalis TH 10, an isolate from a Malaysian fermentation food, Tempeh, was especially effective among the lactic acid bacteria isolated More interestingly, the active component was readily extracted with ethyl acetate, and it retained the activity when treated with proteohlic enzymes.

44. PNAS -- Fujikawa Et Al. 99 (7): 4313
Contributed by Frederick W. alt, December 31, 2001. with DAPI (blue only, Left) or rabbit polyclonal anti only Vav3 transfections resulted in production of very
Published online before print March 26, 2002, 10.1073/pnas.052715699
April 2, 2002
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Cell Biology
Vav3 is regulated during the cell cycle and effects cell division
Keiko Fujikawa Yoshiro Inoue Masaharu Sakai Yoshikazu Koyama Shinzo Nishi Ryo Funada Frederick W. Alt , and Wojciech Swat Departments of Neural Function and Biochemistry, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo 060-8638, Japan; Laboratory of Wood Biology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan; Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110; and Center for Blood Research

45. Part 2:
of fruit, nuts, herbs, poultry, rabbits and fish Much food production would involve little or no nutrient recycling, and therefore without a local agriculture.
THE ALTERNATIVE, SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY; THE SIMPLER WAY. Summary If the limits to growth analysis of our predicament is correct we have no choice but to undertake radical changes in lifestyles, values, the geography of our settlements and especially change to a different economy. We must move to The Simpler Way. The required alternative society must involve far lower rates of per capita resource consumption and environmental damage. This must mean materially simpler lifestyles, in highly self-sufficient and cooperative communities, within an economy that is not driven by market forces and profit and that does not grow over time. The Simpler Way would not involve hardship or giving up modern technology. It would improve the average quality of life. All the ideas and technologies we need already exist and are in use in many places. There is now a Global Eco-village Movement in which many small groups are developing settlements of the required kind.
Our society, based on market forces, the profit motive, affluent living standards and economic growth, is grossly unjust and unsustainable. It only works well for a very few of the world's people. Even more importantly, it has run into the limits to growth; it involves levels of resource consumption and environmental impact that only a few can have for a short period of time. (For the detailed analysis see

46. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Toxicology/ProductsandServices/Re
replacing the DOT / EPA / FHSA rabbit test, and pricing and ordering details from alt Inc, Lexington Latoxan Company specializing in the production of venoms
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Real Estate Lookup Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Products and Services Reagents and Kits (5 links) News about Reagentsand Kits Cough And Cold Care Kits Reduce Antibiotic Use (March 2, 2004) full story Avian Influenza Infection In Humans: Urgent Need To Eliminate The Animal Reservoir (January 23, 2004) full story Half A Million Patients Suffering From Tuberculosis To Get Free Life-saving Medicines (December 30, 2003) full story Saliva Spits Out Information On Chemical Exposure (October 24, 2003) full story Researchers Develop System To Detect Biowarfare Agents On Navy Ships (September 10, 2003) full story [ More news about Reagentsand Kits Books about Reagentsand Kits List Price:'s Price:

Marked reductions in the egg production were recorded the pathological changes of experimental rabbits were discussed. that serum levels of AST, alt and direct Physiology/EXPE

48. Html Head /head Body Pre Html Head
O O St. intelligent control in agriculture. List Owner/Contact Johannes EXPL Agricultural production Management Bitnet Subscribe expert systems in agricultural production and management
University of California School of Veterinary Medicine California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System P.O. Box 1770 Davis, CA 95617 Phone: 916-752-4408 Bill Cohen - ABSNET Animal Behavior Society Newsletter Internet Subscribe to: Internet Mail to: (Editor) Description: An electronic mail system for members of the Animal Behavior Society and anyone interested in its goals to increase communication between animal behaviorists. The system currently includes a directory and an electronic mail newsletter, providing distribution of late-breaking job announcements, requests for information, and news of interest to members of the Animal Behavior Society. List Owner/Contacts: Dr. James C. Ha Regional Primate Research Center, SJ-50 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Matthew F.S.X. Novak - AGDG Animal Genetics Discussion Group Internet Subscribe to: Internet Mail to: Description: Discussion group for people interested in quantitative animal genetics and animal breeding. List Owner/Contact: Bruce Golden

49. Activity Of Some Enzymes In The Blood Plasma Of Hylla Rabbits Fed Various Propor
Sixty male Hyla rabbits, divided in four groups equal in of the substrate left from the production of Pleurotus The activity of alt in the control group (C
Correspondence regarding this website send to: Activity of Some Enzymes in the Blood Plasma of Hylla Rabbits Fed Various Proportions of Substrate from the Production of the Pleurotus pulmonarius Mushroom Liker B., R. Božac, I. Husdžinoviæ, S. Mužic, B. Bioèina, A. Tumpiæ, V. Rupiæ: Activity of Some Enzymes in the Blood Plasma of Hylla Rabbits Fed Various Proportions of Substrate from the Production of the Pleurotus pulmonarius Mushroom. Acta vet. Brno 1998, 67: 27-36. The nutritive effect of different amounts of substrate from the production of Pleurotus pulmonarius on the activity of AST, ALT, LD, CK, GGT and AP in the blood plasma of rabbits, after a nine weeks experimental fattening, was investigated. Sixty male Hyla rabbits, divided in four groups equal in number, one control (C) and three experimental groups (E , E , E ), were included in experiment. The control group (C) was fed the standard fodder mix without substrate. Added to the standard mix, the groups E , E and E received various proportions, 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively, of the substrate left from the production of

50. Untitled Document
http// in teaching, testing, and non production oriented research horses, sheep, poultry, dogs, cats, rabbits, and rodents
Website Resources
Website addresses change periodically. The sites listed are current as of July 2003. Emphasis was placed on selecting resources relevant to the care, welfare, and housing of swine.
ADDS Program: Agricultural Databases for Decision Support
AgNIC Swine Page
This site provides links to notable World Wide Web resources that deal with the production, marketing, and research aspects of swine and pork. Agricultural, marketing, and statistical sites; databases, library and publisher catalogs, and other reference sources are also listed.
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
Quality educational materials for producers and swine educators can be found here. Training modules, audiovisuals, and books, covering swine health, breeding, stockmanship, and farm management can be ordered through this site.
Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) Association

51. Missouri Alternatives Center Resource Collection
Poultry, rabbits, goats, pigs, sheep, cattle and horses are all included. five years and is a major source of information about production agriculture in the US

52. Subject Listings
Subject Descriptors ostriches; buffaloes; rabbits; pheasants; llamas; deer of plant and animal production practices having
Subject Listings Subject Listing for "alternative farming"
Number of Matches: 3 Broader Term(s) farming systems
Current Term alternative farming
Narrower Term(s) vermiculture
matches for query: Sorted by relevance Alternative ag pubs from North Dakota State University Extension Description:
HTML publications deal with some of the more unusual crop and livestock enterprises. Subject Descriptors:
ostriches; buffaloes; rabbits; pheasants; llamas; deer; elks; culinary herbs and spices; alternative farming; goats; Keywords:
lupin tilapia lentils crambe; Accessible from:
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Sustainable Agriculture Resources Description:
Subject Descriptors:
sustainable agriculture; farming and farming systems; alternative farming; organic production; environment; permaculture; precision farming; specialty crops; Keywords: No keywords assigned. Accessible from: Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Sustainable Agriculture Resources Description: Subject Descriptors: sustainable agriculture; farming and farming systems; alternative farming; organic production; environment; permaculture; precision farming; specialty crops;

53. Subject Listings
animal health; marketing; market prices; animal production;. Subject Descriptors ostriches; buffaloes; rabbits; pheasants; llamas
Subject Listings Subject Listing for "animals"
Number of Matches: 421 Broader Term(s) Animal Science and Animal Products organisms
Current Term animals
Narrower Term(s) dead animals dead animals desert animals desert animals ... zoo animals
matches for query: Sorted by relevance 1992 Dairy Enterprise Budget: 200 Cow Herd Description:
"Enterprise budgets can help you identify business strengths and weaknesses, plan for adjustments, determine financing requirements and address other business management issues." Also in Dairy Infobase. Subject Descriptors:
farm budgets; enterprises; dairy cattle; Keywords:
No keywords assigned. Accessible from:
ABC's of Cow Comfort Description:
Illini DairyNet paper on physical environment for dairy cows and its relationship to maximum milk production. Covers air quality, bunk management and stall design. Also in Dairy Infobase. Subject Descriptors:
milk production; dairy cattle; Keywords: stalls; bunks;

54. Alternative Enterprises
technology (RAS) utilized for intensive production of seafood deer farming, earthworms, geese, pheasants, rabbits, and more

55. Registration & Records - Course Catalog
and health of companion animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, mice ANS 520, Livestock production in Warm Climates, 3(30-0 Nutrition, 3(3-0-0) F, alt Yr(even
Policies NCSU Home Comments
ANS 105 Introduction to Companion Animals 3(3-0-0) F,S Restricted to Class FR and SO Introduction to animals that people keep as companions. Variation, behavior, anatomy, physiology, disease, and training of animals as diverse as fish, snakes, mice, rats, birds, cats, and dogs. Special relationships between humans and companion animals in a societal context. Course Offerings: fall sprg
ANS 110 Introduction to Equine Science 3(3-0-0) F Restricted to Class FR and SO History, management, and use of horses and their profound impact on society. Selection, care, and enjoyment of horses with emphasis on genetics, nutrition, reproduction, behavior, and health. Course Offerings: fall
ANS 150 Introduction to Animal Science 4(3-3-0) F,S Fundamental principles of animal management; contributions of animals and animal products to humanity; application of science to animal production; issues regarding animal production. Course Offerings: fall sprg WolfWare Info
ANS 201 Techniques of Animal Care
2(0-4-0) S Preq: ANS 150 or ANS 230 Major IAS or SAS, or instructor permission

(Editor’s Note Gary alt spoke after the It’s really just bone production going on there. to manage many of our wildlife species, turkeys, rabbits or grouse
DEER BIOLOGY G ary Alt PA Game Commission (Editor’s Note: Gary Alt spoke after the Conference dinner, as the final/keynote speaker. He was introduced as having recently been appointed as the new Director of the Game Commission’s deer management program.) The Game Commission was really distressed with my sense of humor, so they kept searching for a way to destroy it.(Editorial Insert: That’s why they made me director of the deer management program) I. have spent my whole life studying black bears and I have to tell you I’m going to miss that. But, of all the things I’ve ever done and all the places I’ve ever been, and of all the times I’ve ever been afraid, I have to tell you some of the most aggressive encounters I’ve ever seen have been at deer hearings! But that’s not why I’m here tonight. I’m here to try to lighten the moment a little bit if I can, not because the issue is any less urgent than we heard today, but I’d like to take a little time to show respect to the animal that we need to manage. Sometimes I get discouraged when I hear all the bad things about deer. Ben Moyer said today something that tugged at my heart strings. When I was a little kid growing up, I used to love deer. I hunted with my grandfather and my father. Whether you’re a hunter or not is, for me, irrelevant. The decisions we have to make have to go beyond that. We have to take care of this resource. But I was raised in a family that hunted, and some of the best memories I have of my grandfather, my father and my son are from times that we were out there hunting deer. I know it’s hard for a lot of people to believe that anyone who could kill a deer could love a deer. And I’m not trying to convert anyone else to being a hunter. But I just want to say that people such as Ben and myself, we grew up in that scenario, and though it’s hard to describe, we love the animal. We also love hunting.

57. Practical Pet Care Article: Ferret Domestication
control) to hunting (food production) to experimentation Mailing List), APF (alt.pets.ferrets

58. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Cow Sites
alt.cows.are.nice; alt.cows.moo.moo Herd Health and production Management in Dairy Practice;
Dairy Beef Other Commercial Dairy Beef Other Commercial Select Another Species General Animal Sites Amphibians Birds Cats Cows Dogs Ferrets Fish Horses Invertebrates Marine Pigs Primates Rabbits Reptiles Rodents Small Ruminants Wildlife Zoo Animals Fictional Images Sounds Return to: 1994-98, Ken Boschert, DVM

59. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Bird Sites
Poultry, production and Value (Cornell University); Poultry Science audubon;; alt.sports.falconry;
Poultry Pet Birds Other Birds Commercial Poultry Pet Birds Other Birds Commercial Select Another Species General Animal Sites Amphibians Birds Cats Cows Dogs Ferrets Fish Horses Invertebrates Marine Pigs Primates Rabbits Reptiles Rodents Small Ruminants Wildlife Zoo Animals Fictional Images Sounds Return to: 1994-98, Ken Boschert, DVM

60. Mbox-38: Re:Organic And Nutrition Contd.
performance of rats, mice and/or rabbits. many other good reasons to support organic production. =_94828257_.alt ContentType
re:Organic and nutrition contd.
Organic Farming Research Foundation (
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:14:07 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Joan Dye Gussow, Ed.D,
Is Organic Food More Nutritious? And Is That the Right Question?
My interest in the nutritional value of organic as compared to conventional
foods began in the late 1960s, even before I was a nutritionist.
So my first piece of independent work as an experienced researcher
but a beginning student in the nutrition field was an effort to examine the widespread claim that modern agriculture has created mineral deficient soils. My conclusion, after a lot of library research, was that soil contamination with lead, mercury and especially cadmium because of the over use of some rock based fertilizers was a more likely outcome than mineral deficiency.

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