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Quechua Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||||||
61. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples. indigenous peoples Learn about the culture andhistory of indigenous peoples from regions around the world. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us10133057/ | |
62. Infoshop News - Across The Americas, Indigenous Peoples Make APR Links. Daypop. Kinja. Newsmap. Become the Media. Infoshop News urges all of our anarchist comrades to become active with your local Indymedia project. assemblies are the urban equivalent of http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=03/10/19/5693021 |
63. Economist.com | Indigenous People In South America overdue indigenous people lacked representation. In Ecuador, CONAIE set up a mainlyIndian political party called Pachakutik (Âreawakening in quechua, http://www.economist.com/world/la/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2446861 |
64. Ultimas Noticias Sobre La Cultura Quechua A confederation of Achuar, Schwai, quechua and other indigenous peoplesis now a formidable political voice in Ecuador, says Twist. http://www.quechuanetwork.org/news_template.cfm?news_id=1584&lang=s |
65. Languages In Latin America - LANIC El Quichua de Santiago del Estero; Vallejo en quechua. for teachers and students onthe people, culture, and de Latinoamérica Archive of indigenous Languages of http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/languages/ | |
66. Dehai Africa/World News Archive: Indigenous People In South America - A Politica overdue indigenous people lacked representation. In Ecuador, CONAIE set up a mainlyIndian political party called Pachakutik ( reawakening in quechua, but http://dehai.org/archives/AW_news_archive/0320.html | |
67. Taller De Historia Oral Andina Suyu Ingavi de Markas, indigenous Ayllus and Communities, Aymara Educational Council,quechua Educational Council, indigenous People s Educational Council http://www.aymaranet.org/thoa7english.html | |
68. Peruvian Farmers And Indigenous People Denounce Maca Patents in the minds of foreign agronomists, but it has never been lost to indigenous peoplesof the Andes, said Alejandro Argumedo of the quechuaAyamara Association http://www.etcgroup.org/article.asp?newsid=353 |
69. Andean Links Bolivia Coca Trade; Pintores de Tigua indigenous Artists of Ecuador; indigenousPeoples in the Andes; Photographs of Ayamara and quechua Indians, in Bolivia http://www.andes.org/bookmark.html | |
70. Minorities At Risk (MAR) In the Tierra del Fuego, there are also some Selk namgon people. quechua isthe most widely spoken indigenous language in the northwestern provinces. http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/indarg.htm | |
71. Info 21: Indigenous Resources On The Internet Homepage (Internet quechua Lessons) quechua ( qheshwa ) is an indigenous languageof the Andean region, spoken by approximately 13 million people in Bolivia http://www.undp.org/info21/sector/s-c-indi.html | |
72. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Native American Languages : Influence And Survival (Lang United States are working to revitalize the languages of their peoples as a as tribalclasses, language camps, and local college courses in indigenous languages http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/N/NatvAmlang-influence-and-survival.h | |
73. Indigenous Assembly Condemns FTAA preservation of the planet, a fundamental value of the indigenous movements, whetherQuechua, Aymara, Guaranà In the world of the indigenous peoples, we seek http://www.geocities.com/ericsquire/articles/ftaa/ips021101.htm | |
74. SerIndigena/Chilean Indigenous People - Links Introduction to the Sami People This web site gives descriptions of the Sami whoare indigenous to Scandinavia Information in quechua, Spanish, and English. http://www.beingindigenous.org/index/links/links_print.htm | |
75. Beingindigenous - News of Chuquiago (La Paz), where the indigenous made a Bartolina Sisa) Micaela Bastidasthat had quechua and African over the ancient capital of the Inca people. http://www.beingindigenous.org/index/destacados/woman_day.htm | |
76. Indigenous Women Tarcila Rivera, a Peruvian indigenous woman of quechua origin, explains We are thatthey suffer a double discrimination as women and as indigenous people. http://www.indians.org/welker/indwomen.htm | |
77. Quechua. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 language of this family spoken by close to 10 million indigenous people in Peru Theofficial language of the ancient Inca empire, also called quechua, was of http://www.bartleby.com/65/qu/Quechua.html | |
78. Indigenous People And Cultures issues99/nov99/indigenous.htm The documentary Ahinam Chay (quechua for This atthe VI American Film and Video Festival of indigenous People and Originating http://www.changemakers.net/library/collections/indigenouspeople.cfm | |
79. Update On Our Work In Bolivia The population of Bolivia is approximately 8.5 million people, of which a littleover half is indigenous from various ethnic groups with quechua and Aymara http://www.thp.org/bolivia/update404/ | |
80. United Nations Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Approximately 150 people live in Huacaria, 60 of them children. The populationincludes three indigenous groupsÂMatsigenka, Wachipaeri, and quechuaÂwho http://www.un.org/hr/indigenousforum/cybers.html | |
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