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21. The McGill Daily: Quebec Government Cuts $63 Million From Financial Aid quebec government cuts $63 million from financial aid. Student groupsplan massive demonstration; SSMU criticizes education minister. http://www.mcgilldaily.com/view.php?aid=2705 |
22. The McGill Daily: Quebec Government May Pitch In For New Arts Building Photo McGill University. quebec government may pitch in for new Artsbuilding. $20 million grant from provincial government would http://www.mcgilldaily.com/view.php?aid=2700 |
23. CANADopt -Quebec -Government The information on this page was last updated on Saturday April 19 2003.quebec government Information. Link to the Government of Quebec. General. http://www.canadopt.ca/pqgov.htm | |
24. Government Of Canada Internet Guide , 16,000 quebec government jobs to disappear by 2013 under plan Goalis better services Jeromeforget. For every two civil servants http://www.cio-dpi.gc.ca/ig-gi/gs-cd/es-ae/es-aewrapperfile_e.asp?p=m&hl=6185 |
25. Minister Gagliano Urges Quebec Government To Aid Victims Of Pyrite-Damaged Homes of PyriteDamaged Homes. Minister Gagliano Urges quebec government toAid Victims of Pyrite-Damaged Homes. Ottawa, June 15, 2001 Â The http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/News/nere/2001/2001-06-15-1600.cfm | |
26. Chamber Of Maritime Commerce - Links: Quebec Government Departments And Agencies quebec government Departments and Agencies. US Government Departments and Agencies.Links. quebec government Departments and Agencies Government of Québec. http://www.cmc-ccm.com/links-qc-da.html | |
27. Quebec Government To Cut 16,000 Jobs In The Next 10 Years To Cut (CP/Jacques Boissinot), quebec government to cut 16,000 jobs in thenext 10 years to cut bureaucracy. May 5, 2004 1252. QUEBEC (CP http://www.680news.com/news/national/article.jsp?content=n050523A |
28. Quebec Government To Cut 16,000 Jobs In The Next 10 Years To Cut National News quebec government to cut 16,000 jobs in the next 10 yearsto cut bureaucracy. May 5, 2004 1132. MONTREAL (CP) - The http://www.680news.com/news/national/article.jsp?content=n050513A |
29. FARA - Quebec Government House quebec government House. Return to the Listing CANADA quebec governmentShort Form Listing of Registrant s Foreign Agents. Apelian, Vahe http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fara/fara2nd00/REGS/01787.HTM | |
30. FARA - Quebec Government House quebec government House. Return to the Listing CANADA quebec governmentShort Form Listing of Registrant s Foreign Agents. Abensour, Michael http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fara/Fara1st02/REGS/01787.HTM | |
31. Authorities : Corporate Bodies : Quebec Government Bodies LC s practice for Québec government names is the same as Queen s. However, theircoverage of these names is somewhat spotty . Quebec (Province). Dept. | |
32. CTV.ca - Quebec Government To Shed 16,000 Jobs By 2013- CTV News, Shows And Spor CTV.ca. quebec government to shed 16,000 jobs by 2013. Quebec Treasury Boardpresident Monique JeromeForget. CTV.ca News Staff Updated Wed. May. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/print/CTVNews/1083770777043_79179977/?hub= |
33. Quebec Government Information At Business.com quebec government industry web links for business products, services,information and resources. quebec government. SUBCATEGORIES http://www.business.com/directory/government_and_trade/by_country/canada/provinc | |
34. Varsity News -- Protestors Shut Down Quebec Government Complex Protestors shut down quebec government complex. By Jonathan Wexler and JeffWebber. Âquebec government, donÂt fuck with my mobility rights. http://varsity.utoronto.ca:16080/archives/118/nov11/news/quebec.html | |
35. Quebec Government Directory Banner 10000130. quebec government Other Sites. Canadian NationalLinks, Please Select a Category. Please Select Area of Interest. http://www.thesnare.com/canada/quebec/gov/gov.htm | |
36. Quebec GOVERNMENT RESOURCES Companies Directory 14449 members counting! quebec government RESOURCES DIRECTORY, ADD COMPANY. Sorry,no GOVERNMENT RESOURCES companies have been posted yet for Quebec. http://www.techvibes.com/company/index.asp?company_type=8&state_prov=5 |
37. Quebec GOVERNMENT RESOURCES Companies Directory 14327 members counting! quebec government RESOURCES DIRECTORY, ADD COMPANY. Sorry,no GOVERNMENT RESOURCES companies have been posted yet for Quebec. http://www.techvibes.com/company/index.asp?company_type=8&city=47 |
38. CrossDots.com - Searching The WEB ! government quebec. Quebec City Government. Search Quebec Toolbar FREE Download. One-click access to quebec government resources. http://www.crossdots.info/quebec-government.html | |
39. Zerit For HIV/AIDS To Be Reimbursed By Quebec Government Seasons ? Increase Maintain Decrease. View Results. Zerit for HIV/AIDSto be Reimbursed by quebec government MONTREAL, Jan. 2, 1997 http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/fa62.htm |
40. Pfizer Canada Joins In Innovative Partnership Program With Quebec PFIZER CANADA JOINS IN INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM WITH quebec governmentTO FIGHT ALZHEIMERÂS DISEASE Twoyear program with three pharmaceutical http://www.pfizer.ca/english/newsroom/press releases/default.asp?s=1&year=2000&r |
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