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61. CNN/SI - Pennsylvania Quakers - Women's College Basketball Headlines, scoreboard, schedule. http://www.cnnsi.com/basketball/college/women/teams/pag/ | |
62. Anglican ANGLICANS, PURITANS, AND quakers. IN SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY NEWFOUNDLAND. by Hans Rollmann. Introduction. There has been http://www.mun.ca/rels/ang/texts/ang1.html | |
63. InterFriend Publisher Home Page This independent site for and about quakers in Ireland has news, articles, letters and links. http://homepage.eircom.net/~interfriendpublisher/ | |
64. Quakers And The Arts Q uak ers and the Arts Historical Sourcebook Etexts of significant writings about the arts by quakers past and present http://home.att.net/~quakart/ | |
65. University Of Pennsylvania :: Men's Squash :: The Official Athletic Site quakers. Season summaries, game schedule, roster, news items and past results. http://pennathletics.ocsn.com/sports/m-squash/penn-m-squash-body.html | |
66. Reading UK Quaker Meeting - Home Page Meetings of the UK Religious Society of Friends, or quakers, around Reading in the UK. Religious Society of Friends, or quakers, in the UK. http://www.reading-quakers.org.uk/index.shtml | |
67. Civil War Links - Underground Railroad Some 50,000 North Carolinians left the state and moved to Ohio or Indiana in protest to slavery during the thirty years before the Civil War is not widely known. As the frustration with more restrictive and harsh laws over slaves and slave owning were passed, some quakers, like Levi Coffin, began to illegally assist escaping slaves to flee the state. http://www.civilwar.com/linksrr.htm | |
68. Swarthmoor Hall Owned by the Society of Friends, The quakers, and used for training and retreats. Also available for groups of people who might wish to organise their own events retreats, workshops - either on a self-catering or fully-catered basis. http://www.quaker.org.uk/contacts/educat/swarth.html | |
69. Untitled Cheap Web Site Hosting Web Hosting. TQ Online! Home Page About Page. News Just In The Matches. Contact Page. Farewell Feethams. More Feethams Pics. http://thequakers.20m.com/ | |
70. Quaker Proscecutions The quakers Hostile Bonnets And Gowns Governor Endicott s threat, take heed ye break not our ecclesiastical laws, for then ye are sure to stretch by the http://www.mayflowerfamilies.com/enquirer/quakers.htm | |
71. Vriendenkring.info - Website Van De Nederlandse Quakers Ontmoet de quakers. Wat geloven quakers? quakers in Nederland; quakers Wereldwijd; Algemene Vergadering 2003. Informatie over de quakers alfabetisch gerangschikt. http://home.wxs.nl/~jggr/ | |
72. University Of Pennsylvania :: Men's Crew-Heavyweight :: The Official Athletic Si quakers. News items, past results, competition calendar, season preview and a roster. http://pennathletics.ocsn.com/sports/m-crewhvy/penn-m-crewhvy-body.html | |
73. Friends (Quakers) And The Bible - QuakerInfo.com Essay on the approach of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) towards the Bible. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_bib.shtml | |
74. WE'VE MOVED Wellorganized indices to online resources about Friends (quakers) plus a listing of local meetings (congregations). http://web.raex.com/~hbh/ | |
75. CaraBella's Quaker Page Information, pictures, and tips for teaching quakers how to speak. http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/1108/quaker.html | |
76. Friends (Quakers) And Women, By Bill Samuel - QuakerInfo.com Bill Samuel Webservant QuakerInfo.com. Site Meter, Friends (quakers) and Women by Bill Samuel Originally published August 1, 1998 at Suite101.com. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakwomn.shtml | |
77. Southern California Quarterly Meeting Newsletter and information about Southern California Quarterly Meeting.Also contains listing of member unprogrammed Quaker Meetings and worship groups located in Southern California, as well as Las Vegas, Nevada, Guatemala and Mexico City. http://www.scqm.org/ | |
78. Western Quakers Your Link To Western quakers. Quaker Meeting Directory. Calendar of Events. Editor s Page. Quaker Humor. History of Western quakers. Email Anthony Manousos, Editor. http://members.aol.com/friendsbul/WestFriendsDirectory.html | |
79. Budgewoi Aviaries Main Breeder of many species, including african greys, cockatiels, eclectus, greencheek conures, malabars, quakers, ringnecks, and sun conures. http://www.geocities.com/p4sau | |
80. Western_Quakers_for_Peace Western quakers For Peace. by Durango, Colorado, quakers. The events of the week of September 11, 2001 fill us with grief and sadness. http://members.aol.com/friendsbul/peacemakers.html | |
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