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         Quakers:     more books (100)
  1. Quaker Summer (Women of Faith Fiction #14) (2007 Novel of the Year) by Lisa Samson, 2008-04-08
  2. A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Life Lessons In Simplicity, Service, And Common Sense (Living Planet Book) by Robert Lawrence Smith, 1999-09-07
  3. Guide to the Quaker Parrot by Mattie Sue Athan, 1997-09-01
  4. Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings (HarperCollins Spiritual Classics) by Harpercollins Spiritual Classics, 2005-05-01
  5. The Quaker Parrot: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet by Pamela Leis Higdon, 1998-03-23
  6. Listening to the Light: How to Bring Quaker Simplicity and Integrity Into Our Lives by Jim Pym, 1999-04-01
  7. A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs by Wilmer, A Cooper, 2000-12-01
  8. Practicing Peace: A Devotional Walk Through the Quaker Tradition by Catherine Whitmire, 2007-04
  9. Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity by Catherine Whitmire, 2001-07
  10. How the Quakers Invented America by David Yount, 2007-08-25
  11. Naked Quaker: True Crimes and Controversies from the Courts of Colonial New England by Diane Rapaport, 2007-10-30
  12. Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia
  13. The Quakers in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Thomas D. Hamm, 2006-08-25
  14. The Quaker Reader

1. Introduction To "Quakers In Brief" - DM Murray-Rust
quakers in BRIEF . or. QUAKERISM made EASY . An extension, in general terms, of Chapter l. The sort of people the early quakers were.
(An over-view of the Quaker movement from 1650 to 1990)
David M Murray-Rust
Birkenhead Meeting,
Merseyside, UK
George Fox
My alternative title is adapted from that of a book on Calculus written by the eminent Quaker scientist, Silvanus Thompson, in 1910. It was called "Calculus made Easy" and was derived from lectures he gave to his Engineering students, whom he wished to interest in Mathematics as well as to instruct. He said that his learned critics would complain that he had made it easy simply by leaving out the difficult part; and he said "THAT THIS WAS QUITE TRUE". Still, he made no excuse about it for, as he said: "Any subject may be made repulsive by presenting it bristling with difficulties." This is true not only of Mathematics, but also of History, Theology, and much else... including Quakerism! So I propose to give you this "overview", leaving out the "difficult parts". In fact, I shall be leaving out a great deal, for there have been many good books written on the story and nature of Quakerism, to which anyone may refer, if they wish to read further and deeper.
Chapter 1. When, Why, and How Quakerism began.

2. The Quaker Corner: Differences Between Shakers And Quakers
This is a simplified, one page description of the background of Shakers and quakers, the latter being a thriving, worldwide Christian religion.
Subject: Shakers/Quakers
Encyclopedia of Religion Website?
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 22:04:13 -0400 Does anyone have a good explanation of the difference between Shakers and Quakers? My daughter asked me to explain this, and I really don't feel comfortable giving her an answer. I was looking for a website that has a brief history/description of the world's religions and was very disappointed in what I found. Is there something like an Encyclopedia of Religions on the internet? Any suggestions would be helpful. While Shakers have nearly died out, Quakerism, though limited in numbers by comparison to mainline and evangelical Protestants, is alive and growing, both in the USA and in Africa and South America and other nations overseas. Many have today adopted the custom of having a person designated as primarily a pastor, and most are neither white English speaking nor North American, since the greatest growth in the past generation has been outside of England and the USA. This is a great abridgment and oversimplification of the histories of the two groups, Quakers and Shakers, but gives you an indication of the major differences. For a good short readable history of Quakers, I recommend to you Howard Brinton's *Friends for 300 Years*. I hope this helps thee.

3. Quakers In Britain - BYM Main Page
This is the Home page of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) the organisation representing the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) in Great Britain. This site will tell you about Quakerism, where
" Quakers respect the creative power of God in every human being and in the world around us. We work through quiet processes for a world where peaceful means bring about just settlements. " Home Page Search the Site Find a Quaker Meeting Make a Donation ... The Library, Friends House
To find out about catering, and hiring rooms and halls at Friends House please go to our Hospitality Pages Religious Society of Friends (or Quakers) in Britain Find out about Quakerism by reading a short overview of Quaker faith , or our FAQs (frequently asked questions). For more detail go to More About Quakerism You can now make secure donations online wherever you see a Make a Donation link. What are Quakers doing about: child soldiers, small arms control and world trading agreements? Find out here [PDF:122kb]

4. The Religious Society Of Friends
quakers and the Political Process an exhibit by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Quaker Organizations. Categories of organizations. quakers from A to Z (but not X).
The Religious Society of Friends
Navigating this web site: Entries are not in alphabetical order but instead age order. New entries are added to the bottom of each section. Use the search function of your browser to locate entries. A Statement from Leaders of Friends Organizations in the U.S. is mirrored at Summersault
Introductory Items
Quaker Organizations
Quaker Retreat Centers

5. Fellowship Of Quakers In The Arts
Fellowship of quakers in the Arts nurtures and showcases the literary, visual, musical, and performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends, for
Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts
Your browser doesn't support frames. But you can still learn about the Fellowship of Quakers in the arts. Just go to the Site Map and follow the links from there.

A listing of Quaker Parrot information sites.

Excerpts taken from statements on the topics of homosexuality and bisexuality, and related resources.

Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Quaker congregations are almost completely autonomous. There exists no central general assembly or main authority within the Society of Friends that can make definitive statements of policy for the entire denomination. Instead, Quakers have regional "meetings" at which a group of congregations gather. Most Christians and Christian groups can be sorted into three categories: conservative, mainline and liberal. Quakers cover the full range. And this is displayed in their beliefs about homosexuality and bisexuality. The following are excerpts taken from their statements on the topic: British Quakers
In 1963, British Quakers published a book "Towards a Quaker View of Sex" . It put forth the argument that it was not the gender and sexual orientation of a person that mattered; it was the depth of feeling they have for each other. "Where there is a genuine tenderness, an openness to responsibility, and the seed of commitment, God is surely not shut out. Can we not say that God can enter any relationship in which there is a measure of selfless love?" Subsequently, the

8. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Society Of Friends (Quakers)
Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. Catholic Encyclopedia F Society of Friends (quakers) A. B. C that during the reign of Charles II, 13 562 "quakers" were imprisoned in various parts of England, 198 were
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... F > Society of Friends (Quakers) A B C D ... Z
Society of Friends (Quakers)
The official designation of an Anglo-American religious sect originally styling themselves "Children of Truth" and "Children of Light", but "in scorn by the world called Quakers". The founder of the sect, George Fox, son of a well-to-do weaver, was born at Fenny Drayton in Leicestershire, England, July, 1624. His parents, upright people and strict adherents of the established religion Church of England or of the innumerable dissenting sects which flooded the land, he was thrown back upon himself and forced to accept his own imaginings as "revelations" . "I fasted much", he tells us in his Journal, "walked abroad in solitary places many days, and often took my Bible and sat in hollow trees and lonesome places until night came on; and frequently in the night walked mournfully about by myself. For I was a man of sorrows in the first working of the Lord in me." This anguish of spirit continued, with intermissions, for some years; and it is not surprising that the lonely youth read into his Bible all his own idiosyncrasies and limitations. Founding his opinions on isolated texts, he gradually evolved a system at variance with every existing form of

9. Quakers Reunited
A service to help people find others who were at the same Quaker gatherings.

"Regard the taking of oaths as contrary to the teachings of Christ, and setting up a double standard of truthfulness; whereas sincerity and truth should be practiced in all walks of life"
How many Quaker Gatherings have you been to ? If you're anything like us, the answer is no doubt going to be "lots" ! Whether they're New Year Gatherings, Summer Gatherings, FWCC Triennials, Youth Pilgrimages, Senior Conferences, Junior Yearly Meetings, or World Gatherings, the list just grows & grows. There'll be many people you were at gatherings with who have become lifelong friends. Others you might have kept in touch with but lost contact somehow since. One day you get your photographs out to show somebody else, recognise a face, & the thought "I wonder what they're doing now...?" floats across your mind. 'Quakers Reunited' is for you ! Based on the idea of the popular schoolfriends reunion format, you can build yourself a profile , enter in the various gatherings meetings Currently there are members who have made these are the most recent discussion topics: Hey I want to find out about your religion Mahmood ul Hassan MAhmood, 12/5/2003 2:24:16 PM

10. The Quakers
The quakers. William Penn lived in England. He was a member of a religious group called the quakers. The quakers had no religious leaders. They believed every man was equal. All members met to worship God as equals.
The Quakers William Penn lived in England. He was a member of a religious group called the Quakers. The Quakers had no religious leaders. They believed every man was equal. All members met to worship God as equals. The Quakers could not worship in England because they did not follow the Church of England. Many Quakers were sent to jail for not going to the Church of England. William Penn was one of those who had been sent to jail. The King of England owed Penn's father a lot of money. Penn's father asked the King of England to give him land in America instead of the money. The King agreed. In 1682 William Penn and his fellow Quakers came to the New World. They named their new colony Pennsylvania . This meant Penn's woods. Penn opened his land to Quakers from all over the world. Thousands came from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and England. Penn was also give Delaware after the English took it from the Swedes. The British governor, the Duke of York, did not want the problems of running a small colony so he give it to William Penn. In 1704 Penn let it become a separate colony. The Middle Colonies of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York were called the Bread Colonies. The soil was good in this area raising crops. Many rivers made transportation easy. The chief products of this area was grain and livestock. Vegetable, cotton, and tobacco were also grown.

11. Home Page
Nonprofit society founded in 1980 for men, women and children who establish descent, either lineal or collateral, from an ancestor in the Society of Friends prior to 1835. Information on life membership, and society objectives. Based in the United States.
National Society
Descendants of Early Quakers Founded 1980 Welcome to Our Website OBJECTIVES OF OUR SOCIETY To promote historical research To promote scholarly efforts towards the preservation of family documents, and records of the Society of Friends To promote appreciation and recognition of the accurate and extensive family records kept by the Society of Friends OFFICIAL PUBLICATION AND ANNUAL MEETING The official publication of the National Society Descendants of Early Quakers is called PLAIN LANGUAGE and is published after the Annual Meeting each year. The Annual Meeting and afternoon tea with a program presentation is held in Washington DC in mid-April every year. OUR OFFICERS, 1999-2001 National Presiding Clerk Mrs. Richard C. Silman (Jo) National Overseer Mrs. Frederic J. Licht (Lilla) National Trustee Mrs. C. Lamar DeuPree (Grace) National Recording Clerk Mrs. William W. Belcher (Carole) National Corresponding Clerk Mrs. George W. Hallgren, Sr. (Ann) National Keeper of the Common Fund Mrs. Hugh E. Blocker, Sr. (Lucy) National Inquirer Mr. Lloyd D. Bockstruck

12. Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) In Ireland
Details of Quaker beliefs, organisation and meeting times in Ireland, with thoughts for contemplation and notes.
Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) in Ireland
These pages have been moved to Click Here The Religious Society of Friends,
Swanbrook House, Bloomfield Avenue, Morehampton Road,
Dublin 4, Ireland

13. The Quaker Corner
Surnames Heritage. Quaker Surnames. Links to QuakerRelated Sites. Suggest a Link or Resource. Quaker-Roots Discussion Group. How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe.
Quaker Surnames Links to Quaker-Related Sites Suggest a Link or Resource Quaker-Roots Discussion Group How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe Guidelines for Q-R List Members Some Interesting Threads Quaker Queries Message Board Message Board Post a Query JTR's List of Quaker Monthly Meetings Jerry Richmond's Quaker Meetings by State ... Suggest a Link or Resource Biographies Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource Book Publishers/Vendors Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource ... Suggest a Link or Resource Look-Up Offers Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource ... Suggest a Link or Resource Message Boards Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource Primary Documentation Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource Reference Material Links to On-Line Resources Suggest a Link or Resource The Quaker Corner has been on-line since August of 1995. It is the official repository for the QUAKER-ROOTS discussion group, a mailing list with over 850 subscribers.

14. Quakers In Scotland - Home
Religious Society of Friends (quakers) the website of Scotland General Meeting. Quakerism is a non-credal religion, with Christian
QUAKERS IN SCOTLAND Who are the Quakers? Organization in Scotland Links to Quaker info Coming events ... GM reports
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - the website o f Scotland General Meeting

Quakerism is a non-credal religion, with Christian roots, whose worship is based on silence and listening to the spirit. Quakers practise truth, equality and simplicity and pursue paths leading to peace.
Find a Quaker meeting in Scotland
SEARCH this website (New)
For an enquirer's pack about Quakers, please contact:
Quaker Meeting House,
7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL
Scotland, UK
Or follow the links .............
Quaker Meetings in Scotland
Britain Yearly Meeting
Friends World Committee for Consultation Northern Friends Peace Board About Quaker ways: First Visit to a Quaker Meeting Quaker Weddings Quaker Funerals Quaker Business Meetings ... A page about peace (a North American friend's page); and one from Quaker Peace and Social Witness (UK) Other things Voltaire on Quakers and on oaths About this website Joe Latham, who created and maintained this website, died on October 24th 2003. He was interested in many things (

15. :: Quad Quakers ::
Members, matches, news and forum. Plays Quake I and Quake III Arena.
If this link #quadquakers on latest Use I.E.

16. University Of Pennsylvania :: The Official Athletic Site
the Red and Blue with nine saves, as the quakers ended the 2004 season at 77 overall Track at 2004 IC4As. quakers finish first and third in the pole
Sport List
Baseball - M
Basketball - M W
Fencing - M W
Field Hockey - W
Football - M
Football - Sprint - M
Golf - M W
Gymnastics - W
Lacrosse - M W
Rowing - (Heavy) - M Rowing - (Light) - M Rowing - W Soccer - M W Softball - W Squash - M W Swimming - M W Tennis - M W Track/XCountry - M W Volleyball - W Wrestling - M Athletic Links Making The Grade Student Athlete Center Compliance Corner Tickets ... Wireless Other Links PENN Home Page PENN Relays Online Store Ivy League ... Varsity Athletic Apparel HEADLINES General Release Penn Athletics Announces the Franklin Field Turf and Treasures On-Line Auction To be held June 9-18, Penn Athletics will be offering many keepsake items, including select pieces of the actual Franklin Field astroturf, for bid and purchase. Other items for sale include game worn Penn Football jerseys, trademark design Penn Track jerseys, the opportunity to be a "Coach For A Day" and many other items from the Penn teams that have competed at Franklin Field over the years. This one-of-a-kind offering is open to all who might value a piece of Franklin Field history! [More] M Track Chaput One Step Closer to Second NCAA Title The University of Pennsylvania men's track team began competition at the 2004 NCAA Championships on the campus of the University of Texas on Thursday. Brian Chaput '04 qualified for the javelin finals, while sophomore Courtney Jaworski and junior Neal Wojdowski competed at their first National Championships.

17. Qpcc
Providing professionally trained quakers with continuing education and dialogue through annual conferences.
Quakers in Pastoral Care and Counseling Not Another Conference! This site has relocated. Please click on this link:`qpcc.

18. Main Page Of Quaker Peace And Social Witness
Quaker Peace Social Witness working with and on behalf of quakers in Britain to translate our faith into action. Our work.
" Quakers respect the creative power of God in every human being and in the world around us. We work through quiet processes for a world where peaceful means bring about just settlements. " Home Page Search the Site Find a Quaker Meeting Make a Donation ... For Under 19s Peace and Social Witness Peace building overseas Our work at the United Nations and other international institutions Work in Britain Parliamentary liaison ... The Library, Friends House working with and on behalf of Quakers in Britain to translate our faith into action. Our work For further information on the work of Quaker Peace and Social Witness please look at our annual report [PDF: 93kb] PDF files are now being used on this site extensively. Find out the

19. Greeson's Sweet Spot - Birds, AQHA Horses And Old English Mastiffs.
Information on cockatiels, quakers, and African greys, including articles on breeding and aviary management.
Hi there! Welcome to
We have lots of interesting articles and information on all aspects of bird breeding and keeping. We also offer information on our birds for sale, our AQHA Quarter Horses and our Old English Mastiffs.
Visit Sam at the Mastiff Sweet Spot.
You'll love him!
Have a question?
Send us a message (email) at
How to make life easier
Breeding birds. The Quaker News
is now FREE!
You are Visitor # ebay pictures

quakers have continually resisted war and worked for peace and justice since the founding of the Religious Society of Friends over 300 years ago.
United Nations Geneva
New York
Home Locations Email this page
Quaker United Nations Offices
New York
13 Avenue du Mervelot
1209 Geneva
Fax: 777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Fax: Email: Email: Quakers have continually resisted war and worked for peace and justice since the founding of the Religious Society of Friends over 300 years ago. The Quaker UN Offices, located in Geneva and New York , represent Quakers through Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), which has General Consultation Status as an NGO with the United Nations. Since the founding of the United Nations in 1945, Quakers have shared that organisation's aims and supported its efforts to abolish war and promote peaceful resolution of conflicts, human rights, economic justice and good governance. Top of page Search site
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Friends World Committee for Consultation
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