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81. PVM Implementations Of Fx And Archimedes goes a long way to making parallel programs portable, we found it was necessary tomake minor (Paragon) to major (T3D) modifications to run pvm programs on MPPs http://www.cs.northwestern.edu/~pdinda/Talks/fxandarch.html | |
82. 2.9 Parallel Applications In Condor: Condor-PVM Then we give some hints on how to write good pvm programs to suit the Condor environmentvia an example program. 2.9.5 A Sample pvm program for Condorpvm. http://cluster.yars.free.net/condor-V6_1-Manual/2_9Parallel_Applications.html | |
83. Administering Platform LSF Version 5.0 - Submitting PVM Jobs To LSF Submitting pvm Jobs to LSF. Parallel Virtual Machine (pvm) is a parallelprogramming system distributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. http://accl.grc.nasa.gov/lsf/Docs/lsf5.0/admin_5.0/G_parallel5.html | |
84. LSF Version 4.2 Administrator's Guide | Submitting PVM Jobs To LSF Batch Submitting pvm Jobs to LSF Batch. Parallel Virtual Machine (pvm) is a parallelprogramming system distributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. http://www.ms.washington.edu/Docs/LSF/LSF_4.2_Manual/admin_4.2/G_parallel9.html | |
85. Pn-Pz implementation details and complexity from the user to ease parallel programmingtasks of make jobs simultaneously on different computers connected by pvm as is http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/linuxlist/linuxlist/node38.html | |
86. Articles Automatic performance analysis of pvm programs. Zipped, postscript version pvm_mpi98.zip.Congreso Nacional Argentino sobre las ciencias de la computación. http://www.caos.uab.es/~antonio/kpi/articles.html | |
87. Supercomputer Applications Debugging pvm programs can be difficult at times because slave processes are notable to print information to the programmer s screen since they are running on http://www.tjhsst.edu/~dhyatt/superap/pvm3.html | |
88. Chapter 4: PVM Tutorial Example pvm Program. Onward . . . Congratulations! Doing good! The pvm tutorialis history. Move on to Chapter 5 MPI Information and Programs. http://www.arsc.edu/support/howtos/t3e/PVMTutorial.html | |
89. PVM--(On_line_Help)-----------Mathematics Department pvm. pvm is a package of software to facilitate parallel programmingon a set of computers that are connected by a fast network. http://www.sci.wsu.edu/math/helpdesk/on_line_help/pvm.html | |
90. TOOL-SET - An Integrated Tool Environment For PVM - Ludwig Cited by More Managing Nondeterminism in pvm Programs Oberhuber (Correct) OMIS2.0 - A Universal Interface for Monitoring Systems - Ludwig, Wismüller http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/26885.html |
91. MDB Development Tool of linking with libpvm3.a and libgpvm3.a libraries distributed with the pvm 3.xdistribution from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the pvm programs should be http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/cic/cic8/para-dist-team/mdb/mdb.html | |
92. General User Information {pvm_ROOT}/bin/${pvm_ARCH}${HOME}/pvm3/bin/${pvm_ARCH}. A way of starting pvmand have a pvmprogram named pvm_master_program to run on n. nodes, is http://www-id.imag.fr/Grappes/icluster/UsersGuide.html | |
93. Computer-Assisted Generation Of PVM/C++ Programs Using CAP This contribution introduces CAP (ComputerAided Parallelization), a languageextension to C++, from which C++/pvm programs are automatically generated. http://diwww.epfl.ch/w3lsp/publications/gigaserver/cgoppuc.html | |
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