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81. Punk-o-matic - Presented By Newgrounds.com Author s comments Here s a lil game to compose punk rock IceWolf went into this so watch the Disgaea spoof and the funny credits, compose cool music and share http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/147276 | |
82. World Wide Punk Directory of punk stuff on the Internet. Links to bands, record labels, radio shows, history, newsgroups and other pages. Also contains music reviews, zine reviews, interviews and MP3s. http://www.worldwidepunk.com/ | |
83. Alternative, Punk And Rock Music Videos! By Xavier Báez C. Egghead.com Software Home Page ALTERNATIVE, punk AND ROCK music VIDEOS NetStats. Here you will find music videos, lyrics, real audios http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/6582/ | |
84. Punk-O-Matic - Presented By Flash Player Click here to view, punkO-Matic. A lil flash game to compose punk-rock music! Author Comments Check the help first, it helps ) Post http://www.flashplayer.com/games/punk-o-matic.html | |
85. Road Records - Independent Irish Alternative Music Store Irish online music store specializing in alternative, indie, postrock, electronica, reggae, and punk. http://www.roadrecs.com/ | |
86. Import Cds, Imported Music. Best Source & Pricing For Import Cds. Comedy ·Country ·Dance ·Drum Bass ·Dub ·Easy Listening ·Folk ·Gospel ·House ·Japanimation ·Jazz ·New Age ·punk ·Sacd ·Ska ·Soul ·World music. http://www.musicselection.com/ | |
87. Www.fredk.com - Page Not Found punk/surf band from Traverse City, MI. Profiles, lyrics, shows, photos, links and music samples. http://www.fredk.com/hangup/ | |
88. Are You Punk? Music SelectSmart.com Selectors Quizzes Tests Test Selectsmart.com Are you punk? music Selectors quizzes tests test quiz fast, FREE and easy. Are you punk? A SelectSmart.com® Selector http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=monkeydog |
89. Gay-MART's Punk Section Of Its Gay Music CDs Catalog. punk Gay and Lesbian performers creating their own brand of confrontational rock, hard hitting, in your face, with a powerful beat and a primal message. http://www.gaymart.com/shopmusc/1catgory/c0510195.html | |
90. Skeeter An unsigned punk band from Northants, England. Influences are Blink 182, MxPx, and Unwritten Law. Site includes a demo MP3 file, biographies and pictures. http://www.angelfire.com/music/SKEETER/ | |
91. Punk Pages K dostánà v Bulldog music shopu. 16.5.03 Byla aktualizována sekce fotky - napr. 6.5.03 - Na festivalu punk EPIDEMIE, který se koná v sobotu 29.5. http://www.punkmusic.cz/ | |
92. THE SCABS - Social.Critics.Against.Bullshit.Systems Official site of the Southern California punk rock band. News, gigs, music clips, and contact form. http://www.thescabs.com/ | |
93. Alternative Music - Home Page MP3 Pick The Rapture House Of Jealous Lovers This excellent slice of Post-punk revivalism will get you moving and remind you what music is all about. http://altmusic.about.com/ | |
94. Promote Chaos Huge Oi Punk Fests, Discounted Scene Clothing, Accessories & More! music and culture festival. Band listings, cost, and general information. http://www.promotechaos.com/ | |
95. CultureDose.net - Punk - Music par with a Ramones resurrection and needs to be in every CD collection of the country. So there. More Reviews in music punk. http://www.culturedose.net/category.php?g=7 |
96. Zum Online A paper zine that has grown into a label and online music resource including reviews, interviews, releases and a radio stream featuring artists such as Nuzzle and The Intima, show listings, and links related to indie rock and pop, punk and electronic music. http://www.zumonline.com/ | |
97. Xml Version= 1.0 Encoding= ISO-8859-1 ? !DOCTYPE TopicMap baseNameString Disc /baseNameString /baseName /topic topic id= ttpunk instanceOf topicRef xlinkhref= tt-music / /instanceOf baseName http://www.techquila.com/tmsamples/xtm/punk/music-xtm.xml | |
98. Digihitch.com: Web Links > Road Punk > Music Category Main/Road punk/music. · Biographies Legendary punk Rockers and the story of their lives. · punk Rock Bands Websites of punk rock bands. http://www.digihitch.com/link-176.html | |
99. Wired 11.11: 8-Bit Punk Like when punk rock reclaimed rock and roll, blowing the doors off the recording industry in with a sound chip and forging a new kind of folk music for the http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.11/mclaren.html | |
100. ENJOY THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF NEX Homepage to the Zurich, Switzerland based alternative band Nex. Their music is a wild mixture of Surf, Metal, Bossa Nova, punk and Ragga. http://www.angelfire.com/boybands/nex/ | |
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