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21. English Other Homework Help Need help with Modification errors homework. Can someone review this for grammar, sentence structure, cohesiveness, spelling and punctuation. http://www.brainmass.com/homeworkhelp/english/other.php | |
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34. USATODAY.com - 'Yo, Can U Plz Help Me Write English?' t get past the really horrific spelling or grammar And the use of emoticons  punctuation sequences such as pains when I help them with their homework to say http://www.usatoday.com/life/2003-03-31-chat_x.htm | |
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37. Homework Help For Kids homework help for Kids Language Arts. OwlOnline Writing Lab This site contains helpful lessons on parts of speech, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure http://www.smithlib.org/page_childrens_services_homework_help_language_arts.html | |
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40. Student Resources: Study Guides [English Online] of journalistic style including punctuation, abbreviations, spelling spelling Links to spelling guides, activities Encarta homework help Included in this site http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/student_resources.html?sub_type=Stud |
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