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Pulitzer Prize Winners Biographies General: more detail | |||||
81. Biographies - Praditphairo To Pythagoras 51 Gran Prix wins and ten successive winning years (1981 In 19461948 he served inGeneral Staff of the In 1944 he was awarded a pulitzer prize in reporting for http://www.philately.com/philately/bioprpz.htm | |
82. American Literature 3 vols.) REF PS185.A4 Author biographies Master Index Who s Who of pulitzer PrizeWinners. and Checklists for Journal Articles Essay and general Literature Index http://www.gonzaga.edu/Academics/Libraries/Foley Library/Subject Guides/American | |
83. Reference Sites Phone Books, Ask an Expert, biographies, and much on this page for the Nobel prizewinnersin physics The pulitzer prizes Includes pulitzer prize-winning works http://www.avdistrict.org/library/CyCy/referenc.html | |
84. Penn Arts & Sciences News and Paul Hendrickson received the award for general nonfiction for McCulloughÂsPulitzer prizewinning biographies on John Adams and Truman as well as books http://www.sas.upenn.edu/sasalum/newsltr/spring04/sas_journal.html | |
85. Awards And Bestsellers pulitzer Prizes http//www.pulitzer.org/ Annual www.kiriyamaprize.org/ Internationalprize awarded each winners, reviews, author biographies, articles, and http://www.directory.net/Arts/Literature/Awards_and_Bestsellers/ | |
86. Friendship: Celebration Of Humanity (M.I.L.K.) What is a friend?In this beautiful photographic portrait, 100 talented photographers,including a number of pulitzer prize winners, answer this question as http://www.sitescrape.com/Product/2407628~Friendship: Celebration of Humanity (M | |
87. PHP-Nuke Canada Site - Links winners lists, biographies, excerpts, and entry guidelines. winners, guidelines, PSAactivities, and various psaawards.html The pulitzer Prizes Annual awards http://www.phpnuke-ca.com/Links-Arts__Literature__Awards_and_Bestsellers__.html | |
88. Festival 5 - Speakers' Biographies - Cameron University Speakers biographies. a seat in Congress in 1978, was elected secretarygeneralof the of our time, Dr. Jared Diamond is the pulitzer prize-winning author of http://www.cameron.edu/festival5/speakers.html | |
89. CCU Reference Works Resource (1,000s of biographies, including African with many web links); Nobel PrizeWinners; POTUS Presidents of pulitzer Prizes; Uncle Sam - Who s Who in the http://www.ccu.edu/library/reference.htm | |
90. Reader's Links Index the Awards button and discover award winning titles and read summaries, reviews, authorbiographies and view pulitzer prize Given to recognize excellence of an http://www.steamboatlibrary.org/readersindex.html | |
91. John Adams - WhitePulp.com: Take A Trip Around The Word! In Brief Told by one of our country s greatest historians, the pulitzer prizewinningauthor of Truman, here is the extraordinary history of the birth of our http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/WhitePulp/isbn0684813637 | |
92. University Of Alabama News Crisis. In 1992 he received the pulitzer prize in feature and the director of manyprizewinning special reports the author of the award-winning novel Almost http://uanews.ua.edu/feb01/cason022201.htm | |
93. Authors Biographies http://www.writersfest.com/oldsite/tour/bio.html | |
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