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81. National Student Exchange At California University Of Pennsylvania New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, puerto rico, South Carolina Student Exchange have come from these us states and territories Alaska, California http://sai.cup.edu/stugrowth/nse/ | |
82. States puerto rico is a commonwealth associated with the United States puerto Ricans do not vote in us Presidential elections, but they do elect us Virgin Islands St http://www.usembassy.dk/IntroUS/AmericanSociety/default.htm | |
83. Individual Studies Program | Potential NSE Host Campuses For UNI Students Select a state/territory http://www.uni.edu/contined/is/nse/hosts.html | |
84. NRC - Technical Assistance the 50 States, the District of Columbia, puerto rico, and four us Territories to support with the provision of technical assistance to states and local http://www.nrchmi.samhsa.gov/tech_assist/default.asp | |
85. United States - Encyclopedia Article About United States. Free Access, No Regist purchase of lands by the us government, and States also holds several other territories, districts and most significant of which are puerto rico, American Samoa http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/United States | |
86. High School Dropouts, By Race/Ethnicity And Recency Of Migration NOTE People born in puerto rico and the us territories are considered born as first generation if they were born in one of the 50 states or Washington, DC http://nces.ed.gov/programs/quarterly/vol_2/2_3/elem_highschool.asp | |
87. Impact Of Primary Laws On Adult Use Of Safety Belts --- United States, 2002 belt use among us states and territories with and all 50 states, DC, Guam, puerto rico, and the survey of the noninstitutionalized, civilian us population aged http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5312a2.htm | |
88. Distribution Of AIDS Cases, By Racial/Ethnic Group And Exposure Category, United from the health departments of all 50 states, the District case definition (1). Thirtysix cases in us territories other than puerto rico were excluded http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00001756.htm | |
89. The Bioengineering Group, Inc. Staff Resume: Bob Neville developed an ecosystembased management-training program presented to over thirty states and us territories, including Alaska and puerto rico. http://www.bioengineering.com/Staff/bneville.html | |
90. NSPE Engineering Licensure Laws Manual - Electronic Download Simply click on these links to start downloading the files. us States and Territories, Alabama. Alaska. Arizona. Pennsylvania. puerto rico. Rhode Island. http://www.nspe.org/licmanual/home.asp | |
91. 8/3/00 Separate Statement Of Commissioner Gloria Tristani concerning deployment in the United States territories puerto rico, Guam, the us Virgin Islands, the services deployment outside the fifty states, but the http://www.fcc.gov/Speeches/Tristani/Statements/2000/stgt043.html | |
92. FAQ Best S Market Share Reports (Five-Year Trend Study) What states and territories are available in Best s us companies in American Samoa, Guam, puerto rico, Virgin Islands total for all of the above (including us). http://www.ambest.com/sales/MarketShare5YTS/faq.asp | |
93. 2000 Practice Analysis Of Newly Licensed Practical/Vocational was all those individuals licensed (n=8,712) to practice in the United States and three of the five us territories (Guam, puerto rico and the Virgin http://www.ncsbn.org/regulation/researchregulation_research_2000_LPN_practiceana | |
94. National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation All awards are available to United States citizens and school in the us and us territories (American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, puerto rico and us http://www.nraef.org/scholar_ment/sm_scholar.asp?level1_id=1&level2_id=2&level3_ |
95. PISCES - South Florida Environments: In The News 2002 of 11 federal agencies and governors of seven states, territories and commonwealths used to explore coral reefs around puerto rico and the us Virgin Islands http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/southflorida/news/coralreefs.html | |
96. GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND LOANS: U.S. Territories GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND LOANS us Territories. Nutrition Assistance For puerto rico $1,350,518,000 grants; Schools and Development of the Territories and the http://www.fedmoney.com/grants/b0009.htm | |
97. Title VII Funding From FY69 To FY95 For each state and territory, calculations of funding levels are I shows FY95 funding levels by state according to the ncela) is funded by the us Department of http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/pairs/viifunding/ | |
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