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41. Economy puerto rico s government aims to make up for the 936 loss by providing new localincentives, cutting taxes and encouraging economic development in other http://welcome.topuertorico.org/economy.shtml | |
42. First Vehicle Services | Home Provides fleet management and maintenance services to local government agencies in the US and puerto rico. http://www.firstvehicleservices.com/ | |
43. Politics In Puerto Rico A gateway to several pages about puerto Rican politics and government. http://www.prboriken.com/prpolit.htm |
44. Caribbean Fishery Management Council, CFMC, USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Puerto Rico, USVI U.S. government unit responsible for creating management plans for fishery resources (FMPs) in waters off puerto rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, including sharing fish stocks with other Caribbean nations. http://www.caribbeanfmc.com/ | |
45. NPDES Home Page Providing stormwater compliance services and publications to business, industry and local government. Links to Adobe templates for Florida, Texas, California, and puerto rico. http://npdes.com | |
46. CNN.com - Bill Could Transfer More Navy Land To Puerto Rican Government - Decemb CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/12/04/puerto.rico.usa.ap/index.html | |
47. Puerto Rico Profile: Government Executive branch (head of government) Governor Sila M. CALDERON (since 2 January2001). Executive branch (note) residents of puerto rico do not vote for US http://www.nationmaster.com/country/rq/Government | |
48. CNN.com - Corruption In Puerto Rico Triggers Crackdown By U.S. Government - Augu CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/08/07/puertorico.scandals.ap/index.html | |
49. WEPA!® Search Puerto Rico! : Government puerto rico. U.S. Virgin Islands. Amazon® Books. Amazon® Music. Amazon® Videos. Amazon® Toys. Amazon® Electronics For SiteUpdatesCountryLanguage. puerto rico government Politics. Candidates, Organizations, Public Opinion. Town and City http://wepa.com/categories/J/index-en.html | |
50. WEPA!® Search Puerto Rico! : Government Site Updates Country Language. puerto rico government Politics. Candidates,Organizations, Public Opinion. Town and City. Elections. Executive Branch. http://www.wepa.com/categories/J/index-en.html | |
51. PUERTO RICO SPECTRUM USERS GROUP Organization composed by government agencies and private companies whose purpose is to assist federal government agencies on puerto rico and neighboring islands to efficiently utilize their radio frequency resources. http://www.geocities.com/prspectrum | |
52. WEPA!® Search Puerto Rico! : Government:Executive Branch Site Updates Country Language. puerto rico government ExecutiveBranch Agencies. Projects. Caribbean Dominican Republic, Cuba http://www.wepa.com/categories/J/A/index-en.html | |
53. Puerto Rico WOW! Government Comptroller s, Legislative Services, and Ombudsman s offices. FEDERALgovernment Federal government Relationship with puerto rico. http://www.puertoricowow.com/html/government.html | |
54. Welcome To Government Development Bank For Puerto Rico Welcome to the government Development Bank for puerto rico Webpage. Copyright ©1998. government Development Bank for puerto rico. All Rights Reserved. http://www.gdb-pur.com/GDBEng.htm | |
55. Puerto Rico Fact Sheet and Engineering Profile on puerto rico (requires Acrobat Reader, which can be downloadedfrom here ) puerto rico government overview Renewable Energy in http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/prico.html | |
56. ABC Country Book Of Puerto Rico - Government Flag, Map, Economy, Geography, Clim puerto rico Interactive Factbook GEOGRAPHY, Flag, Map,Geography,People, government, Economy, Transportation, Communications. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/puerto_rico_government.html | |
57. Federal Government Jobs In Puerto Rico Federal government Jobs in puerto rico. Search puerto rico federal governmentjobs, puerto rico employment, work and job information. http://www.jobbankusa.com/FederalJobs/federal-government-jobs-in-puertorico.html | |
58. Puerto Rico - Government, History, Population, Geography And Maps (since 20 January 1993) head of government Governor Pedro ROSSELLO (since 2 January1993) cabinet NA elections governor of puerto rico elected by popular http://www.worldrover.com/vital/puerto_rico.html | |
59. Puerto Rico - Government - Flag Description IndexMundi Home. Flag of puerto rico puerto rico Flag description. http://www.indexmundi.com/puerto_rico/flag_description.html | |
60. Caribbean Websites And Links Organised In An Easy To Use Directory Translate this page Caribbean Site Directory - General Directory - puerto rico - governmentand politics. Welcome puerto rico - government and Politics. Home http://www.caribbeansitedirectory.com/links/puertorico-governmentandpolitics.htm | |
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