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1. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Companies - Publishing Houses WWW VL logo, Links for Chemists Chemistry section of the WWW VirtualLibrary. Virtual Library Science Chemistry publishing houses. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/publishers.html | |
2. Pro-Culture Editions Presents Part #1 History with a focus on the publishing house M. Witmark Sons. http://www.proculture.com/ragtime1.htm | |
3. Sabine's Publishing Houses As a service to aspiring writers, Sabine includes a monthly listing of publishers around the world who are currently accepting manuscripts. Sabine lists what types of manuscripts different publishing houses are seeking and which of them accepts We are constantly contacting publishing houses around the world in an effort http://www.sabine-mag.com/publish | |
4. SEPS - SEGRETARIATO EUROPEO PER LE PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE SEPS operates as a link between universities, publishing houses and authors with the aim of promoting translation of scientific works in the various European languages to achieve a wide distribution of scientific culture around Europe. http://www.seps.it | |
5. Shreve Ministries - Publishing Houses publishing houses. Deeper Revelation Books is the publishing arm of Triumphant Living Ministries (a.k.a. Shreve Ministries) which is a 501(c) 3 federally recognized nonprofit corporation. http://www.shreveministries.com/publishing.htm | |
6. AMFPA - Association Of Mouth And Foot Painting Artists Of The World A worldwide association of artists that organizes a wide range of exhibitions, sells original art works and permits publishing houses to reproduce their works as art greeting cards and calendars. http://www.amfpa.com/ | |
7. Publishing Houses Search the ISPE. Link to Us Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation Alzheimer Societyof Canada MedSite Link Link to the ISPE Directory. publishing houses http://www.ispex.ca/companies/publishinghouses.html | |
8. CNN.com - Books - What's Behind The $100,000 IeBAF E-book Prize? - October 25, 2 News of the major publishing houses taking over the ebook publishing industry. CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/news/10/25/salon.ebooks/index.html | |
9. Christian Publishing Houses Christian publishing houses. Updated. July 29, 2001 Philip Johnson's Bookmark of publishing houses. Bristol House. Living Waters http://members.aol.com/OrthodoxUM/Publish.html | |
10. Publishing Houses In Romania publishing houses and Booksellers. Agapis Religious Publications. Bucharest,7, Mentiunii St., Phone +4021-240.6733; Agerpres Typo http://romania-on-line.net/general/books.htm | |
11. Books And Publishing Houses Resources for Text, Speech and Language Processing. Books and publishinghouses. Back to top publishing houses. Most publishing houses http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gabr/resources/books.html | |
12. San Diego Writers Cooperative Posts writing and writing related events in San Diego County. A collection of San Diego's talented writers, editors and small press publishing houses. Our calendar of events will keep you informed of all the best local events. http://www.sandiegowriters.org | |
13. Hungarian Publishing Houses Hungarian publishing houses. e are proud to present you the third (electronic)edition of the annually published booklet on Hungarian publishing houses. http://www.frankfurt.matav.hu/angol/kiadok/ | |
14. Publishing Houses And Magazines publishing houses and magazines, publishing houses freccettaCittà Nuova,in USA New City Press. Magazines Città Nuova; Nuova Umanità http://www.focolare.org/En/edi_e.html | |
15. FinePrint, Music Printing And Typesetting: Welcome! Using Finale software. Score preparation for first performances to professional publishing houses. PDF and screen examples available. Based in Australia and Germany. http://www.fine-print.com.au/ | |
16. Christian Publishing Houses Christian Book Publishing Experts Learn how the Christian book publishing experts can help get your book published. PublishingSelf Publishing CompaniesChristian Publishing WebsitesChristian publishing housesSelf Publish ResourcesContact UsSite MapChristian publishing houses by Staff Writer http://www.christianbookpublishingexperts.com/Christian-Publishing-Houses.html | |
17. Yenza! - Start Your Research - Research Outputs - SA Publishing Houses outputs publishing houses. A list of South African publishing housesand publishers with offices in South Africa is provided below http://www.nrf.ac.za/yenza/research/sapub.htm | |
18. NUESTRA PALABRA Calendar Nonprofit organization which focuses on showcasing new Latino writers as well as connecting various Latino publishing houses. http://www.nuestrapalabra.org/ | |
19. MBR: What To Expect From Major Publishing Houses Home / Writing Publishing / Advice / What to Expect from Major PublishingHouses. What to Expect from Major publishing houses. Bonnie http://www.midwestbookreview.com/bookbiz/advice/majpub.htm | |
20. Index Of Publishing Houses INDEX OF publishing houses. Return to Listing The merger also incorporated the publishing houses established by son Nelson Doubleday, who was for all practical http://paperbarn.www1.50megs.com/publishers/d.html | |
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