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101. MWP: Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) the 100 greatest films at Filmsite. publications, Go to Next Page. *Add Information to this page. SEARCH THE MISSISSIPPI writers PAGE. http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/english/ms-writers/dir/williams_tennessee/ | |
102. Canadian Medical Association Medical Writing Centre Guidelines, articles and resources for medical writers, and those writing for CMA journals. http://www.cma.ca/cma/common/displayPage.do?pageId=/staticContent/HTML/N0/l2/pub |
103. MWP: James Meredith (1933- Â Â Â ) publications. Nonfiction Three Years in Mississippi. Bloomington Indiana University Press, 1966. SEARCH THE MISSISSIPPI writers PAGE. http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/english/ms-writers/dir/meredith_james/ | |
104. Durham Writers Offer support, encouragement and criticism to members. Includes texts and sound files of members work, a listing of member authors, group publications and contacts . http://www.durhamwriters.org.uk | |
105. Boating Writers International IMTEC 98 Freelancers should submit an invoice with their article and be paid upon acceptance, not upon publications. Staff writers said the cycle of being under http://www.rbbi.com/folders/show/98imtec/misc/writers.htm | |
106. Pierre Berton Biography, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/b/berton.htm | |
107. Bob Barton Brief biography, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/b/barton.htm | |
108. Naww - NAWW Home - National Association Of Women Writers - NAWW in 2001 to develop a support and assistance network for women writers and to inspire, motivate, and teach women writers through publications, workshops, and http://www.naww.org/homepage.html | |
109. Linda Bailey Brief biography, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/b/bailey_l.htm | |
110. Publications - One Of Us Creative Writing Workshop, Writers' Directory You are here Home writers Directory publications, http://www.oneofus.co.uk/writers_directory/publications.htm | |
111. Tim Wynne-Jones Profile, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/w/wyn-jone.htm | |
112. WH: Publications Affiliated With The Writers House For questions about submissions and other information, please contact publications directly. The Kelly writers House Archive is housed in the Special http://www.english.upenn.edu/~wh/publications.html | |
113. Luanne Armstrong Brief profile and selected publications. http://www.writersunion.ca/a/armstrng.htm | |
114. NSDC - Staff Development Library: Publications - JSD Guidelines For Writers deadline, writers may submit a brief synopsis of no more than 100 words regarding a proposed article. Either the JSD editor or the director of publications http://www.nsdc.org/library/publications/jsd/guidelines.cfm | |
115. WFNS: Susan Atkinson-Keen Brief profile and publications. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/WFNS/Writers/satkinson.html | |
116. Sue Ann Alderson Brief profile, publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/a/alderson.htm | |
117. Janet Lunn Profile, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/l/lunn.htm | |
118. National Portrait Gallery | Publications: Character Sketches | Elizabethan Write Order this publication online. Written by wellknown writers of today, they use images from the Gallery s unique collection to examine the public and the http://www.npg.org.uk/live/writers.asp | |
119. Jan Andrews Profile, selected publications, and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/a/andrews.htm | |
120. Paul Yee Selected publications and awards. http://www.writersunion.ca/y/yee.htm | |
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