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181. Print On Demand Online Book & Manuscript Self Publishing Services - Xlibris Publ Any questions regarding the sale should be directed to our Postpublications Services team at (888) 795-4274 x277 or orders@xlibris.com. http://www2.xlibris.com/index.asp | |
182. Teachers & Writers OnLine-Books Teachers writers Magazine Teachers writers is T W s awardwinning bimonthly publication. The magazine engages writers, educators, critics, and students in http://www.twc.org/pubs/ | |
183. Writer Beware--Index Page Northwest Publishing, and Deering Literary Agency/Sovereign publications Contests and Vanity Agents Print on Demand Subsidy and Vanity Publishers Writer Alerts. http://www.sfwa.org/beware/ | |
184. EcoIQ Speakers & Writers Home Magazine Online Resources Store Video MultiMedia Syndicated Media About EcoIQ Navigating ecoiq.com. Note The EcoIQ.com website http://www.ecoiq.com/publishing/ | |
185. WritersWeekly.com ST Literary Agency Sydra Techniques - Numerous accusations by author. Book Builders/ Sage publications - Writer claims non-payment. Markets And Jobs. http://www.writersweekly.com/ | |
186. Whispers And Warnings For June 9th ST Literary Agency Sydra Techniques - Numerous accusations by author. Book Builders/ Sage publications - Writer claims non-payment. http://www.writersweekly.com/warnings.htm | |
187. WGAE Newsletter - Writers Guild Of America, East, AFL-CIO, WGAE, WGA East WGAE Newsletter. The WGAE Newsletter is the bimonthly publication of the writers Guild of America East. Its purpose is to inform http://www.wgaeast.org/newsletter_and_publications/ | |
188. Heldref Publications: Nonprofit Publisher Of Scholarly Journals & Learned Public Call for Papers The following publications have issued special calls for papers. However, Heldref journals and magazines are always http://www.heldref.org/callforpapers.php | |
189. Resources For Speculative Fiction Writers http://www.specficworld.com/resources.html | |
190. TESOL Publications: Contributor Guidelines, Curriculum Development You may also refer to any recent TESOL publication for referencing models. Resources should focus on materials easily accessed in EFL environments. The Writer http://www.tesol.org/pubs/author/books/curricdevelop.html | |
191. NCW--Prizes & Publication A set of files and links on opportunities for writers of poetry and fiction. http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/NCW/pp.htm | |
192. Tameri Publications: The Workshop Who am I as a writer? Throughout Citations. Any citation referring to the Tameri publications Web site must name both editors. APA http://www.tameri.com/workshop/wshop.html | |
193. Educational Leadership - Guidelines For Writers Guidelines for writers. Educational interest. Other important information Decisions regarding publication are made by the EL editorial staff. http://www.ascd.org/cms/index.cfm?TheViewID=635 |
194. Young Writers - Suite101.com Welcome to the Young writers site on Suite 101. Young writers is the online spot for high school and college students interested in writing for publication. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/young_writers | |
195. Forwriters.com Announcements. If you would like to be kept updated on new links, opportunities or news relating to both forwriters.com and writing http://www.forwriters.com/ | |
196. UCF Department Of English University of Central Florida Department of English Homepage http://www.english.ucf.edu/ | |
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