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1. Publications For Writers - Writing publications for writers. American Writers Forum Publication for writers to help them make the most of their talent and get published. Includes http://bellaonline.com/articles/art1527.asp | |
2. Publications For Writers - Writing publications for writers Writing is a personally written site at BellaOnline is BellaOnline's Writing Host. publications for writers. American Jounalism Review Professional Associations. Publishers. publications for writers. Publications Seeking Submissions http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art1527.asp | |
3. LookSmart - Directory - Publications For Writers publications for writers Discover magazines, newsletters and electronic publications that discuss writing as an art and a profession. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us220606/us910874/ | |
4. Publications For Writers - Writing publications for writers. Newsletters, Ezines, Magazines and More (Most are FREE!) http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/1280.asp | |
5. Links: Publications For Writers publications for writers. Find 1700 markets for your writing with WritingWorld.com s own THEMED MARKET GUIDES! Buy a single guide http://www.writing-world.com/links/publications.shtml | |
6. Books By Moira Allen: 2000 Online Resources For Writers Articles; Business and Finance Tools; Dictionaries, Glossaries, and World Languages; Exercises and SkillBuilders; Grammar; publications for writers Part II http://www.writing-world.com/moira/2000.shtml | |
7. TACI Publications Page list of publications and presses, links for writers, resources for writers, links for amateur writers, literary press, literary publications Jobs An enormous job list that includes jobs for writers. Avalanche of Jobs for Writers, Editors, and Copywriters BOA Edtions, Ltd. publications for writers. Poets Writers Magazine http://members.tripod.com/JCP12/publications.html | |
8. Links: Publications For Writers AUTHOR'S BOOKSHELF ·. WRITERS WANTED ·. CLASSES ·. CONTESTS ·. LINKS. Ad Rates ·. Writer's Guidelines ·. Site Index ·. Contact Us. Click HERE. to Find Out. Where to Sell. Your Writing! Publications http://writing-world.com/links/publications.shtml | |
9. Writer S Digest - The World S Leading Writing Magazine published annually, Scriptwriting Secrets, Getting Started in Writing, Start Writing Now and a variety of other special interest publications for writers. http://www.writersdigest.com/aboutus.asp |
10. Markets, Resources, And Publications For Writers Byron Sheardown Horizon Publications 1983 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC V5L 5B2. Greenboathouse Books. Variant invites writers to respond in poetic, lyric or http://www.wewriters.com/markets.html | |
11. Markets, Resources, And Publications For Writers Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Sample by email request. Guidelines by email or phone. Submit query with sample of published work. http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/west_end/2004/04-02-05/markets.html | |
12. Markets, Resources, And Publications For Writers for Canadian writers to share information about writing markets, contests, and news. Russ Harvey, CAA National. Ralph s Zine A bongobeat publication that http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/west_end/2002/02-07-06/markets.html | |
13. Inkygirl Archives - A Weblog For Writers Category Books and publications for writers. Writing.com (Posted September 17, 2003) The revised edition of Moira Allen s Writing http://www.electricpenguin.com/ohi/inkygirl/archives/cat_books_and_publications_ | |
14. Pudding House Innovative Writers Programs, Columbus, Ohio Poet and writers resource center, publishing, workshops, consulting, retreat. Focus on poetry chapbooks and Pudding Magazine. PUDDING HOUSE publications. PUDDING HOUSE INNOVATIVE writers PROGRAMS. Our NEW Universalist Poets/National, managed by Pudding House publications. Winner selected from nominations http://www.puddinghouse.com/ |
15. On-line Fiction And Poetry Publications List Fiction and Poetry NonPaying publications List writers Write(TM) Writer's Guidelines for Nonpaying Fiction and Poetry publications have been incorporated into our new to visit the Writer's Guidelines Directory. writers Write® The Write NewsTM http://www.writerswrite.com/alphlist.htm | |
16. News Publications - Authors Writers - Arts Literature - Children Family Magazines and periodicals are papercovered publications issued regularly to inform, instruct, or entertain. The word 'magazine' is derived from French 'magasin', storehouse, and probably was Arts Literature. Authors writers. News publications. VISITOR POLL http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/children-and-family_arts-and-literature_authors-a | |
17. Freelance Writers And Gourmet Cookbook Authors At WordPros Publications, Inc. WordPros publications features Paul and Kerri Elders, nationally renowned experts in the Recreational Vehicle industry and internationally acclaimed cookbook authors. WordPros publications, Inc . http://www.wordpros.com/ | |
18. Writers' And Poets' Links--Artist Resource writers' and poets' links to publications, literary sites, authors, poets, dictionaries, resources, tools and techniques, San Francisco Bay Area. Stories . publications. writers . Events Site http://www.artistresource.org/poetlinx.htm | |
19. Writing That Works An annual competition for writers, editors, publications staff, and both business and nonprofit communicators. http://www.apexawards.com |
20. Publications: Women Writers Search. Women writers, publications Women writers. Online and print magazines and journals of women s writing. Articles Resources. http://womenwriters.about.com/od/publicationswomenwriters/ | |
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