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Home - Basic_P - Publications & Discussion Lists Teach |
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1. Publications And E-mail Lists s of ICPSR publications and email lists of interest to ICPSR members. Saved Files. publications and Email lists. publications. ICPSR eurobarometer. discussion list for users of the Eurobarometer series teach-methods. A list for those interested in...... http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/org/publications | |
2. ARI - E-mail Discussion Lists On The Internet ANTHROteach-LEARN Discussing the learning and ARCHPUB Archaeological publications Announcement List BRITARCH-EDITING discussion list for archaeological http://www.archeodroit.net/anthro/Texts/e-mail.html | |
3. EFL Organisations And Usenet Discussion Lists - Links - Teach - English - Britis JALT Japanese Association of Language Teaching (JALT) access to various online publications and Special Interest Groups (SIGs USENET AND discussion lists. http://www2.britishcouncil.org/morocco/morocco-english/morocco-english-learning- | |
4. Women-Related Religion/Spirituality Email Lists Frequentlyupdated, annotated listing of women-related email lists that focus on religion or spirituality discussion of feminist theology. It features events, celebrations, conferences, new publications loving wife, and teach the children to http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/f_rel.html | |
5. English Language Teaching Contacts Scheme - Teach English - English has seven regional discussion lists. more than 5,000 members. shares information on teachers associations, events and ELT publications worldwide. Main priorities. http://www2.britishcouncil.org/morocco/morocco-english/morocco-english-teach/mor | |
6. Academic Publications is an index to current government publications on technology online and using discussion lists in instruction. seeking to research, study, teach, support, and http://www.wwtc.edu/voice/teach/acadpubs.htm | |
7. Women-Related Arts And Humanities Email Lists Frequentlyupdated, annotated listing of women-related email or e-mail lists in the arts and humanities. list for all who teach or do research on of new publications, requests for information, and discussion concerning historical http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/f_arts.html | |
8. Mailing Lists For Teachers Resources. Articles. publications in ERIC. TECHNOLOGY. Virtual Fieldtrips is a list of mailing lists, also known as "listservs Digital Materials to teach Biology discussion Group http://www.theteachersguide.com/listservs.html | |
9. National Standards For History Discussion On H-Net Lists National Standards for History discussion on HNet lists that will allow us to teach at a college level dues, their newsletter, and occasional publications. For those interested http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~teach/threads/standard.html | |
10. OPLIN OH! Teach / INFOhio Professional Links Organizations teach / INFOhio Professional Links Organizations Internet links; journals publications; standards and other resources; research; and discussion lists. http://www.oplin.org/index.cfm?ID=19-835-836 |
11. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 1845 Lesson Plans For Environmental Publicati 1843 publications Lesson Plans 6. Outdoor Education listservs / discussion lists Outdoor education is mentors with younger children to teach an environmental http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Science/Environment/Environmental_Science/Pub | |
12. Hydrology Links Of C. P. Kumar SVFlux SWICAM SWIM teach Glossary Texture ilectric) Water Resources discussion lists Water Resources Journal) Water Resources publications Water Resources http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cpkumar/hlinks.html | |
13. Internet Resources For Teaching Writing writing, but its conferences and publications focus on about this organization of people who teach writing and Internet discussion lists on teaching Writing. http://www.utoronto.ca/writing/facnet.html | |
14. FLTEACH WWW Resources offers links to help teach about the well as lesson plans and information on publications. U. of Kentucky includes discussion lists, professional organizations http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/flteach-res.html | |
15. Jo S Blurb For Teachers ESL mailing lists information about e-mail discussion lists for teachers Capsules ) and some interesting information in his presentations and publications. http://www.btinternet.com/~trifonovs/teach.htm |
16. LISTS FOR LAW LIBRARIANS (as Of 3 September 2003) Compiled By List teachLAWRESL LISTPROC@LAWLIB.WUACC.EDU teach. send a blank message to publications@pub.pub online discussions - AALL e-mail lists, discussion rooms/boards http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/lawlists/lawlibs.txt |
17. You Can Teach Online Ed Tech. Offering publications and discussion groups on topics related evaluating resources; references; periodicals and journals; mailing lists and newsgroups; http://www.mhhe.com/ucanteachonline/index.mhtml?file=resources |
18. Teach English - English - British Council - Turkey teach English, training organisation with a small range of publications focussed on The site has downloadable information sheets, discussion lists and access to http://www.britishcouncil.org.tr/english/teach_english_on-line_resources.asp | |
19. Entopia: Lida Liberopoulou On Archaeological Computing where discussion lists and online publications could be Internet, and people that can teach the students about what is available (discussion lists, web sites http://entopia.future.easyspace.com/akanthos/liberopoulouArchICT.html | |
20. Oh! Another School Year! Terrific Teacher Sites On The Web! teachers Helping teachers teach http//www.pacificnet Internet links; journals publications; standards and other resources; research; and discussion lists. http://www.crinkles.com/CC4.html | |
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