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161. SCORE.org planning, disaster business planning, ebusiness, finance and capital, human resources,leadership, legal, public relations and marketing, office management http://www.score.org/cgi/sitemap.cgi?href=readingroom.html |
162. BOLDE Communications & Public Relations, Inc. Of New York. public relations, communications and marketing firm. Includes client list, reviews and profile. http://www.boldepr.com/ | |
163. Mio Creative Solutions Dallas, Texas firm offering public relations, marketing, and print design including brochures and logos for small businesses. http://www.miocreative.com/ |
164. Marketing & Public Relations Home Student Affairs The Union marketing public relations. marketing public relations. marketing public relations creates http://union.clemson.edu/mpr/index.asp | |
165. KiS Marketing UK based marketing communications company specialising in advertising, identity, market research, event planning, and public relations. Online portfolio and services description. http://www.kismarketing.co.uk/ |
166. Marketing, Advertising And Public Relations Services Subscription Services. http://fasttrack.janes.com/janesdata/ft/3487/3601/ | |
167. Business Marketing Association New Jersey Chapter Serves as an education resource for businessto-business marketers. BMA NJ holds meetings, seminars, and special events on topics such as advertising, copywriting, trade show participation, public relations, market planning, media analysis. http://www.bma-nj.org | |
168. Marketing, Advertising, And Public Relations Managers marketing, Advertising, and public relations Managers. marketing, advertising, andpublic relations managers are provided with offices close to top managers. http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh9899/20.htm | |
169. In Her Own Write Pamela Garrett provides writing services for a fee, as well as limited writer resources. Pamela has researched, developed, and written materials for public relations and public information, marketing and advertising, education and training, fund raising, political campaigns, and the hightechnology industry. http://members.aol.com/ownwrite/index.html | |
170. Advertising, Marketing, And Public Relations Managers Search by occupation OOH Home, Search Tips. Executive, Administrative, and ManagerialOccupations Advertising, marketing, and public relations Managers. http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh20002001/73.htm | |
171. Welcome To All The Best People Connecticutbased placement agency for advertising, graphic arts, interactive, marketing, printing and public relations professionals. http://www.Allthebestpeople.Com/ |
172. Emagineresults.com ReAL Marketing - Welcome - Transform Your Market - We'll Show Provides public relations, creative content, and marketing consulting to builders, developers, and related industries. Based in south Florida. http://emagineresults.com | |
173. Non-profit Marketing, Public Relations & Communications Jobs In Massachusetts, R Responsibilities Create and execute communications and marketing plan to serve the andpublish the annual report and fundraising and public relations documents http://www.opnocsne.org/classifieds/marketing.html | |
174. Cone, LLC Describes public relations and marketing services for new media companies. http://www.coneinc.com |
175. Communications, Marketing & Public Relations - Lenox, Massachusetts 01240 - Berk 01242 (413) 6370640 jjbean@berkshires.net Creative Business Consultants specializingin marketing, public relations, Business Development and Spa Consulting. http://www.lenox.org/list.php3?cat=7 |
176. The MacKenzie Agency: Food, Wine & Beverage Public Relations And Marketing Provides public relations and marketing communications to the food and beverage marketplace. http://www.mackenzieagency.com/ | |
177. Levy Industrial | Marketers For Industry Specializes in traditional and electronic advertising, marketing, public relations and web site development, also print designs for product literature. http://www.levyindustrial.com/ | |
178. EKU Public Relations & Marketing EKU public relations marketing. Please excuse the dust while we reconstructour Web pages. Meanwhile, here are some current links http://www.publicrelations.eku.edu/ | |
179. Grey Matter Collective - Chicago - Communications Design Chicagobased integrated marketing design firm specializing in print, broadcast and web development for marketing communications, public relations, advertising and promotions programs. Online portfolio and client list. http://www.greymattercollective.com/ |
180. Career Center - Web Magazine Article More Articles. public relations, Advertising marketing What s the Difference?October 11, 2002. Here is a quick rundown of these three fields. http://career.berkeley.edu/Article/021011a.stm | |
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