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101. CancerGuide: Prostate Cancer prostate cancer Resources. Internet Resources. The UK prostate cancer Charity has a very nice basic introduction. It s a good place to start. http://www.cancerguide.org/prostate.html | |
102. Prostate Cancer prostate cancer. December 2001 WHAT IS prostate cancer? prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that arises in the prostate gland. http://www.reutershealth.com/wellconnected/doc33.html | |
103. North American Scientific - Home Holding company with subsidiary which manufactures and markets broad line of lowlevel radiation sources and standards for medical, scientific and industrial uses, such as a brachytherapy line for the treatment of prostate cancer. (Nasdaq NASI). http://www.nasi.net/ | |
104. ECPCP | Hope Through Education The Education Center for prostate cancer Patients (ECPCP) serves the prostate cancer community worldwide with primary goal to educate and support prostate http://www.ecpcp.org/ | |
105. Diagnosis And Treatment Of Prostate Cancer - April 1, 1998 - American Academy Of Diagnosis and Treatment of prostate cancer. prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths in American men. http://www.aafp.org/afp/980401ap/naitoh.html | |
106. Prostate Cancer Screening: More Harm Than Good? - August 1998 - American Academy prostate cancer Screening More Harm Than Good? MICHAEL L conducted. Evidence Favoring prostate cancer Screening. See editorial. Although http://www.aafp.org/afp/980800ap/lefevre.html | |
107. Pca Book A Revolutionary Approach To prostate cancer. Treatment Young. Also contributions from several prostate cancer survivors and Jennifer Cash, RN. http://www.prostatepointers.org/prostate/lay/apilgrim/ | |
108. Prostate Implants New Zealand Providing brachytherapy seed impants to treat prostate cancer in New Zealand and in the Pacific. http://www.prostateimplants.co.nz |
109. Prostate Cancer Fundamentals Arguments re prostate cancer should men be tested - if positive, should he be treated? Medical journal quotes supplied. http://www.prostatepointers.org/ww/ |
110. .:: Praecis Pharmaceuticals Develops peptidebased therapeutics for the treatment of human diseases, including diseases aggravated by testosterone or estrogen, such as prostate cancer and endometriosis, alzheimer's disease, and inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis. (Nasdaq PRCS). http://www.praecis.com/ | |
111. Prostate Calculator Predicts a patient s chance of surviving prostate cancer and the likelihood of its spread. Uses artificial intelligence and numerical methods. http://www.prostatecalculator.org/ | |
112. National Institute On Aging - NIA National Institute on Aging Covers acute and chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer, and resources. http://www.nih.gov/nia/health/agepages/prostate.htm | |
113. MayoClinic.com - Prostate Cancer prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men, threatening sexuality and life. prostate cancer By Mayo Clinic staff Overview http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00043 |
114. Florida Prostate Cancer Network Directory of resources including local support for patients and families. Located in Tampa, Florida. http://www.florida-prostate-cancer.org/ | |
115. MayoClinic.com - Medical And Health Information And Tools From Mayo Clinic EarlyStage prostate cancer, May 24, 2004. Receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer can be scary. It can lead you to fear, panic and hurried decisions. http://www.mayoclinic.com/takecharge/healthdecisionguides/prostatecancer/index.c | |
116. Urology Care Of New Jersey, PC Urology practice based in Central New Jersey. Specializing in male dysfunction, no scalpel vasectomy, incontinence, female urology, prostate cancer, urinary stones, pediatric urology. Two locations. http://www.urologycarenj.com/ |
117. Testosterone Linked To Prostate Cancer (washingtonpost.com) Testosterone Linked To prostate cancer Older Men With Higher Level Are at Risk prostate cancer affects 221,000 American men a year and kills 29,000. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12820-2004May9.html | |
118. Prostate Cancer Web Directory - CancerIndex Worldwide about 395,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Menu prostate cancer Web Directory. Screening for prostate cancer (7 links). http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks3b.htm | |
119. Ask NOAH About Prostate Cancer Ask NOAH About prostate cancer. What is prostate cancer? Care and Treatment, Living with prostate cancer. Return to Main Cancer Page. What is prostate cancer? http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/cancer/prostatecancer.html | |
120. Ann Intern Med -- Coley Et Al. 126 (5): 394 PART 1 Early Detection of prostate cancer Part I Prior Probability and Effectiveness of Tests. Effectiveness of Tests for Early Detection of prostate cancer. http://www.acponline.org/journals/annals/01mar97/ppcancer.htm | |
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