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Programs Camps Teach: more detail |
81. The YMCA Of Delaware :: Programs Adventure camps develop mental, physical and spiritual strengths esteem, build character and teach participants to that are part of YMCA adventure programs. http://www.ymcade.org/programs/teen_adv_camps.cfm | |
82. The YMCA Of Delaware :: Programs Professional instructors teach beginners and improve the strokes and speed of those Water and boating safety are integrated into YMCA training programs. camps. http://www.ymcade.org/programs.cfm | |
83. Anchorage Daily News | Summer Camps Guide The Imaginarium conducts some of the bestknown science education programs in the Anchorage Bowl. There are even camps that teach all about the human body http://www.adn.com/camps/ | |
85. Instructional Programs These threeweek programs are designed to teach boys and These half-day camps are designed for those who have completed our Learn-To-Skate program or http://www.rivertownsports.com/learn_to_skate.htm | |
86. Opinions & Essays, 08/2001 - Boot Camps And Therapeutic Wilderness Expeditions - the difference between boot camps and quality wilderness programs? Boot camps and military schools are based on a resulting pain is supposed to teach the child http://www.strugglingteens.com/archives/2001/8/oe02.html | |
87. Ghost River Rediscovery Wilderness Skills Training is designed to teach the practical skills rites of passage work and atrisk youth programs. Jumping Mouse camps July 5-10 FILLED UP! http://www.ghostriverrediscovery.com/programs/camps/sumercamps/summercamp.html | |
88. Cyber Dance - Summer Programs Just For Kix Dance camps in various US Arkansas Educational Television Network (AETN) - Dance ITV programs. Network - helps educators to teach in, through http://www.cyberdance.org/summer.html | |
89. Calvin College - Summer Semester - Camps Click here for the Summer Sports camps webpage. College Entry. Calvin faculty members teach the simulated Scholars Program sponsored by PreCollege programs. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/summer/camps.htm | |
90. Johnson County Park & Recreation District: Activities & Programs programs Special Populations Activities programs Youth Activities Special Populations camps, How to Read a as well as chaperone, teach recreational classes http://jcprd.com/activities/class_listing.cfm?CategoryID=128 |
91. Farm Safety For Kids! - Programs - Progressive Farmer Day Camps volunteers to plan, implement, staff and teach at their It began with 19 camps in 11 states Today the combined programs under the Progressive Farmer Farm Safety http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/farmsafety/kids/progressive.html | |
92. Tampa Preparatory School - Summer Programs Please call the Director of Summer programs at 813251 These camps will give individual attention to your development of the camp is to teach the fundamentals http://www.tampaprep.org/summer/sportscamps.htm | |
93. Continuing Education And Academic Outreach offers a variety of noncredit programs, camps, and workshops of our non-credit workshops and programs is below This hands-on course will teach participants to http://ceao.murraystate.edu/noncredit/commeduc.htm | |
94. Island Escapades Youth Camp Programs a combination of both our Marine and Mountain camps. The course will teach skills necessary for safe RECOMMENDED AGES DAY programs 912 years OVERNIGHT http://www.islandescapades.com/youth.html | |
95. Possibilities Nearly Endless At YMCA Summer Camps | The San Diego Union-Tribune school. Carmen Mallrich, Andrew s mother, said the camps not only are fun but also teach values. Their programs are well rounded. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040521/news_m1m21tfrpen.html | |
96. Merlyn's Resource Directory Colleges, summer programs, writing programs, creative arts camps, independent schools Featuring America s top programs of interest to teen and collegebound http://www.merlynspen.org/succeed/programs.php/section/21440 | |
97. Summer Camps Teach Kids It S A Small World After All Summer camps teach kids it s a small world after all x. How do you get middle and high school students interested in careers in nanotechnology http://www.engr.psu.edu/NewsEvents/EPS/v18n2_2002spring/small_world.htm |
98. Active.com - Camps Teach The Ups And Downs Of Mountain Biking Insider! Sign up today! camps teach the ups and downs of mountain biking. By Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D. Active.com 2/14/2002. The natural http://www.active.com/story.cfm?story_id=8542&sidebar=32&category=mtnbiking |
99. NBC Camps About Us NBC camps is designed to encourage athletes to lead a life of physical, mental, relational We endeavor to teach skill mastery, understanding, and confidence. http://www.nbccamps.com/about_us/about_us.htm | |
100. Danceline Productions... Officer Dance And Leadership Camps the leadership skills in your dancers necessary to effectively lead, teach, and motivate As always, our officer camps are fun and excitingÂnever intimidating http://www.dancelineusa.com/officer.htm | |
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