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Programs Camps Teach: more detail |
41. Teenage Summer Camps As far as adventure programs go, our summer Whitewater Canoeing Noncompetitive, individually focused outdoor camps. We teach life-long skills in a wilderness http://www.supercamp.com/links/teenage-summer-camps----------------------------- | |
42. Athletics - Youth Summer Programs At USF NYSP combines sports instruction with educational programs for youth ages 1016. These camps teach skills necessary to be a college fastpitch softball player. http://isis.fastmail.usf.edu/ur/summer/athletics.html | |
43. Programs :: Duquette Sports Academy Unlike other sports oriented camps, the academy offers a wellrounded curriculum to teach student athletes skills that will help them win both on and off the http://www.danduquettesports.com/su_programs.shtml | |
44. Youth Camps And Programs Youth camps and programs. $35 Non Res. $45 This beginner skate class will teach fundamentals, basic maneuvers and ramp use. http://guilfordct.virtualtownhall.net/Public_Documents/GuilfordCT_parks/00388D59 | |
45. The Official Website Of The City Of Brampton, Ontario Organize, plan and implement programs including theatrical Ability to teach skills (drama, dance, design understanding of communitybased and integrated camps. http://www.city.brampton.on.ca/parks&rec/employment-ss2004/days-camps.tml | |
46. Nicholls State University format. Local, university, and national presenters direct and teach the programs. All youth programs and camps are open to the public. http://www.nicholls.edu/cnc/Y_welcome.htm | |
47. Youth Offensive Defensive Football - Full Contact Training Camps programs that emphasize full contact instruction drills. Offensive defensive football camps that don t offer offensive contact drills or contact defense teach http://www.offensedefense.com/offensivedefensive.html | |
48. Chicago Bears but more importantly they also teach sportsmanship, leadership These programs are designed for children ranging in old and include youth camps, flag football http://www.chicagobears.com/community/youth.jsp |
49. Boot Camps Sources At Programs-for-at-risk-youth.com Boot camps is related to programsfor-at-risk-youth.com. Boot camps will also teach respect for adult and authority figures. http://www.programs-for-at-risk-youth.com/boot_camps_q.html | |
50. Correctional Boot Camps By Programs-for-at-risk-youth.com camps on programsfor-at-risk-youth.com. Schools for troubled teens are designed to help a child with their education. Boot camps will also teach respect for http://www.programs-for-at-risk-youth.com/correctional_boot_camps_q.html |
51. Summer Programs 2004, VBS, Camps, Crusades, Family Concerts of Africa to teach families about the importance of missions. Puppet Seminars. Great for family or kid s crusade or VBS programs up to four days, also camps. http://www.forhiskidz.com/summereventprograms.html | |
52. Canadian Feed The Children - Caucasus - Capacity Building This will enable them to sustain their programs over time, by helping them These camps teach children tolerance for their neighbours by instilling in them the http://www.canadianfeedthechildren.ca/ourprograms/capacitybuilding2.html | |
53. Times Community Newspapers The camps teach social and life skills that the will include discussion of the camps successes and a balance between taxpayer relief and community programs. http://www.timescommunity.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=11636812&BRD=2553&PAG=461&dep |
54. Friendship Ventures - Programs Overview Resident camps ·. Resident Camp programs Offered during the winter and summer at Camp and adults, along with special interest sessions that teach the basics http://www.friendshipventures.org/programs/programs.html | |
55. Weight Loss Camps And Weight Loss Camp Activities - Camp Shane Feature Diet, Fit loss tips, dieting information, fitness programs, exercise, weight is the oldest of the weight loss camps. We teach classes in nutrition, dieting and cooking. http://www.campshane.com/ | |
56. AAVE - High School Summer Programs, Teen Summer Camps, Teen Travel Camps, Educat The goal of America s Adventure (AAVE) is to teach skills which will lead to a lifetime of exploration, friendship and enjoyment. http://www.aave.com/newsite/HTML/aavegoals.html | |
57. TPWD: teach Texas. Activities include campfire programs, day camps, school outreach programs, historical tours, instruction and much more. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/involved/programs/teach/ | |
58. Advantage Basketball Camps - Good Sportsmanship, A Key Value Coaches Teach Child Our goal is to teach strong moral values like honor, respect, and Toward this objective, Advantage Basketball camps programs embody the philosophy of good http://www.advantagebasketball.com/sportsmanship.htm | |
59. Longhorn Council Boy Scout Summer Camps And High Adventure Programs Camp Staff Interview Schedule Longhorn Council camps are looking want these young people to teach YOUR Scouts Trail Adventure Base Updated with New programs! http://www.longhorncouncil.org/summercamp/default.htm | |
60. ASCENT - Resources If the program seeks to enhance and teach the child rather than break the child down and enforce compliance, then the Factor. Effective programs. Boot camps. http://cedu-ascent.com/resources/wilderness.shtml | |
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