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81. The Starlog Project At The University Of Waikato Declarative temporal logic programming language for general purpose programming, simulation, modeling reactive systems. Starlog programs consist of 2 components a set of timed facts, a set of temporal logic rules. Somewhat like Prolog. http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/Research/starlog/index.html | |
82. Programmers Heaven - General Programming Programming Zone Current area HOME general programming Zone, Adds this page to your personalfavorites. general programming zone. Other Languages. Other Languages (105). http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone22/ | |
83. SURVEY OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES general feature comparisons, explanations. http://faculty.frostburg.edu/cosc/htracy/cosc120/MODULES120/NetPL/PL_Net.htm | |
84. POPL97 General Information POPL97 general Information and Call For Participation. The 24th AnnualACM SIGPLANSIGACT Symposium on Principles of programming Languages. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/popl97/ | |
85. ACM Programming Contest (Mid Atlantic Region) general information, officers, contest results, problem sets related to the MidAtlantic regionals of the ACM contest. http://midatl.cslab.vt.edu/ | |
86. Jorge Nocedal: Optimization Software KNITRO, general Nonlinear programming Solver; LBFGS, Limited Memory Codes; PREQN, Preconditioning the Conjugate Gradient Method; and CG+, Conjugate Gradient Software. http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/~rwaltz/software.html | |
87. Parallel Programming With MPI Workshop Parallel programming with MPI general Announcement. Many potential participantscannot set aside two full days out of their busy schedules for a workshop. http://alliance.osc.edu/mpi/ | |
88. WFC Programming Concepts Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) provides a framework of Java packages that support components targeted for the Windows operating system and the Dynamic HTML object model. Learn more about how Visual J++ 6.0 can allow you to build tight applications using new features included in Visual J++ 6.0. (Microsoft) http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/productinfo/visualj/visualj6/technical/article | |
89. Paul Hsieh's Programming Page In my programming experience I have spent a considerable amount of time considering Ihave encountered many ideas that have shaped my general approach to http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/programming.html | |
90. Intelligent Systems Makes DreamMaker, general purpose computer language based on natural language; uses English vocabularies for computer instructions, English grammar and punctuation for programming syntax. http://isdreamaker.com/ | |
91. Programming Optimization: Techniques, Examples And Discussion This general idea is probably what inspired Terje Mathisen (a well known programmingoptimization guru) to say All programming is an exercise in caching. . http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/optimize.html | |
92. Clp(Q,R) ( 5-Oct-2000) Implementation of general Constraint Logic programming scheme introduced by Jaffar, Michaylov 1987. As full as other CLP(R)s solves linear equations over rational or real valued variables, and covers lazy treatment of nonlinear equations. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/clpqr/ | |
93. The Genesis Of MUMPS And MUG The story of the creation of the MUMPS programming language at The Massachusetts general Hospital, and its development into a procedural, interpreted generalpurpose programming language oriented towards database applications. By Glen Steinbach. | |
94. C Tutorial It is considered good programming style to identify and document your work The generalsyntax is printf( format , variables ); where format specifies the http://einstein.drexel.edu/courses/Comp_Phys/General/C_basics/c_tutorial.html | |
95. Escher Declarative, generalpurpose language, merges best features of functional and logic languages. Has types and modules, higher-order and meta-programming facilities, declarative input/output. Set of system modules provides many operations on standard data types integers, lists, characters, strings, sets, programs. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~jwl/escher.html | |
96. ECOOP'96: General Home Page The 10th European Conference on ObjectOriented programming was held in Linz Generalinformation on ECOOP `96 and questions about the conference and its http://www.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/ecoop96/ | |
97. History-making Components Explores some of the key events of objectoriented programming and components in the last 50 years in the greater context of general computing history. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-tmline/ | |
98. JBurg Javabased BURG (code emitter generator) which can also be used as a general purpose dynamic programming engine. Open source, Common Public License http://jburg.sourceforge.net/ | |
99. JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript Discussion List Information Dedicated to the general discussion of topics and issues related to JavaScript and JScript programming. Open to all beginners and professionals. http://mountaindragon.com/javascript/ | |
100. ITechnologies: The Future Is Unlimited A team, working on an assortment of tools and articles in the area of games and general programming. http://itech.dyndns.org/ | |
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