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41. Visual Programming Languages A Survey Rising computer processing speed and graphic display abilities have enabled much research and experiment in this area. Various design methodologies have come from the research, and many programming systems were developed for specific uses (user interfaces, physical simulation), and more general programming. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~maratb/cs263/paper/paper.html |
42. EvoWeb - Browse Evolution@work By Subject subject, Genetic programming general 2.05. Browse evolution@workby subject category Genetic programming - general 2.05. A hybrid http://evonet.lri.fr/evoweb/resources/evolution_work/bbsubcatlist.php?id=2.05&de |
43. FSQP By AEM Design a source code for minimizing the maximum of a set of smooth objective functions subject to general smooth constraints. Two versions, written in portable Fortran 77 (FFSQP), standard C (CFSQP). Both are tested and run on most platforms. http://www.aemtechnology.com/aemdesign/FSQPframe.htm | |
44. The ICI Programming Language s, news, documents, modules, links. Open Source, public domain......general purpose, garbage collected, Clike, high level, interpreted language; dynamic typing, flexible data types, strings, regular expressions, dynamic arrays, and sets. http://www.zeta.org.au/~atrn/ici/Default.html | |
45. Report On Interpreted Programming Languages general report which treats some specific languages. Many fine explanations. http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~zorn/cs5535/Fall-1996/projects96/zhangx-interpret.ht | |
46. Web Development Programming - General Web Development programming general. Click on to sort, Part Number SortAscending, Title Sort Ascending, Intended Audience Sort Ascending, Price, Qty. http://elementkcourseware.com/products/Catalog.jsp?frmAction=go&frmPlatform=Web |
47. The Goedel Programming Language Declarative, generalpurpose programming language in the set of logic languages. Strongly typed type system based on many-sorted logic with parametric polymorphism. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~bowers/goedel.html | |
48. Computers : Programming : General Subjects Computers programming general. Click For Book Details ElementaryStatistics. Microsoft Office Xp Introductory Concepts http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/COM051000 | |
49. Definition: Structured Programming From general Services Administration, Federal Standard 1037C (Telecom Glossary 2000) 'Telecommunications Glossary of Telecommunication Terms'. Long title, short but very clear definition. http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/fs-1037/dir-035/_5154.htm | |
50. Index: If-archive/programming/general-discussion Index ifarchive/programming/general-discussion. http://mirror.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXprogrammingXgeneral-discussion.ht | |
51. Jostraca - : A Free Open Source Template Driven Code Generation Toolkit In Java A general purpose code generation toolkit for software developers. It uses JSP syntax and can be configured to use a number of different programming languages. Open source, GPL http://www.jostraca.org/ | |
52. WhiteBBS Board for programming and general OS security. http://whitemac.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi | |
53. Physics Related Software Manuals/Links Manuals/Links on the Nuclear Physics programs and generaluse software (programming languages, algebra programs etc.) http://www.jlab.org/~semenov//rlinks/soft.html | |
54. Programming Languages - General Certification Guides MCSD programming Languages - general Database Management- general Certification Guides - general programming - general . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Programming_Languages_-_General | |
55. You've Found A BOX OF MONSTERS! Guide to AMC's monthly monster programming, Polar Lights monster model kit news, personal collection showcase, general news, and features. http://www.boxofmonsters.com/ | |
56. Programming Languages - SQL Sql (programming Language) Computer Bks Data Base Management Computers DatabaseManagement - general programming - general programming Languages http://topics.practical.org/browse/Programming_Languages_-_SQL | |
57. Untitled Document Tutorials, drawings, and general information on a variety of robot building topics including the Handy Board, motors, sensors, and programming in C. http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/~verret/ee401/ |
58. Free Software Programs are provided without charge under the terms of the GNU general Public License. The software consists of Windows, general purpose, VRML, Website and Internet tools and programming tools. http://www.crispen.org/src/ | |
59. A Programmer's Guide To The World Wide Web white page phone listings, etc. general WWW Resources. FAQs, resourcecollections, etc. HTML programming. HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, Frames http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/WWW/ | |
60. The Object Agency, L.L.C. general reference sources, database issues, organizations and conferences, programming languages, software reusability, general software engineering, booksellers and publishers. http://www.toa.com/ | |
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