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Profiling: more books (100) |
141. Carnival Booth: An Algorithm For Defeating The Computer-Assisted Passenger Scree chaired by VicePresident Gore) published its final report5 in February of 1997,giving the federal seal of approval to automated passenger profiling. http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/6805/student-papers/spring02-papers/caps.htm | |
142. The Drug Reform Coordination Network The full set of racial profiling documents released by the New Jersey Attorney General's office on Monday, November 27th, 2000. Links to related news and articles. http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/njprofiling/ |
143. SGI - Developer Central Open Source | Kernprof Kernprof (Kernel profiling) This page describes Kernprof, a set of facilitiesfor profiling the Linux kernel. It consists of a kernel http://oss.sgi.com/projects/kernprof/ | |
144. Journal Of Criminal Profiling Empirical studies, literature reviews, case reports, and theoretical papers dealing with aspects of profiling, investigations, forensic psychology, and criminology. Includes submission and subscription instructions. http://haworthpressinc.com/journalwebpage/J373/ |
145. News Search Engine Search thousands of major news sites at once. Subscriber Services LoginPassword Lookup Help Not a subscriber yet? Latest News Fatal http://racialprofiling.newstrove.com/ | |
146. EPC Labs Manufactures and sells thermal graphic recorders and data acquisition systems for use in a wide variety of custom applications including sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiling and spectrum and acoustic analysis. http://www.epclabs.com/ | |
147. Xdebug: Documentation - Profiler The first step in profiling your code is enabling of the profiler, which will makeXdebug time all subsequent function calls, thus creating a pool of data from http://www.xdebug.org/docs-profiling.php | |
148. Java Profiler - JProfiler An allpurpose Java profiling suite targeted at J2EE and J2SE applications. It features CPU profiling, memory profiling, thread profiling and VM telemetry information. Shareware http://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html | |
149. : Profiling API MSDN Home Visual Studio 2005 Home Teams CLR Common Language Runtime profilingAPI. profiling API. Jonathan Keljo Program Manager, CLR profiling API. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/teams/clr/profileapi/default.aspx | |
150. Capital Lasers - Menu UK. Specializes in laser processing of wood, plastic, and metal materials. Includes profiling, small hole drilling, welding, and marking. Can handle flat and three dimensional parts. Site provides details of capabilities. http://www.capital-lasers.co.uk/ |
151. Connection Strings For The Profiling System (Microsoft Commerce Server 2000) Two types of connection strings are recognized by OLE DB Provider for CommerceServer for use with the profiling System URL=mscop//InProcConnect/Server http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/comsrv2k/htm/cs_rp_oledb_ehff.asp | |
152. Bush Asks Ashcroft To Review 'racial Profiling' CNN http://cnn.com/2001/LAW/02/28/bush.profiling.reut/index.html |
153. CNN.com - Massachusetts Launches racial Profiling Probe - May 5, 2004 A study has found that nearly three out of four Massachusetts police departmentsengaged in racial profiling of minority drivers, prompting the state to launch http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Northeast/05/05/racial.profiling.ap/ | |
154. Racial Profiling Perspective on profiling, identification of the problem, prohibition, and analysis of ethnicity and race data. http://www.fhp.state.fl.us/html/census/profile.html | |
155. CNN.com - Airlines, Passengers Confront Racial Profiling - October 3, 2001 ArabAmerican complaints against racial profiling on commercial carriers have increasedsince the September 11 hijacking attacks on the World Trade Center and http://www.cnn.com/2001/TRAVEL/NEWS/10/03/rec.airlines.profiling/ | |
156. Intermountain Environmental | Instrumentation For Monitoring The Environment Distributes a full line of echo sounders and bottom profiling systems for precision seafloor, deep lake, and river bottom exploration. Systems are manufactured by Ocean Data Equipment Company. http://www.inmtn.com/ | |
157. Profiling The Profilers profiling the profilers By By Laurence Vanhelsuwé A comparativereview of three commercial Java code profilers. odern software http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-08-2003/jw-0822-profiler.html | |
158. JProbe A set of tools that are useful in profiling and working with java systems. The JProbe suite includes a Profiler and Threadalyzer, as well as a variety of tools for profiling server performance remotely. Trial version of some tools are available. Commercial http://java.quest.com/jprobe/jprobe.shtml |
159. Profiling CPU Usage From Within A Java Application Java Q A. profiling CPU usage from within a Java application. Roll process.By itself, this data is not particularly useful for profiling. http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2002-11/01-qa-1108-cpu.html | |
160. Defense Attorney Says Wen Ho Lee Victim Of Racial Profiling CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/08/16/scientist.secrets.ap/index.html |
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