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121. FindLaw: Dean A. Wideman, M.Sc. Notfor-profit organization assisting law enforcement agencies and victims of sexual and violent crimes with crime analysis and reconstruction, investigation, behavioral profiling, and related forensic services. Houston, Texas. http://firms.findlaw.com/crimeanalytica/ | |
122. Open Profiling Standard (OPS) THE OPEN profiling STANDARD (OPS). Open profiling Standard Press Release.Open profiling Standard Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). http://developer.netscape.com/ops/ops.html | |
123. Business Data Quality - Data Analysis Products, Data Profiling Software Provider of data quality assessment, data profiling and data monitoring products. http://www.businessdataquality.com/ | |
124. Background Check, Psychological Profiling, Trace Email, Criminal Record, Find Pe Background Check, Trace email, Unlisted Phone number search, Psychological profiling,Criminal Records, Marriage Records, Cell Phone number look up, USA and http://www.abika.com/ | |
125. Methexis Genomics: SNP Discovery / Genotyping / DNA Re-Sequencing Genome profiling, and typing alleles, for mutation, including SNP validation and verification. Offers diagnostics kit and resequencing services, using proprietary mass array technology in Ghent, Belgium. http://www.methexis-genomics.com/ | |
126. Online NewsHour: Racial Profiling -- March 13, 2001 Online NewsHour, RACIAL profiling. March 13, 2001. A report on driving while black and the controversial lawenforcement strategy of racial profiling. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/race_relations/jan-june01/profiling_3-13.htm | |
127. Ashcroft Calls For Elimination Of Racial Profiling CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/03/01/ashcroft.racial.profiling.ap/index.html |
128. Online NewsHour: Racial Profiling -- September 26, 2001 GWEN IFILL So is this racial profiling or reasonable investigation?We ask four San Diego. profiling acceptable or effective? GWEN http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/terrorism/july-dec01/racial_profile.html | |
129. Nature Genome Gateway - Post Genomics - Profiling Microarrays profiling microarrays. news Nature 406, 688689 (17 August 2000) Full Text PDF (232 K) . profiling metastasis in melanoma. Two http://www.nature.com/genomics/post-genomics/microarrays.html | |
130. Welcome To Biospherical Instruments Inc. Designs and manufactures a variety of instruments for monitoring UV radiation in ocean and fresh water environments including profiling reflectance and UV radiometers, natural fluorometers and PAR and monochromatic sensors. http://www.biospherical.com/ | |
131. Plasma Profiling Ltd UK. Company has introduced a new concept in sheet metal cutting technology via laser cutting designed with efficiency and economy in mind. http://www.plasma-profiling.com/ |
132. Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/19/2002 | Profiling Charged On 'nightmare' Flight profiling charged on nightmare flight. This is blatant racial profiling, Rajcoomar,a naturalized citizen since 1985, said by telephone from Florida. http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/4108036.htm | |
133. HP Unix - Java - HPjmeter Overview & Features Platformindependent tool from Hewlett Packard which helps detect performance bottlenecks by graphically displaying profiling data. Freeware http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/hpjmeter/index.html | |
134. The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - Det profiling Architecture. A mechanism and APIs for extracting time and space profilinginformation from a running Java TM virtual machine. Status In Progress, http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=163 |
135. CNN.com - N.J. Attorney General Questions Selected Release Of Memos On Profiling CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/10/19/njstatepolice.ap/index.html | |
136. Metal Engravers - Hot Stamping And Wire Marking Wheel Engraving Specializes in 2 and 3 dimensional pantograph engraving and profiling. Includes mold and logo engraving as well as production of impression and hot stamps, wire marking wheels, and embossing dies. http://www.russellengraving.com | |
137. ABCNEWS.com : When Voice Recognition Leads To Bias Johnson is suing the landlord for linguistic profiling, a form ofracial discrimination the courts have yet to fully recognize. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/WorldNewsTonight/linguistic_profiling011206.h | |
138. Reekie Steeltec Ltd UK. Specializes in subcontract sheet metalwork and fabrication. Capabilities include laser profiling, bending, grinding, welding, finishing, and painting. Handles mild and stainless steel. Serves wide range of industries. http://www.reekiesteeltec.com/ | |
139. New Pathways To Planning - Profiling Your Community profiling Your Community Introduction Index. Pathways Logo. Introduction.profiling Your Community. Internal Library Audit. Vision, Objectives Goals. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/pathway/profile.html | |
140. FBI Profiling Suspect In Dartmouth Killings CNN http://cnn.com/2001/LAW/02/09/dartmouth.professors.reut/index.html |
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