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61. DNA Profiling Interpol recognises the value of DNA profiling and is supporting thisnew investigative tool. Following the acceptance of Resolution No. http://www.interpol.int/Public/Forensic/dna/default.asp | |
62. Washingtonpost.com: Live Online The responses of Raul Yzaguirre, president of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), to readers questions and comments about racial profiling and racial bias during times of war. http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/01/attack_yzaguirre0925.htm | |
63. Profiling Letter 3/28 to Congressional Privacy Caucus The March 2001 FTC workshop on Consumerprofiling Dialog with company leaders on profiling Junkbusters reply http://www.junkbusters.com/profiling.html | |
64. Organisational Coaching And Training Psychometric tests and psychological profiling developed by the University of Hertfordshire. http://www.fitcorporation.com | |
65. Monitor Profiling © 19952004 Michael Reichmann. Monitor profiling and Calibration. profiling Calibration is a Must. Storm Over Mt. Hillers, Utah  April, 2001. http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/monitor_profiling.shtml | |
66. Media Blackface: "Racial Profiling" In News Reporting As a general concept, racial profiling is the politically acceptable and very Americanpractice of defining a social problem in blackface ie, in racial terms http://www.fair.org/extra/9809/media-blackface.html | |
67. Ocean Sensors Home Specializes in the development of innovative ocean measurement instrumentation and systems. Developers of lightweight Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) instruments for use in ocean profiling, moored and shipboard data logging applications. http://www.oceansensors.com/ | |
68. KIC - Innovation That Works KIC Innovation That Works Real-time Thermal profiling and Process MonitoringSystems for manufacturing, convection ovens, conveyor ovens, furnaces, wave http://www.kicthermal.com/ |
69. Wintech International - Computer Controlled Foam Contour Cutters Australia. Manufactures variety of computer controlled machines for cutting and profiling rigid and flexible foam. Site incorporates detailed description of available models and relevant applications. http://www.wintechint.com.au | |
70. Profiling Is Fun... profiling is fun Back in highschool, I cut lawns for a lot of people .so ISerializable. re profiling is fun 5/8/2004 942 AM gav. http://weblogs.asp.net/duncanma/archive/2004/05/08/128353.aspx | |
71. YourKit, LLC - The New Word In The Profilers' World A memory profiling tool for solving memory related performace problems such as memory leaks and memory consumption bottlenecks. Shareware http://www.yourkit.com/ | |
72. Racial Profiling Search. Race Relations, Racial profiling Guide picks. Articles andsites with information about racial profiling. More NYPD Blues The http://racerelations.about.com/cs/racialprofiling/ | |
73. Serial Killers And Notorious Murders In The Crime Library The Crime Library's section on serial murder. Includes articles on criminal profiling. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serialkillers.htm | |
74. Society Of Professional Journalists - Diversity Guidelines for Countering Racial, Ethnic and Religious profiling Diversity Guidelines for Countering profiling On Oct. 6 at its http://www.spj.org/diversity_profiling.asp | |
75. On Internet Privacy And Profiling Testimony given by Internet consultant, Richard M Smith, before the US Senate Commerce Committee (PDF format) http://www.senate.gov/~commerce/hearings/0613smi.pdf |
76. PHP Performance Profiling No more guessing what s going on internally performance profilinggives you hard figures. profiling Tools. profiling A Live Site. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7213 |
77. CNN.com - Memos Show New Jersey Knew Of Racial Profiling For Years - October 12, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/10/12/racial.profiling.ap/index.html | |
78. Racial Profiling Index Frame: Race Reporting And Profiling Discriminates Against DESK What s Hot! RACIAL profiling DOJ Requires It! EDUCATIONAL TESTINGNews Analysis, CENSUS 2000 Racism, ABOUT US. Copyright 2002 http://www.adversity.net/FRAMES/profiling_frame.htm | |
79. Memory Leak Detection For C/C++ And Code Profiler For C/C++ A Code profiling, Memory Leak Detection and Function Call Tracing tool for software programmers using Microsoft Visual C++, VisualBasic (and other compilers that generate .PDB debug information). http://www.codework.com/glowcode/product.html | |
80. Walter E. Williams: Racial Profiling Books by Town Hall columnists. Racial profiling Walter E. Williams(archive). April What is racial profiling, and is it racist? We http://www.townhall.com/columnists/walterwilliams/ww20040421.shtml | |
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