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81. USA Gymnastics Online: Safety And Education: Coaching Accreditation professional development Program Objectives. Provide general and sportspecificinformation critical for entry level gymnastics coaches and instructors. http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/safety-and-education/accreditation.html | |
82. The RCGP - Education And Training Initiatives, Higher Professional Development the Education Network at the Royal College of general Practitioners, 14 Princes Gate,London SW7 1PU. Tel 020 7581 3232. Ext 210. professional development Menu. http://www.rcgp.org.uk/education/higher_pro_dev.asp?menuid=110 |
83. Museum & Heritage Training And Professional Education: ICOM-ICTOP Home Page The general Conference programme booklet, including the booking and accommodationform, is ICOMICTOP Curricula Guidelines for Museum professional development. http://www.city.ac.uk/ictop/ | |
84. RACGP | Welcome To The Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners development activities; Demonstrate GP accountability to the community; Enhance theprofessional responsibility of individual GPs and Australian general practice http://www.racgp.org.au/document.asp?id=10057 |
85. TechLEARNING.com | Technology & Learning - The Resource For Education Technology as a personal and professional growth site, SmartPlanet has general technology courses Severalsites cater to an ad hoc approach to professional development. http://www.techlearning.com/content/profes/articles/resources.html | |
86. AFE : Professional Development Need Free Adobe Reader? professional development. general Information. PolicyStatement(Draft Under Committee Review); Code of Ethics. Training Education. http://www.afe.org/professional-development.html | |
87. College Now: Teachers: Professional Development for participation in Looking Both Ways, an intensive professional development projectsponsored general questions about its content can be emailed to collegenow http://www.collegenow.cuny.edu/teachers/pd/ | |
88. OPD Report: Section 3 This section describes some of our guiding principles about professional developmentin general, different types of online professional development, the http://www.edtechleaders.org/Resources/opd_report/genconsiderations.htm | |
89. A Great Professional Development Opportunity For Early Career General Educators A Great professional development Opportunity for Early Career general Educators!Learn How to Meet the Needs of AtRisk Learners AND Receive FREE TUITION! http://web.wm.edu/education/SpledProj/CME Info.htm | |
90. Continuing Professional Development Programme general practitioners, physiotherapists, nurses, family therapists, occupationaltherapists, psychologists, social workers and any other professional working http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/ich/html/education/cpdp/diary_courses.html | |
91. TeachersFirst Professional Matrix TeachersFirst professional content listings. professional Resources Matrix. Teaching professional development. Bulletin Board "Hang Ups" Weekly Question" Archives. professional development. Resources. TeachersFirst Instruction Units http://www.teachersfirst.com/prof.htm | |
92. Education World® - Teacher Resources : Professional Development : General Resou Cases, Case Methods, and the professional development of Educators. Ask EricDigest ed401272. Locating Resources on professional development Schools. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5190 |
93. Small Museums Association Home Page Organization devoted to the promotion and development of small museums. Features information for museum professionals and for the general public. http://www.smallmuseum.org/index.htm | |
94. Los Angeles Forum For Architecture And Urban Design Provides a framework for design professionals and members of the general public to explore, evaluate, and impact the development of architecture through various events. http://www.laforum.org/ | |
95. PEJE: Professional Development Opportunities - Judaic a Jewish context. See professional development Opportunities Generalfor other programs. DAY SCHOOLFOCUSED PROGRAMS. Day School http://www.peje.org/profdevjudaic.htm | |
96. Critical Issue: Finding Time For Professional Development Critical Issue Finding Time for professional development. ISSUE Reform requires that teachers learn new roles and ways of teaching. That translates into a longterm developmental process requiring http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/profdevl/pd300.htm | |
97. Developer.com: An EarthWeb Site Developer.com offers daily news, articles, and tutorials for professional involved in the development of applications and other technical solutions. Daily coverage includes articles, tutorials, http://www.developer.com/ | |
98. Subpart 3 - Professional Development (4) improving the quality of professional development programs in schools (1) INGENERAL The Secretary is authorized to award grants under this section to Â. http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg48.html | |
99. Society Of General Internal Medicine review process for UpToDate in general Internal Medicine skills, CME credit, and professionalrecognition Career development Awards Listings for junior faculty http://www.sgim.org/profdev.cfm | |
100. E-Learning Centre: Professional Development Showcase SHOWCASE professional development eLearning Showcase. All ShowcasesLast updated 22 May 2004 This page provides a showcase of examples http://www.e-learningcentre.co.uk/eclipse/showcase/profdev.htm | |
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