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21. Dental Branch, Biography - Professional Development The Office of professional development at The University of Texas Health to provideleadership, advocacy, support and assistance to administration and faculty http://www.db.uth.tmc.edu/prof-develop/default.htm | |
22. New Horizon First Nations Administration Inc. Dedicated to assisting the First Nations community by providing professional services to First Nation clientele in all areas of development. http://www.cableregina.com/business/newhorizon/ |
23. Dctemplate craft recipes  message board. administration and professional development.Forms and Articles relating to Child Care administration. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5274/admin.html | |
24. Hamline Graduate School Of Public Administration & Management Alumni Class notes, information on professional development series. http://web.hamline.edu/alumni/gpamindex.htm | |
25. Office For Professional Development opd administration center for teaching and learning associate faculty office office for multicultural professional development office for women http://opd.iupui.edu/ | |
26. Pekin Public Schools District 108 Information about the administration, schools, professional development, projects, special education, basic curriculum, calendars, student and parent resources, and district news. http://www.pekin.net/pekin108/ | |
27. Providing Professional Development Activities For School-to-Work Initiatives Critical Issue Providing professional development Activities for Schoolto-Work Initiatives Work, and professor of educational administration and vocational education at the http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/stw/sw500.htm | |
28. Training Training and professional development Training calendars and resources for the professionaldevelopment of child protection workers and other professionals who http://hnb.dhs.vic.gov.au/commcare/yafsinte.nsf/TopicListLU/Safe from Harm: Trai |
29. Welcome To New Canaan Public Schools Encompasses a high school, middle school, and three elementary schools. Contains information on the districtwide administration including the Board of Education as well as school calendars, professional development, and curriculum and instruction resources. http://www.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/ | |
30. Executive And Professional Education - Cornell Hotel School Programs for hospitality industry professional training and development sponsored by the School of Hotel administration at Cornell University. http://hotelschool.cornell.edu/execed/ | |
31. PDR Professional Development In Administration professional development and Research. Executive Forum on Human ServicesA BRIEF HISTORY. A representative group of over 40 executive http://sehd.binghamton.edu/pdr/executive forum on human services/ | |
32. Business Honors Program - McCombs School Of Business - The University Of Texas A Degree program designed to provide intellectual challenge and professional development within the College of Business administration. http://www.bus.utexas.edu/~bhp/ | |
33. Institute Of Public Administration Australia - National The Institute of Public administration Australia (IPAA), is a networking, researchand professional development organisation for Commonwealth, State and Local http://www.ipaa.org.au/05_prof_development/01_prof_development.htm | |
34. Teaching In The UK & Education News At The Times Educational Supplement Personal, 3502. Primary, 2051. professional development, 198. Prospective studentteachers, 1161. Teaching Assistants, 541. Teaching Overseas, 936. administration,55. http://www.tes.co.uk/staffroom/index.asp | |
35. Teaching In The UK & Education News At The Times Educational Supplement Personal, 3641. Primary, 2126. professional development, 203. Prospective studentteachers, 1209. Teaching Assistants, 562. Teaching Overseas, 968. administration,57. http://www.tes.co.uk/staffroom/ | |
36. Arts Administration At CCM : Professional Development to interact with arts professionals, and strong Assistant; College of Business AdministrationTeaching Assistant. Peter Bilotta development Director of Playhouse http://www.ccm.uc.edu/arts_admin/profdev.html | |
37. Arkansas Department Of Education The Spring 1999 administration of the Benchmark Examinations showed that 53 Obviously,there is a great need for additional professional development to improve http://arkedu.state.ar.us/professional_dev/ | |
38. Educational Policy And Administration - College Of Education And Human Developme professional development. Centers. Student resources. Faculty resources. About EdPA.EdPA home. edpa@umn.edu Educational Policy and administration 330 Wulling Hall http://education.umn.edu/EdPA/develop.htm | |
39. Carolina School Of Public Health--Health Policy And Administration The Office of professional development, including the Career Services Office, existsto in the Department of Health Policy and administration (HPAA) with a http://www.sph.unc.edu/hpaa/professional/ | |
40. Jobs For Interpreters: Sign Language Associates, Inc.-Professional Development O CMP/CEU administration Program Daunted by the CMP process, need CEU while importingwell known instructors and exciting professional development opportunities. http://www.signlanguage.com/interpreters/profdev.php | |
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