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1. Prince Edward Island: History Of PEI All about PEI/ History of PEI Acadian History/ Chronological History/ CommunityHistories/ History of the Name Prince Edward Island/ Interpretive History/ Mi http://www.gov.pe.ca/infopei/Reference/All_about_PEI/History_of_PEI/ | |
2. Canadian Genealogy And History Links - Prince Edward Island Canadian Genealogy and History Links. Canadian Genealogy and History PrinceEdward Island. prince edward island history Official government site. http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/prince-edward-island.html | |
3. Prince Edward Island Social Studies Genealogy History, geneaology, historic diaries, related links and more to assistwith your study of prince edward island history illustrated - From the http://www.archaeolink.com/prince_edward_island_geography_s.htm | |
4. Canada Facts: Prince Edward Island prince edward island history and People. History. Abegweit, the aboriginal namefor Prince Edward Island has been home to the Mi kmaq for thousands of years. http://educationcanada.com/facts/index.phtml?sid=pe&a=3&lang=eng |
5. CultureCanada.gc.ca: History - Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Genealogy Source Government of Prince Edward Island.prince edward island history Source Belfast Community Access Program. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.11.9.htm | |
6. Nos Racines / Our Roots: Résultats Titre Atory of Old Abegweit A Sketch of prince edward island history AuteurHart, George Edward Ãditeur Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island? G Hart http://www.ourroots.ca/f/results.asp?type=1&page=1&field=subject&key=Prince Edwa |
7. Our Roots Nos Racines: Search Results Title Atory of Old Abegweit A Sketch of prince edward island history AuthorHart, George Edward Publisher Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island? G Hart http://www.ourroots.ca/e/results.asp?type=1&page=1&field=subject&key=Prince Edwa |
8. LINKS - Prince Edward Island, Canada Genealogy, History, Library, Archive, Famil heritage group or other non profit organization website that contains helpful informationfor those interested in prince edward island history or genealogy. http://globalgenealogy.com/links/canada-pe.htm | |
9. Dalvay-by-the-Sea, Prince Edward Island History of Dalvay by the Sea. TOPICS It was on one of these vacations that AlexanderMcDonald and his family spent their first summer on Prince Edward Island. http://www.dalvaybythesea.com/history.htm | |
10. Elderhostel : Program Detail Lectures focus on unique aspects of prince edward island history, including settlementby lottery, rum running and prohibition, PEI and Canadian Confederation. http://www.elderhostel.org/Programs/programdetail.asp?RowId=1+K2+26 |
11. Cyndi's List - Canada - Prince Edward Island More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. Canadian Genealogy and history Links - prince http://www.cyndislist.com/pei.htm | |
12. My Prince Edward Island Family History Welcome to our family tree! Click here for my welcome message. Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little. I knew practically nothing as my father never knew his paternal family until a couple of years ago. Researching Your Own Family history/Links Contact Me/Guestbook http://valmayukuk.tripod.com/pei | |
13. The History Of The Telephone On Prince Edward Island Suggest This Page To A Friend! The history of the Telephone on PrinceEdward island. Member Telephone Collector s International 2003/2004. http://www.islandregister.com/phones/phones.html | |
14. Prince Edward Island: The Island Today Today in island history. On May 25 in island history 1873 Centre. TheOfficial Website of the Government of prince edward island, Canada. http://www.gov.pe.ca/today/index.php3 | |
15. Province Of Prince Edward Island: Home Page All about PEI. location, symbols, history. Economy and Statistics The Official Website of the Government of prince edward island, Canada. Please read our Copyright and Privacy http://www.gov.pe.ca/ | |
16. CGHL - Personal Prince Edward Island Canadian Genealogy and history Links. Canadian Genealogy and historyPersonal prince edward island. Entries preceded by a indicate http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/personal-pei.html | |
17. The Island Register - P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island) Genealogy Announcing The prince edward island Surnames List MkII . Online Map The 1863Lake Map Digitization Complete! history The Telephone on PEI - history http://www.islandregister.com/ | |
18. Place Details ('undefined') FAMILY history LIBRARY CATALOG. Place. prince edward island. Topics. prince edward island Archives and libraries - Directories. prince http://www.familysearch.org/eng/Library/fhlcatalog/supermainframeset.asp?display |
19. Prince Edward Island Tourism And Travel Guide Online island history Long before the Fathers of Confederation met in Charlottetown in andfinalize the formulation of our great nation, prince edward island was home http://www.peionline.com/ | |
20. PEGenWeb Page ©. 2004. prince edward island, Canada. 1864 Hutchinson's Directory 1864 prince edward island Directory, including an early history and Geography of the http://www.isn.net/~dhunter/pegenweb.html | |
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