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61. References For The Loris And Potto Measuring Standard Belonging to the unnumbered series Life Sciences miscellaneous Publications. OsmanHill, WC, 1953 primates Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. http://www.loris-conservation.org/database/population_database/Standards_for_Mea | |
62. Keep On Fighting - Ex Shamrock Employees Still Importing Primates Home Why We Are Here Action Alerts (228/0) Animal Rights (227/0) Campaigns Work (69/0)miscellaneous (9/0) Site Ex Shamrock employees still importing primates, http://www.keeponfighting.net/article.php?story=20031115004557427 |
63. Koko.org - About Gorillas - Primate-related Websites Primate Society of Great Britain http//www.ana.ed.ac.uk/PSGB/home.html.primates Online http//www.primatesonline.com. miscellaneous Web Sites. http://www.koko.org/about/links.html | |
64. [Backmed] Miscellaneous Med Research And General Interest Books Available Backmed miscellaneous med research and general interest books available. Projecton the Reproduction and Conservation of Nonhuman primates. Quitos, Peru. http://lists.swetsblackwell.com/pipermail/backmed/2004-May/230384.html | |
65. FaunaClassifieds Forums Archive - Miscellaneous Animal Products And Services miscellaneous Animal Products and Services Showing threads 1 to 12 of 12 available. com? 01-04-2004 0505 AM - 0 replies ? Work with primates, big cats http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/forumdisplay/f-35.html | |
66. Miscellaneous Masonic Writings - III -- SMITHFIELD LODGE No. 455, AF&AM (TEXAS) miscellaneous Masonic Writings III. IS MASONRY A CHURCH? Royal Arch Mason - Fall1961. The heads of the Church are the primates of Canterbury and of York. http://home.swbell.net/terrell1/smithfield455/Light/Misc/misc_writings3.htm | |
67. Hepatitis And Health News And Miscellaneous Communications Hepatitis-news-0702 preventing cirrhosis. In an experiment on primates, baboons were fed highalcoholdiets for eight years. Most developed cirrhosis. However http://dreampharm.com/hepatitis-info/hepatitis-news-0702.html | |
68. Animal Wallpaper Originals @ Wallpapers.AnimalSearch.net - Wildlife: Primates Animals Wildlife - primates. http://wallpapers.animalsearch.net/primates.html | |
69. Animal Wallpaper Originals @ Wallpapers.AnimalSearch.net - Wildlife: Miscellaneo Animals Wildlife - miscellaneous. http://wallpapers.animalsearch.net/wildlife_misc.html | |
70. Diseases Of Non-Human Primates PATHOLOGY OF NONHUMAN primates Gary B. Baskin, DVM Tulane Respiratory mite parasites in nonhuman primates. Lab Anim Care 20 Demodectic mites of subhuman primates. J Parasitol 59719 http://www.afip.org/vetpath/POLA/nhp.txt |
71. PATHOLOGY OF NONHUMAN PRIMATES PATHOLOGY OF NONHUMAN primates. Gary B. Baskin, DVM. Tulane Regional Primate Research Center. Tulane University. Covington, Louisiana. gbask@tpc.tulane.edu. BACTERIAL DISEASES. MYCOBACTERIOSIS. Etiology Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. Renquist DM, et al. Tuberculosis in nonhuman primates. An overview Natural infections in nonhuman primates have taken the lepromatous form http://www.afip.org/CLDavis/GrossCourse98/primate.html | |
72. Primates - Links Page 1 list in links to anything you want to know about apes, chimps or monkeys is the ElectronicZoo s Net Vet site located at http//netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm. http://jsmagic.net/creatureprimates/ | |
73. Miscellaneous Creatures sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation ENature.com. http//www.enature.com/.-Additional miscellaneous Creatures -. Page 1. Page 2. http://jsmagic.net/creaturemiscellaneous/ | |
74. Primates - Links Page 1 the Creature Corner is your guide to the best sites on creatures (of all kinds) on the web. http://www.jsmagic.net/creatureprimates | |
75. Miscellaneous Creatures the Creature Corner is your guide to the best sites on creatures (of all kinds) on the web. http://www.jsmagic.net/creaturemiscellaneous | |
76. East Africa Wildlife - Miscellaneous / ªF«D³¥¥Ã°Ãª« - ¤@¨Ã¨ä¥L° The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://hk.geocities.com/odsite005/tanzania/wildlife/misc.htm | |
77. DUfaq 1.0 Europe (29). Anomalous hominids and apparently unknown higherprimatesYeti, Sasquatch and all others. miscellaneous Articles (11). News http://www.forteanzoology.com/faq/ | |
78. BBC - Science & Nature - Articles - Primates At Risk As Forests Disappear More articles, *** Choose a subject ***. primates at risk as forests disappear. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/features/150index.shtml | |
79. Andy Kerr - Save The Primates And Free Willy You are visiting Andy Kerr s Column 33 Return to Chieftain Columns IndexAndy Kerr Home Page Site Map Save the primates and Free Willy. http://www.andykerr.net/ChieftainCols/Col33.html | |
80. AWA Regulation TofC Subpart HCompliance With Standards and Holding Period; Subpart IMiscellaneous. theHumane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Nonhuman primates. http://www.animallaw.info/administrative/adusawaregtofc.htm | |
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