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Primates Miscellaneous: more detail | ||||
21. Miscellaneous Animals Up miscellaneous Animals Bears Fish Frogs Giraffes Horses Insects Moose Mice Pigs primates Raccoons Reptiles http://www.annthegran.com/Categories/animals_misc.htm | |
22. "Information Resources On The Care And Use Of Molluscs" miscellaneous. 2001. physiology, reproductive system, Cephalopoda, Chondrichthyes,Pisces, Vertebrata, Chordata, Hominidae, primates, Mammalia, Vertebrata http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/molluscs/labmisc.htm | |
23. PSGB Guide To Jobs With Primates as anything else. miscellaneous. There are a number of other careeroptions that can lead to working with primates. There are bound http://www.psgb.org/PSGBInfo/Guide_to_Jobs_with_Primate.html |
24. Accession 01-096 - Martin H. Moynihan Papers, 1952-1996 References primates; primates, miscellaneous notes and sketch, 1965; Cebuellapygmaea (Pigmy Marmoset), Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 19581961, 1963; http://www.si.edu/archives/archives/findingaids/fa01-096.html | |
25. Links Page sites, including Lopé, Gabon (gorilla, chimpanzee); Laikipia, Kenya (baboon);Karisoke, Rwanda (gorilla); studies of captive primates rely on miscellaneous. http://zcog.org/zcog frames/links_page.htm | |
27. Orangutan Foundation International - Miscellaneous Links miscellaneous Links. http//www.noord.bart.nl/~edcolijn/ Indonesian Nature ConservationDatabase (including primates) includes scientific name, common name http://www.orangutan.org/links/weblinks.php?id=4 |
28. Animal Protection Institute - Incidents Involving Miscellaneous Captive Held Exo Incidents Involving miscellaneous Captive Held Exotic Animals. humans and escapesfrom cages by captive exotic animals (excluding felines, primates, and reptiles http://www.api4animals.org/382.htm | |
29. Miscellaneous miscellaneous This essay reinforces one of my pet theories, that journalistsare primates. Kathleen Gibson, a fellow writer and nice lady. http://users.accesscomm.ca/gbraun/misc.htm | |
30. Animal Procedures Committee - Minutes Of Meeting October 2001 its recent advice on Openness, Biotechnology and miscellaneous issues which the workinggroup implementation and compliance; primates; and xenotransplantation http://www.apc.gov.uk/reference/oct01.htm | |
31. GREEK REVOLUTION 1821 - YET TO BE COMPLETED - Miscellaneous - Http://maxpages.co Philike Hetairia planned to start the uprising in three places. One was the Pelopnnesse,where a core group of klephts and primates supported the plot. http://maxpages.com/marias/Greek_Revolution_1821 | |
32. The Fun Animal Page - * F U N * F U N * F U N * F U N * - Miscellaneous - Http:/ Pet Companions PetStation Pig Placement Network Polar Bears Alive primates Library R Raptors Aerie Greyhawkes Reptile Mall Reptile Amphibian http://maxpages.com/misskims/Animal_Things_for_All | |
33. International Fund For Animal Welfare | Miscellaneous | Site Map Asian elephant. Rhinoceri. Rhinoceros, Black. Rhinoceros, White. primates. Chimpanzee.Eastern lowland gorilla. Mountain gorilla. Other. African penguin. Basking Shark. http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/sitemap/en-AU/ | |
34. ::: Ic-musicmedia.com ::: Artist Statement Of Agreement / Terms And Conditions notice of termination, the rights granted to moving primates GmbH or the platformof the moving primates network shall return to the licensor. 8. miscellaneous. http://www.ic-musicmedia.com/terms_and_conditions.php | |
35. Observation Of The Behaviour Of Young Primates close resemblance between humans and other primates, it is not of Exeter Departmentof Psychology Staff Students Research Teaching miscellaneous http://www.ex.ac.uk/~SEGLea/psy1003/zoo.html | |
36. Behaviour Of Non-human Primates evidence of increasing intelligence within the primates as they of Exeter Departmentof Psychology Staff Students Research Teaching miscellaneous http://www.ex.ac.uk/~SEGLea/ehb/primates.htm | |
37. Primates And Phylogeny primates; Vertebrates. Biosystematic Codes. Paleozoology 31000. primatesUnspecified86190. miscellaneous Descriptors. Varecia-insignis http://www.biosis.org/sotw/030623/030623_h.html | |
38. Miscellaneous Discussions miscellaneous Discussions. ) Lesser primates and monkeys join in, andbefore you know it all mammals have been connected (and so on). http://www.mattox.com/genome/misc.html | |
39. Miscellaneous Links Acct, SW, OIT, Chairs HB, APT, Rooms, FHB, fac stuff, CTL, APT, store, ACES (Fac),S02, F02), lib, phone, sports, Mail, Chronicle, primates, Scriptorium, ORS http://www.isds.duke.edu/~rlw/links.html | |
40. Ravi Pratap's Home Page - Miscellaneous miscellaneous. This page is for everything that my obsession for organizationis unable to come up with a category for so it should http://primates.ximian.com/~ravi/misc.html | |
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