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41. Frequently Asked Questions 1 About Frequently Asked Questions FAQ 1 general. such as the Netherlands, strictlaws regulate experiments to ensure that research using primates is only http://www.bprc.nl/BPRCE/L4/FAQs1.html | |
42. Help Center: General You can help even more by linking your website to Care2 s Races (Race for the BigCats, Race for the Rain Forest), Race for the primates, Race for the Oceans http://www.care2.com/help/general/race_logos.html | |
43. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Mammalia - Primates database for primatology primates Tree of Life primates an Introduction to theTaxonomy and general Characteristics of the Living primates web tutorial http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/mam_prim.htm | |
44. Anglican Mainstream I would also hope that the wish of the primates expressed last October that thatif any groups, either dissenting from the decisions of general Convention in http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news133.asp | |
45. Off The Wall - Primates - Books Monkey Manual (1968) Dee Licek general care of primates in captivity 20 years agoMonkeys As Pets (1964 third edition 1951 was first edition) Leonore Brandt http://www.offthewallemporium.com/primates/primate_books.htm | |
46. News In a letter to his fellow primates after the general Convention, Presiding BishopFrank T. Griswold said, My own sense is that one of our Anglican gifts is to http://www.ecusa.anglican.org/3577_19952_ENG_Print.html | |
47. The Psychological Well-Being Of Nonhuman Primates to provide the knowledge necessary to develop programs to achieve this general goal. Itis the responsibility of all who keep nonhuman primates to ensure that http://books.nap.edu/html/primates/ | |
48. Primate Links INDEX. general Primate Info Organizations MultiMedia Primatologists general LinksEvolution and Genetics Specific primates Research Cognition primates in Zoos http://veederandld.20m.com/primates.html | |
49. Common Marmoset: General Information THE COMMON MARMOSET Callithrix jacchus. general Information. The common marmosetbelongs to a family of primates popularly called the Callitrichids. http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/marmoset/marm2.html | |
50. Conservation Conservation. general Information. Biodiversity. Bushmeat Trade Threatens primates;CITES Bushmeat; European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Bushmeat Campaign; http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/conservation/conserv.html | |
51. Primates - Order Primates Black Colobus Colobus satanas; general Info on Colobus Monkeys ZooNet Endangered Grey-cheekedMangabey - Lophocebus albigena The African primates at Home Home http://www.animalomnibus.com/primates.htm | |
52. BIOLOGY OF NONHUMAN PRIMATES The reproductive cycle of nonhuman primates and the seasonality with which it In general,female callitrichids do not exhibit any obvious external changes that http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/uac/notes/classes/primatebiology/biology_of_nonhuman | |
53. VSC 443/543 (U Of A) Biology Of Nonhuman Primates that have been established as the principal new world laboratory primates are relatively researchand a species with potential as a general laboratory primate. http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/uac/notes/classes/primatebiology/primatesbiology.htm | |
54. Primates As Laboratory Animals primates as laboratory animals Laboratory Animals primates Life Sciences Biology - general Medical / Nursing Medical Veterinary Medicine http://topics.practical.org/browse/Primates_as_laboratory_animals | |
55. Barbary Apes -- General Info Barbary Apes general Information. http://www.spca.bc.ca/primates/barbary.htm | |
56. Robinson Consecration Proceeds Despite Anglican Primates' The statement came after the primates of the Anglican Communion had met in addressthe confirmation of Robinson by the Episcopal Church s general Convention in http://www.westtexasonline.org/churchnews/robinson.htm | |
57. JW (General) -- Sign In Summary and Comment. Parthenogenesis Creates Embryonic Stem Cells in primates. Source.Cibelli JB et al. Parthenogenetic stem cells in nonhuman primates. http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2002/301/4 | |
58. A Suggested Response To The Primates Meeting Do justice. A series of essays toward general Convention 2003 and beyond.A Suggested Response to the primates Meeting. by The Rev. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~lcrew/dojustice/j129.html | |
59. California National Primate Research Center The Education Outreach Program (EOP) was developed to introduce K6 studentsto non-human primates, general science concepts, animals in research, and http://www.crprc.ucdavis.edu/pages/eop/eop.html | |
60. General Information tissue specificity, protein expression, scaleup, vaccine formulation, antagonistscreening and selection, and fertility testing in small animals and primates. http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/crcrh/general.cfm | |
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