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41. BBC - Science & Nature - Conservation - Primates They are threatened by habitat loss and are hunted for food throughout much of theirrange. The top 10 most endangered primates are the Greater bamboo lemur http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/conservation/primates/intro.shtml | |
42. VayuLila.com - ECO-nexus [Endangered Species] primates in the world. Over 100 species, approaching half of all primates,are threatened or endangered. The tropical forests where http://www.vayulila.com/ECO-nexus/Endangered.html | |
43. UF Smathers Libraries Subject Guide: Endangered Species Rare and endangered Biota of Florida MSL Ref QL84.22.F6.R37; threatened of Africaand Related Islands MSL Ref QL692.A1.C65; threatened primates of Africa http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/msl/endspec.html | |
44. Endangered & Threatened Animals Of North America - Art.com, Posters, Prints And primates. Rabbits. Raccoon. Reptiles Amphibians. Rhinoceros. Wild Cats. Wolves.Zebras. endangered threatened Animals of North America. Size 24 x 36 inches. http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/ui--21181BBD70BF4036807D4FBE62737E99/PD--1012086 | |
45. IPS 2004 25 Most Endangered Species International and the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, entitled ÂThe WorldÂsTop 25 Most endangered primates a list of threatened prosimians, monkeys http://www.ips2004.unito.it/mostend.html | |
46. [enviro-vlc] One In Every Three Primates Now Threatened With Extinction Indonesian Nature Conservation List 9. One in every three primates now threatenedwith extinction New report on 25 most endangered primates documents increased http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/envirovlc/092002/post9.htm | |
47. Endangered Primates : Order Primates : Subclass Placental Mammals primates are also threatened by collection for the Convention on International Tradein endangered Species of forbids the export of many primates, although not http://www.bioproject.info/Subclass_Placental_mammals/Order_primates/Endangered_ | |
48. Link-bibliography-ateles endangered and threatened Wildlife and Living New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini) withan Introduction to primates, Vol 1. University of Chicago Press, Chicago http://spidermonkey.zoodoue.fr/Link-bibliography.htm | |
49. Endangered Species specific animals or plants (ie, parrots, cetaceans, primates), and are controlsover trade in certain species of endangered and threatened wildlife and http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Endangered/esII.html | |
50. Scientific Alliance - Challenging And Informed Scientific Debate One in Every Three primates Now threatened with Extinction apes, monkeys, lemurs andother primates, with one in every three now endangered with extinction http://www.scientific-alliance.com/news_archives/biodiversity/everythreeprimates | |
51. World Species List - Endangered, Expanded Index Databases animals mammals,primates,whales,marsupials,ungulates,endangered checklist Argentia plantsmacrolichens, endangered, threatened checklist University of Oslo, NO http://species.enviroweb.org/oes.html | |
52. CBC News:Great Apes Among Species Threatened By Extinction: Red List The World Conservation Union s (IUCN) 2002 Red List of threatened Species liststhe world s 25 most endangered primates and more than 11,000 other plants and http://cbc.ca/storyview/CBC/2002/10/08/endangered021008 | |
53. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, And Rece Thornback, and EL Bennett 1988 threatened primates of Africa problems facing allnonhuman primates in Africa Loginov, O. 1995 Elusive and endangered the Snow http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp6.htm | |
54. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: GENERAL List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, gov/wildlife.html(The official US List of endangered and threatened Wildlife Apesin Captivity; Vol.17, 20, 24/25, Breeding endangered Species in 36, primates. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp1.htm | |
55. Earth Changes TV - Experts Say 138 World Primate Species Endangered species are endangered, according to an analysis by the World Conservation Union,a group made up of 10,000 scientists. Among the threatened primates are the http://www.earthchangestv.com/biology/0512experts.htm | |
56. Why Are Baboons Vermin? Text and Images Copyright 2003 Charles F. Cooper. threatened, endangered,and Vermin. Of all the primates, baboons have certainly gotten a bad rap. http://members.aol.com/Toonsamples/baboons.html | |
57. Most Endangered Great Ape Threatened 1973 WORKING TO PROTECT GIBBONS AND ALL LIVING primates Urgent Action Alert Immediate Action Needed! Most endangered Great Ape threatened November 2002. http://www.ippl.org/01-03-19c.html | |
58. Peopleandplanet.net > Biodiversity > Newsfile > Action Needed To Combat Global E Since the last assessment in 1996, the number of Critically endangered primates hasincreased from 13 to 19, and the number of threatened albatross species has http://www.peopleandplanet.net/doc.php?id=915 |
59. Friends Of Washoe - "Next Of Kin" - Excerpts - Origins AESOP Project - Allied Effort to Save Other primates is an appropriate solutionsto the commercial exploitation of endangered and threatened species. http://friendsofwashoe.org/links.htm | |
60. EnvironmentNEPAL - BIODIVERSITY are extremely vulnerable with many threatened fish, reptile The species raised toÂcritically endangered  the closest NEW primates REPORT The number of http://www.environmentnepal.com.np/biodiversity_m.asp?id=25 |
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