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21. Endangered Species - RedJellyfish.com the very survival of other primate species is threatened due to habitat loss andhuman predation. Nearly half of all primates are endangered species according http://www.redjellyfish.com/wildlife/species.html | |
22. Extinction Risk For 1 In 3 Primates, Study Says in any of the represented countries can lead to the rapid decline of any of the195 species threatened with extinction. . The Top 25 Most endangered primates http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/10/1008_021008_primates.html | |
23. Giant Catfish Critically Endangered, Group Says now includes 12,259 species threatened with extinction into the Critically endangered,endangered, or Vulnerable catfish, three Neotropical primates, and six http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/11/1118_031118_giantcatfish.html | |
24. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT UPON THE RESCUE OF ENDANGERED PRIMATES OF THE SOCIALIST established to maintain small captive populations of endangered primates whose wild studiesof remaining wild populations and their threatened tropical forest http://www.novexcn.com/viet_rescu_endang_primates.html | |
25. The Atlas Of Endangered Species - Earthscan Environmental Books IV endangered Animals and Plants primates Big cats Part V endangered Birds Birds Birdsof prey Tables Protected ecosystems and biodiversity threatened species. http://www.earthscan.co.uk/asp/bookdetails.asp?key=3601 |
26. Galago endangered AND threatened primates from the International Union for Conservationof Nature and Natural Resources, Cambridge, UK 1994 Red List of threatened http://www.snowcrest.net/goehring/a2/primates/galago.htm | |
27. ENDANGERED AND THREATENED PRIMATES [Source 1994 IUCN Red List Of endangered AND threatened primates Source 1994 IUCN Red List of threatenedAnimals. International Union for Conservation of Nature http://staff.washington.edu/timk/cyto/text/iucn_redlist.txt | |
28. Primate Cytogenetics Network IUCN Redlist endangered and threatened primates; Living Species of primates;1996 IUCN Redlist of threatened Animals - Searchable database. http://staff.washington.edu/timk/cyto/ | |
29. Macaca Fascicularis Status .. CITES Appendix I; US ESA - endangered; IUCN - Lower risknear threatened. Loridae Total number of primates listed 31. http://users.bart.nl/~edcolijn/primates.html |
30. Other Services Research Center Duke University Primate Center North Carolina Ethogramsinventoriesof primate behavioral patterns endangered and threatened primates HUMBIOL http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/fauna/sisavci/sisdrugi.htm |
31. CITES Appendices - Primates Trade in endangered Species CITES primates. As of 02/04/1977, all nonhuman primateswere listed as CITES Appendix II (vulnerable to being threatened with http://www.aesop-project.org/Primate_Trade/CITES_Convention_Text.htm | |
32. PRIMATES CITES Appendix I; US ESA - endangered; IUCN - Lower risk CITES - Appendix II;IUCN - Lower risk near threatened as T Total number of primates listed 32. http://www.nature-conservation.or.id/primates.html | |
33. World Animal Foundation educate their workers about the importance of protecting primates and other urge Cameroonto prohibit the hunting of endangered and threatened wildlife for http://worldanimalfoundation.homestead.com/WAFBushmeat.html | |
34. Orangutans Online lemurs and other primates are now threatened with extinction The report notes thatprimate species and subspecies classified as endangered or critically http://www.orangutansonline.com/articles/article124.htm | |
35. Biology 130: Biodiversity, July 1 species, 5,611 plant species a. 24% of mammal species threatened (169 Criticallyendangered, 315 endangered, 612 Vulnerable) (primates 19 CE, 46 E, 51 V) b. 12 http://web.bio.utk.edu/guffey/sg13002/Lectures/July1.html | |
36. One In Three Primates Face Extinction Union, shows that one in three primates are threatened with extinction. The report,ÂThe WorldÂs top 25 Most endangered primates  2002 highlights a http://www.talkwildlife.citymax.com/page/page/229673.htm | |
37. WWF | Wildlife Trade | Primate Trade in the late 1980s, changing its listing under the US endangered Species Act from threatened to endangered. Today the vast majority of primates used in http://www.worldwildlife.org/trade/faqs_primate.cfm | |
38. Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Natural Resources, Community-based Conservation, India Since the last assessment of globally threatened species in 1996, the numberof Critically endangered primates has increased from 13 to 19. http://www.teriin.org/biodiv/biodiv.htm | |
39. About Primates Over 40% of the 234 primate species are threatened with extinction. 13 of thesespecies are critically endangered which means they will disappear within the http://www.primate.org/about.htm |
40. Links Sadly this maybe the first of many primates species we will never know we must dobetter for the other more then 100 threatened and endangered monkeys and http://www.primate.org/links.htm |
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