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Presidential Sites American History: more detail | |||||
21. Untitled Document Past Inaugural Addresses. presidential Libraries. CNN.com IsraeliPalestine LinksA list of about 20 key Web sites. american Journalism Historians Assn. http://www.journaliststoolbox.com/newswriting/history.html |
22. Washingtonpost.com: Entertainment Guide forward, there are numerous presidential sites and scenes and attractions offer presidentialinsights for the National Museum of american history, the newest http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/entertainment/features/inauguration/preside | |
23. History Hotline - American History, World History, The Past, Historical Document The sites listed are safe for all ages to view States history, and famous speechesand presidential inaugural addresses CAP/SAM/home.htm The american symbol, its http://www.historyhotline.com/ | |
24. American History any, described or offered by these web sites. historical documents that makes Americaso great Codification of presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders http://www.lacrosselibrary.org/reference/americanhistory.htm | |
25. Useful Links To Web Sites On American Studies in the current round of primaries for the 2000 presidential election. and links toa vast number of sites dealing with many aspects of american history. http://www.americansc.org.uk/links.htm | |
26. Internet Guide - History & Genealogy US history. Archives of american Public Address Review speeches and related cabinetmembers, presidency highlights and links to other presidential sites. http://www.lapl.org/inet/history.html | |
27. Presidential History ON THE american LOCAL history NETWORK My name is Susan Cook and I am your hostfor the presidential history Homepage. There are many wonderful sites on the http://www.usgennet.org/~alhnilus/AZfiles/prez.html | |
28. American Experience | The Presidents | Introduction To The Series | PBS see the drama of contemporary american history war, economic a unprecedented examinationof America in the such as links to presidential sites, a detailed http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/presidents/intro.html | |
29. U.S. Presidency The american Experience The Presidents Includes biographies, autobiographies, andother documents or web sites. online catalog of presidential biographies and http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/presidency.html | |
30. White House Studies : Abraham Lincoln Historic Digitization Project. (Features: (Features presidential sites ). materials, primary source, abraham lincoln, lincoln,digitization project, northern illinois, american history, illinois state http://static.highbeam.com/w/whitehousestudies/january012002/abrahamlincolnhisto | |
31. Sites, Museums Boast Deep History Of Influential American Figures sites, museums boast deep history of influential Park, Dutchess County, featureshis presidential Library and the most famous First Lady in american history. http://cityguide.pojonews.com/fe/Heritage/stories/he_hudson_valley_museums.asp | |
32. American Studies list of links from a middle school american history sites can be searched by MajorSubject Directories, Historical Documents and presidential Speeches, or | |
33. Fact Sheet: We The People Forum On American History, Civics, And Service Landmarks of american history will support summer enrichment programs for teachersat important historical sites across the nation, such as presidential homes http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/05/20030501-5.html | |
34. Teaching US History - United States History Teaching Resources - Academic Info such as links to presidential sites, a detailed for each of the featured presidents,which provides insights into topics in american history including women s http://www.academicinfo.net/histusteach.html | |
35. Vermont Presidential Sites - Www.HistoricVermont.org in american history, this event occurred by the light of a kerosene lamp in theold family homestead on August 3, 1923 at 247 am One year later, President http://www.dhca.state.vt.us/HistoricSites/html/uspres.html | |
36. Resources For History audio and video files, and other presidential sites. prints commenting on US presidentialelections between Southeastern Native american Documents, 17301842. http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/history.html | |
37. American Presidents: Life Portraits his justcompleted tour of presidential grave sites I hadn t found my own hookÂhistory.Taking on a grave site tour personalized american history and gave me http://www.americanpresidents.org/places/chitrib_vp.asp | |
38. American Presidents: Life Portraits Gerard W. Gawalt, an american history Specialist in Richard Norton Smith on americanPresidents Watch. Michael Beschloss at the presidential sites Conference 37 http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/yearschedule.asp | |
39. OPLIN History American History President S Day Links system, a list of Web sites, and contact the Presidency, and the american politicalsystem. presidential Museum http//www.oneandonlypresidentialmuseum.com/ In http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=11-60-453 |
40. Nha-announce: Feb-3-2003 of american history, in support of summer enrichment programs for teachers atimportant historical sites around the nation, such as presidential homes http://www.nhalliance.org/news/2003/02-05-03.html |
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