Shirley's Early Education Station Hello Developmental Milestones No two children a alike. Every child is unique in both physiology and personality. However, certain characteristics may be observed at specific ages that are common in most children. In order to understand child development and be better able to help the children in your care, researchers have listed the developmental milestones for children of different ages. To see them click the links below: Three year olds Four year olds Five year olds The Enriched Environment Just as seedlings need sunshine, rain and an enriched soil to grow into strong vigorous and productive plants, so too young children need an environment conducive to proper physical and cognitive growth. While I can't stress enough the importance of an enriched environment, it is not a complicated thing. There is no need for parents to run out and buy all the latest educational toys, early reading programs or educational software. Children have been doing quite well for centuries without those things. There were no Suzuki programs when Mozart was a child, no computer math programs when Einstein was a tot and no commercial phonics programs when Shakespeare was growing up and history gave them all a good report. What then, you may ask IS an enriched environment? Click the link below to see how you as a teacher or parent can provide an quality environment for your child or pupil. Tips for Creating an Enriched Environment Learning Tools for Young Children | |